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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Collaboration
10g Release 3 (

Part Number E12891-02
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5 Integrating Oracle WebCenter Collaboration

This chapter describes the features that let you use Oracle WebCenter Collaboration with the Microsoft Windows desktop, back-end groupware server, and Microsoft Project. This helps users work more efficiently by integrating Oracle WebCenter Collaboration into a single work environment. It includes the following sections:

Integrating Oracle WebCenter Collaboration and the Desktop

This section describes the configuration and administration of Oracle WebCenter Collaboration features that provide integration with the Microsoft Windows desktop. It includes the following sections:

Overview of WebDAV Protocol

Oracle WebCenter Collaboration's desktop integration features require the Web-Based Document Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) protocol. WebDAV is an extension to the HTTP protocol. During installation, the Oracle WebCenter Collaboration installer lets you install and configure a WebDAV service.

Configuring Web Folders

Oracle WebCenter Collaboration lets users manage Oracle WebCenter Collaboration documents directly from their desktop using Microsoft Windows Explorer. After mapping a Web folder, users can access, edit, and share documents in an Oracle WebCenter Collaboration project or create new Oracle WebCenter Collaboration projects. The Web Folder Settings page in Collaboration Settings lets users select the projects whose documents they want to access with Microsoft Windows Explorer.

Documents opened through Windows Explorer are automatically opened in edit mode and checked out in Oracle WebCenter Collaboration. This helps users work more efficiently by removing the need to check out and download the document. All security and version control operations are performed by Oracle WebCenter Collaboration.

Adding Activity Rights

To map a Web folder to Oracle WebCenter Collaboration, users must belong to a group that is granted the Bulk Upload to Collaboration activity right. This activity right also lets users employ the Bulk Upload feature.

To add this activity right to a group:

  1. Click the Administration tab.

  2. From the Select Utilities menu, select Activity Manager.

  3. Click Bulk Upload to Collaboration.

  4. Click Add Group.

  5. Select the groups you want to have this activity right.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click Finish.

For more information on managing activity rights, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction.

Using IIS with Web Folders

If you are using the Map a Web Folder feature when the portal is deployed on IIS, you must ensure that the FrontPage server extensions are disabled (if they are installed) and that WebDAV is prohibited on the IIS Web site where the portal is deployed.

  1. In Windows, from the Start menu, select All Programs, Administrative Tools, Internet Information Services.

  2. In the navigation tree, display the local computer list, then display the Web sites list.

  3. Right-click the Web site used by the portal.

  4. Select Properties.

  5. If you have installed the FrontPage Server Extensions you see the Server Extensions tab. Click the tab and ensure that the Enable authoring check box is not selected. If it is selected, clear the check box. Click OK to close the properties dialog box.


    If you did not install the optional FrontPage Server Extensions when you installed IIS, the Server Extensions tab does not appear.
  6. In the local computer tree, select Web Service Extensions.

  7. In the Web Service Extensions pane, select WebDAV, then click Prohibit.

Making the Collaboration Office Tools Add-In Installer Available to End Users

The Collaboration Office Tools Add-In lets end users choose from several check-in options and type additional check-in comments. The Add-In dialog appears after users edit and close a document either from WebEdit or within the Web folder on their personal computer.

The Collaboration Office Tools Add-In must be installed on the computer of each user who may want to use the Add-In. WebEdit, however, still functions correctly without the installation of the Add-In. You can either push out the Add-In's installer to your users or have them download it.

To push out the installer to end users, use the file appropriate to your language:

All .exe files are located in:


To make the installer available to be downloaded by end users, set the installOfficeToolsPopUp enabled parameter in config.xml to yes.

Mapping Web Folders

This section describes how to map a Web folder. You should test these procedures before rolling out a production version of Oracle WebCenter Collaboration.

The Map a Web Folder feature allows a user to map a Network Place on their personal computer running Microsoft Windows to the document hierarchy in Oracle WebCenter Collaboration. This allows the user to view the document hierarchy using Windows Explorer. Folders and files on Oracle WebCenter Collaboration appear as directories and files in Explorer.


Mapped Web folders should not contain Windows folders whose names include the # or : characters. Windows folder names that include these characters appear incorrectly within Oracle WebCenter Collaboration projects.


When you move a Windows folder within a project subfolder, a Windows dialog prompts you to confirm whether you want to delete the folder. Click Yes. The folder is moved to the desired location, even though a message appears that Windows cannot delete the folder. This is expected Windows behavior.

To map a Web folder in Windows XP or Windows 2003:

  1. In the portal, click My Account.

  2. Click Collaboration Settings.

  3. Under Settings on the left, click Web Folders.

  4. Copy the URL in the Web Folder Location box.

  5. Open My Network Places on your desktop.

  6. Double-click Add Network Place.

    The Add Network Place Wizard appears.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Select Choose another network location.

  9. In the Internet or network address box, paste the URL, then click Next.

  10. If prompted, enter your name and password, then click OK.

  11. In the Type a name for this network place box, type a name, then click Finish.

    A new network place is created and Oracle WebCenter Collaboration is mapped on Windows Explorer.

To map a Web Folder in Microsoft Vista:

  1. In the portal, click My Account.

  2. Click Collaboration Settings.

  3. Under Settings on the left, click Web Folders.

  4. Copy the URL in the Web Folder Location box.

  5. Open Map Network Drive on your desktop.

  6. Click Connect to a Web site that you can use to store your documents and pictures.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Select Choose a custom network location, then click Next.

  9. In the Internet or network address box, paste the URL; then click Next.

  10. If prompted, enter your name and password, then click Next.

  11. In the Type a name for this network place box, type a name, then click Next.

  12. Click Finish.

    A new network place is created and Oracle WebCenter Collaboration is mapped on Windows Explorer.

Working with Web Folder Configuration File Settings

This section explains the configuration file settings for the Web Folder feature.

Table 5-1 config.xml Nodes for Web Folder Feature

Node Description


Enables or disables the use of WebDAV. Valid values are:

yes: Causes Oracle WebCenter Collaboration to accept WebDAV requests. This is the default.

no: Causes Oracle WebCenter Collaboration to reject WebDAV requests.


Enables or disables WebDAV communication between Windows Explorer and Oracle WebCenter Collaboration. Valid values are true and false.


Controls how Oracle WebCenter Collaboration displays the New | Web Folder dialog in the Documents tab. Valid values are:

yes: Displays the Web Folder dialog box. This is the default.

no: Does not display the Web Folder dialog box.


Determines whether the Web Folder dialog box displays instructions for mapping a gatewayed network drive.

Valid values are:

no: Cause the Web Folder dialog to display information for mapping between Windows Explorer and Oracle WebCenter Collaboration through the gateway. This is the default.

yes: Causes the Web Folder dialog to display information for mapping directly between Windows Explorer and Oracle WebCenter Collaboration.

Note: If the connection between Windows Explorer and Oracle WebCenter Collaboration is gatewayed, this instance of Oracle WebCenter Collaboration continues to function as the WebDAV service. Therefore, this instance of config.xml must have fullWebDAVAccessToThisServer.enabled set to true and fullWebDAVAccessToThisServer.requestsAreGatewayed set to true.


Provides the base URL to Oracle WebCenter Collaboration that acts as the WebDAV service if Oracle WebCenter Collaboration is configured to communicate directly with Windows Explorer.

Following is an example of the Web Folder section of config.xml:

  <fullWebDAVAccessToThisServer enabled="yes">
  <uiDisplaysServerConfigInfo enabled="yes">
    <useNonGatewayedURL enabled="yes">

Configuring WebEdit

WebEdit lets Oracle WebCenter Collaboration users directly edit Microsoft Office documents on their desktop. Users can edit a document directly without having to explicitly check out and download the document to their computer. Oracle WebCenter Collaboration handles the process of checkouts and security.

Users must be running Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or above.

When the Office Task Pane feature is enabled, clicking the WebEdit button lets users access key Oracle WebCenter Collaboration project features directly from their Microsoft Office documents. For more detailed end user information, see Oracle WebCenter Collaboration Online Help. For configuration information, see Configuring the Office Task Pane Feature.

Using IIS with WebEdit

If you are using the WebEdit feature when the portal is deployed on IIS, you must ensure the Front Page server extensions are disabled on the IIS Web site where the portal is deployed.

  1. In Windows, from the Start menu, select All Programs, Administrative Tools, Internet Information Services.

  2. Right-click the Web site used by the portal.

  3. Select Properties.

  4. Select the Server Extensions tab.

    If you receive a message stating that the server has not been configured to use server extensions, then IIS is configured correctly.

    If the Enable authoring check box exists, ensure that it is not checked.

Working with WebEdit Configuration File Settings

This section explains the configuration file settings for the WebEdit feature.


The following nodes and attributes are located in config.xml.

Table 5-2 config.xml Nodes for WebEdit Feature

Node or Attribute Description


Enables or disables WebEdit. Valid values are yes and no.


Determines if HTTP communication between Microsoft Office and Oracle WebCenter Collaboration is gatewayed through the portal. Valid values are:

yes: HTTP communication is gatewayed through the portal. This is the default.

no: HTTP communication is not gatewayed through the portal.


The base URL Microsoft Word uses to communicate with Oracle WebCenter Collaboration. This attribute is used if enable is set to true.



Determines if token-based authentication is used. In a normal Oracle WebCenter Collaboration implementation, there is no need to change these values. Valid values are:

true: Enables token-based authentication. This is the default.

false: Disables token-based authentication. This setting can only be used when HTTP communication is gatewayed and some other authentication method is being used.


Controls the use of message clustering (also known as load balancing) with token-based authentication. Valid values are:

yes: Enables message clustering. This is the default.

no: Disables message clustering. This setting should only be used when message clustering is not required and would degrade performance.

Note: This setting has no effect if general clustering functionality has been disabled for Oracle WebCenter Collaboration. Therefore we recommend that you always enable useClustering.


Determines how long Oracle WebCenter Collaboration waits for a response from other servers in the cluster. This setting is applicable only if token-based authentication and message clustering/load balancing are enabled.

Default: 30


The number of characters that are allowed in the file name displayed in WebDAV before the characters are truncated.


Specifies the class ID of the COM object.

Note: This value should not be modified.


Specifies the name of the distribution file and information about the component.

Note: This value should not be modified unless a more recent version of the object needs to be deployed.

installOfficeToolsPopUp enabled

Enables or disables the Collaboration Office Tools Add-In installer. Valid values are yes and no.

Following is an example of the WebEdit section of config.xml:

<webEdit enabled="yes">
  <nonGatewayedAccess enabled="no">
  <tokenBasedAuthentication enabled="true">
    <useClustering enabled="yes">
<installOfficeToolsPopUp enabled="yes" />


The following configuration nodes and attributes are located in filetypes.xml:

Table 5-3 filetypes.xml Nodes

Node or Attribute Description


Specifies whether this type of file is WebEditable. Unless serious modifications are made to the code, only Microsoft Office applications are WebEditable. Valid values are yes and no.


Represents the application that opens the document in a WebEdit session. Valid values are:

  • 1 (for Microsoft Word)

  • 2 (for Microsoft Excel)

  • 3 (for Microsoft PowerPoint)

Following is an example of the WebEdit section of filetypes.xml:

<webEdit enabled="yes">

Integrating Oracle WebCenter Collaboration and Groupware

Oracle WebCenter Collaboration lets you integrate back-end groupware servers. The Groupware Integration feature lets users:

Back-end groupware connections are configured by Oracle WebCenter Collaboration administrators. If no groupware server is configured, no Groupware Integration functionality is available to end users.

The following groupware servers are supported:

Performing Basic Groupware Integration Tasks

This section describes the basic configuration required for enabling groupware integration. Groupware integration tasks include the following procedures:

This section describes how to enable groupware integration and set up user accounts. See Configuring Groupware Servers for details on configuring groupware servers.

Enabling Groupware Integration

This section describes how to use Oracle WebCenter Configuration Manager to enable groupware integration.


Groupware integration is disabled by default. Do not enable groupware integration until you have configured your back-end servers. This prevents the integration-related graphical user interface elements from appearing to end users.

To enable groupware integration:

  1. Launch Oracle WebCenter Configuration Manager.

  2. In the application list on the left, under Collaboration, click Groupware.

  3. Under Enable Groupware with Collaboration, select Enabled.

  4. Under General Groupware, select the type of groupware server you are using.

  5. In the Server URL box, type the SOAP Server URL of the groupware server.

  6. Click SAVE.

For more information on these fields and config.xml, see Working With Auto-Synchronization.

Setting Up User Accounts for Groupware Integration

In order to use groupware integration, each user must perform the following steps to configure their account:

  1. Log in to the portal.

  2. Click My Account.

  3. Click Collaboration Settings.

  4. Click Calendar Synchronization.

  5. Enter the required account information.

  6. Click Finish.

Working With Auto-Synchronization

Oracle WebCenter Collaboration can perform automatic synchronization between groupware and Oracle WebCenter Collaboration calendars for individual users. When groupware appointments are imported or calendar items are exported, Oracle WebCenter Collaboration creates a link between them and updates the entries on the groupware server if they are different from the Oracle WebCenter Collaboration calendar entries.

Users can manually synchronize the groupware and calendar entries using the Synchronize button on the calendar toolbar. Oracle WebCenter Collaboration administrators can also enable automatic synchronization by setting the calendarAutoSynch element to yes. After this feature is enabled, users can specify which calendar items are auto-synchronized from the My Account page.

When automatic synchronization is enabled, Oracle WebCenter Collaboration runs a nightly process to update the specified entries for each user.


For Microsoft Exchange, the speed at which users' free/busy information is updated to the groupware server and made available to the Oracle WebCenter Collaboration calendars is dependent on the interval that the user sets in their Microsoft Exchange calendar's free/busy options.

Limiting Attachment Size

Oracle WebCenter Collaboration administrators can set a size limit on the attachments each appointment or meeting request can have. This limit applies to the total size of all attachments, not individual attachments. When the total size of the attachments exceeds the size limit, a warning is displayed and the upload process is canceled.

Working with Groupware Integration Configuration File Settings

This section describes the settings for groupware integration contained in config.xml. Enable or disable groupware integration and configure groupware server settings using Oracle WebCenter Configuration Manager.

Table 5-4 config.xml Nodes for Groupware Integration

Node or Attribute Description


Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that Oracle WebCenter Collaboration waits for responses from the SOAP server. If the SOAP server does not respond in this amount of time, the current operation is aborted and an exception is returned.

Note: Due to the performance constraints and the fact that large attachments might be transferred between Oracle WebCenter Collaboration through Exchange, the attribute should be set to a value greater than 10000 (10 seconds).


Specifies the cache time-out period, in seconds, for groupware items on the My Calendar portlet. When the My Calendar portlet is refreshed, Oracle WebCenter Collaboration checks if the current items have timed out. If they have, Oracle WebCenter Collaboration retrieves the entries from the back-end server. Otherwise, the entries are retrieved from memory.


The maximum number of returned addresses from the address search operation.


The maximum attachment file size, in kilobytes, that a meeting request or appointment can contain.

Note: This limit is the total file size of all attachments an item can have.


The following values are supported:

yes: Enables automatic synchronization between a user's project calendar and their Exchange or Notes calendar.

no: Disables automatic synchronization between a user's project calendar and their Exchange or Notes calendar.


The range of months auto-synchronization covers, starting from the current month.


This node is used to configure settings to let users send an e-mail directly to a project from their groupware.

Following is an example of the groupware integration section of config.xml:

<groupware enabled="yes" type="exchange">
  <soapServerURL timeoutInMiliSecond="10000">http://server.</soapServerURL>
  <calendarAutoSynch enabled="yes">

Integrating Oracle WebCenter Collaboration and Instant Messaging

The Instant Messaging feature allows users who have been assigned the Ability to View Instant Messaging Presence activity right to see which project collaborators are currently logged in to their Yahoo! Instant Messaging client. For details on assigning activity rights to users, see Granting Activity Rights to Users.

To integrate Yahoo! Instant Messaging with Oracle WebCenter Collaboration complete the following procedures:

Enabling Instant Messaging Integration

This section describes how to use Oracle WebCenter Configuration Manager to enable instant messaging integration.

To enable instant messenger integration:

  1. Launch Oracle WebCenter Configuration Manager.

  2. In the application list on the left, under Collaboration, click Collaboration Settings.

  3. Under Enable Instant Messaging, select Enabled.

  4. Click SAVE.

Configuring Instant Messaging in config.xml

This section describes the configuration file settings for instant messaging integration in config.xml.

Table 5-5 config.xml Nodes for Instant Messaging Integration

Node or Attribute Description


This node returns an image to indicate whether the user is online or not.


This node includes the URL from which messages are sent. The $user variable includes the e-mail address of the individual user.


This node includes the URL at which messages can be received. The $user variable includes the e-mail address of the individual user.


This node includes the number of seconds between presence polls.

Setting Up the IM Handle Property

If your users are required to have an IM handle value that is different than their e-mail address, follow this procedure to create the IM Handle property and add the property to the portal's General Information page for each user profile. After you have added this property, you can add each user's IM handle to their user profile; you can also have each user perform this task on their own.

  1. Log in to the portal as the Administrator.

  2. Click Administration.

  3. Open the Administrative Resources folder.

  4. From the Create Object drop-down list, choose Property.

  5. On the Main Settings page, leave the default values and selections.

  6. Click Finish.

    The Save Object dialog box appears.

  7. Ensure that the Administrative Resources folder is selected and name the object IM Handle.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Click Close.

  10. You are returned to the Administrative Resources folder.

  11. From the Select Utility drop-down list, choose Global Object Property Map.

  12. On the Main Page, click Edit for the User object.

  13. In the Choose Property dialog box, select the IM Handle property, then click OK.

    You are returned to the Main Page.

  14. Click Finish.

  15. From the Select Utility drop-down list, choose User Profile Manager.

  16. Under Edit Object Settings, click the User Information - Property Map link.

  17. If the IMUser user information attribute is assigned to the Email Address property, perform the following in sequence:

    1. Click Edit for the property.

    2. Delete IMUser, along with the comma that precedes it.

      Do not delete any other user information attributes that are assigned to the Email Address property.

    3. Click Edit for the Email Address property to return it to a non-editable state.

  18. Click Add.

  19. In the Choose Property dialog box, select the IM Handle property, then click OK.

    You are returned to the User Information - Property Map page.

  20. Click Edit for the IM Handle property.

  21. Delete IMHandle, then replace it with IMUser.

  22. Click Edit for the IM Handle property to return it to a non-editable state.

  23. Click Finish.

  24. Navigate to Administration | Portal Resources Folder.

  25. Click the Portlet link.

  26. Click the General Information portlet link.

  27. In the Edit Portlet: General Information page, click Edit.

    The User Profile Portlet Configuration dialog box appears.

  28. Click Add Property.

  29. Select the IM Handle property name, then click OK.

    You are returned to the User Profile Portlet Configuration dialog box.

  30. Click Finish.

    You are returned to the Edit Portlet: General Information page.

  31. Click Finish.

    You are returned to the Portal Resources Folder. The IM Handle property is added to the portal's user profile, General Information page.

Integrating Oracle WebCenter Collaboration and Oracle BPM

Oracle WebCenter Collaboration can be integrated with Oracle BPM, allowing users to attach an Oracle WebCenter Collaboration document to a WorkSpace process instance and then initiate the process from the document in the Oracle WebCenter Collaboration UI.

To enable Oracle BPM integration:

  1. Launch Oracle WebCenter Configuration Manager.

  2. In the application list on the left, under Collaboration, click Collaboration Settings.

  3. Under Enable ALBPM Integration, select Enabled.

  4. Click SAVE.

The following table describes the nodes in config.xml that are used to enable integration with Oracle BPM:

Table 5-6 config.xml nodes for Oracle BPM integration

Node or Attribute Description

ALIPIntegration enabled

This node is used to enable integration with Oracle BPM. Valid values are yes and no.


The UUID for the Process - Application portlet. By default, the value is E1F1B56E-0563-4397-9544-223AD1885C16. You do not need to change this value.

Only users with access to the Process - Application portlet are able to use the Initiate Process feature in Oracle WebCenter Collaboration.


Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that Oracle WebCenter Collaboration waits to receive the names of available processes from Oracle BPM. If Oracle WebCenter Collaboration does not receive these names in the specified amount of time, Oracle WebCenter Collaboration stops waiting for process names. By default, the value is 60000 (60 seconds).

Integrating Oracle WebCenter Collaboration and Pathways

Oracle WebCenter Collaboration can be integrated with Pathways, allowing users with the Access Pathways activity right to apply Pathways tags to Oracle WebCenter Collaboration objects so that they can be searched on and accessed from within the Pathways UI.

To enable Pathways integration:

  1. Launch Oracle WebCenter Configuration Manager.

  2. In the application list on the left, under Collaboration, click Pathways.

  3. Under Enable Pathways, select Enabled.

  4. Under Pathways Communication, type the URL to Pathways in the Pathways URL text box:

    1. From the Pathways Items or Pathways Users portlet click Display in Pathways.

    2. Copy URL from the Address field of the browser.

    3. Paste the URL in the Pathways URL text box.

  5. Click SAVE.

Integrating Oracle WebCenter Collaboration and Oracle WebCenter Analytics

Oracle WebCenter Collaboration can be integrated with Oracle WebCenter Analytics to send events to Oracle WebCenter Analytics as a user is browsing and using Oracle WebCenter Collaboration. This allows Oracle WebCenter Analytics to have an accurate event data collection at any given time.

To enable Oracle WebCenter Analytics integration:

  1. Launch Oracle WebCenter Configuration Manager.

  2. In the application list on the left, under Collaboration, click Analytics.

  3. Under Enable Analytics, select Enabled.

  4. Click SAVE.

For instructions on using the OpenUsage API to send Oracle WebCenter Collaboration events to Oracle WebCenter Analytics, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Analytics on the Oracle Technology Network in the Oracle WebCenter Analytics 10g Release 3 ( documentation set.

Configuring Microsoft Project Import

The following configuration parameters can be set to customize Microsoft Project imports:

Table 5-7 Configuration Parameters for Customizing Microsoft Project Imports

Node or Attribute Description


Contains parameters that are specific to Microsoft Project import.


The total number of tasks allowed in an import. The default is 1000.

Configuring E-mail a Project

This section describes how to configure the E-mail a Project feature. The E-mail a Project feature lets users:

This section discusses the following:


Groupware Integration is not necessary for users to employ the E-mail a Project feature. Groupware Integration is only necessary if users want to employ the capabilities that are described in Integrating Oracle WebCenter Collaboration and Groupware. Additionally, the Notification Service -- which is used to generate and send e-mail notifications from projects to users -- is not required to employ the E-mail a Project feature. However the E-mail a Project feature is less useful if the Notification Service is not running.

Performing a Basic Configuration

This section discusses how to configure E-mail a Project if you run your mail host and Oracle WebCenter Collaboration on separate computers.

To configure Oracle WebCenter Collaboration to use the E-mail a Project feature:

  • An IT or network operations employee at your organization needs to add a DNS MX (mail exchange) record that points to Oracle WebCenter Collaboration.

  • The users' e-mail address must be registered in their portal user profile.

    Either the administrator or user can perform this task. The e-mail address in the portal user profile must exactly match the user's e-mail address; this is case-sensitive.

  • (Optional) If you do not want to use the default values, you can configure the following nodes in the e-mail section of config.xml:

Table 5-8 config.xml Nodes for E-mail a Project Configuration

Node Description


The e-mail domain. For example: Most likely, you configured this node when you ran the Oracle WebCenter Collaboration Installer.


The number of socket handlers for incoming connections. The default value is 10.


The number of threads devoted to processing incoming e-mails. The default value is 5.


The maximum size of incoming e-mails. -1 indicates that Oracle WebCenter Collaboration does not perform size checks. When this is the case, the Oracle WebCenter Collaboration API enforces size limits for message bodies and files. The default value is -1.


The names or IP addresses of hosts, in a comma-delimited format, that are allowed to connect to the SMTP handler. We recommend creating this list of names to enforce security. See the config.xml file for an example of this list. The default value is *, which indicates no limit.


The time (in minutes) that an incoming connection can remain idle. The default value is 20.

Following is an example of the e-mail section in config.xml:

- <email enabled="@EMAIL_ENABLED@" port="25">


Example: Relaying E-mail to Oracle WebCenter Collaboration

If you run your e-mail host on the same computer as Oracle WebCenter Collaboration, you must configure your e-mail host to relay e-mail to Oracle WebCenter Collaboration. This section provides an example of configuring sendmail to relay e-mail to Oracle WebCenter Collaboration, which you can use as a guideline for configuring your own e-mail host.

In this example, Oracle WebCenter Collaboration uses port 2525 (by default, Oracle WebCenter Collaboration uses port 25, which is the same port that sendmail uses. For this reason, Oracle WebCenter Collaboration's port must be changed.)


The steps that are required for you to set up your e-mail host to relay mail to Oracle WebCenter Collaboration may differ than the example, depending on your production environment.


These prerequisites provide an example of the tasks that should be completed before configuring sendmail.

  1. The sendmail-cf rpm package must be installed. To determine if it is installed, run the following as root:

    rpm -qa | grep sendmail

    The return should appear as follows:

  2. Create a subzone/subdomain under your current domain. For example,

  3. Create a host entry that points to your Oracle WebCenter Collaboration server.

    MX    10
  4. Create a MX (mail exchange) record so that anything that gets sent to * goes to the host record that you just created:

    MX    10

    The value 10 in the above example represents the priority that allows you to have more MX records. It assures that e-mails go to the higher priority first.


    An alternative to Step 2 (above) is to specify mx 10 X.X.X.X under your subzone.

Configuring Sendmail

These instructions provide an example for configuring sendmail to relay incoming mail to Oracle WebCenter Collaboration:

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Stop the sendmail processes:

    /etc/rc.d/init.d/kudzu stop
    /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail stop
    /etc/rc.d/init.d/apmd stop
  3. Verify file “relay-domains” is in etc/mail.

    1. Add your domain:

      For example,

  4. Edit the etc/mail/access file.

    1. Add the following to the access file:

      To:    RELAY
      To:       RELAY
    2. From your terminal, rehash to update the access.db file:

      /usr/sbin/makemap hash /etc/mail/access.db < /etc/mail/access
  5. Edit the file to relay e-mails to Oracle WebCenter Collaboration using a different port.

    1. Add the following before the MAILER lines at end of the file:

      define(`confRELAY_MAILER', `esmtp')
      define(`RELAY_MAILER_ARGS', `TCP $h 2525')
    2. Look for the following line in the file:

      DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA')dnl

      Comment the above line out so that it appears as follows:

      dnl DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA')dnl
    3. In your terminal, type the following:

      m4 /etc/mail/ > /etc/mail/
  6. Edit the mailertable file as follows.

    1. Add the following to the mailertable file:

      For example:
    2. Then rehash to update the mailertable.db file by typing the following in your terminal:

      /usr/sbin/makemap hash /etc/mail/mailertable.db < /etc/mail/mailertable
  7. Start sendmail as follows:

    /etc/rc.d/init.d/apmd start
    /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail start
    /etc/rc.d/init.d/kudzu start
  8. Edit the Oracle WebCenter Collaboration config.xml file to enable e-mail and to use port 2525:

    email enabled="yes" port="2525"
  9. Restart Oracle WebCenter Collaboration.

    The collaboration.log file should show the E-mail Service has started on port 2525 with no errors.

  10. A Telnet to the computer port should return something similar to the following:

    220 Collaboration 10.3.0 Build:198844.20050824 0720.0 SMTP Server (Messaging Server) ready Wed, 24 Aug 2005 14:50:36 -0700 (PDT)

Working With Oracle WebCenter Collaboration E-mail Errors

If an error occurs when a user sends an e-mail to an Oracle WebCenter Collaboration project:

  • Oracle WebCenter Collaboration rejects the e-mail and does not reply with an error notification if it cannot verify:

    • The identification of the user who sent the e-mail.

    • The format of the e-mail address.

  • Oracle WebCenter Collaboration replies with an error notification if it can verify:

    • The identification of the user who sent the e-mail.

    • The format of the e-mail address.

If Oracle WebCenter Collaboration is down, the mail server queues the e-mail and attempts redelivery a few times before quitting. Oracle WebCenter Collaboration sends an error e-mail to the user who sent the e-mail, then redelivers the e-mail when Oracle WebCenter Collaboration is back up.

Configuring the Office Task Pane Feature

When the Office Task Pane feature is enabled, clicking the WebEdit button lets users access key Oracle WebCenter Collaboration project features directly from their Microsoft Office documents. For more detailed end user information, see Oracle WebCenter Collaboration Online Help.


When the Office task Pane is enabled, some of its features are not functional because they do not serve a purpose in Oracle WebCenter Collaboration. Due to compatibility issues between Oracle and Microsoft products, some non-functioning features are grayed out, while others can be clicked on but serve no purpose.

To configure the Office Task Pane feature, you must perform the following:

Ensuring that the Office Task Pane Feature is Enabled in Oracle WebCenter Configuration Manager

By default, the Office Task Pane is disabled in Oracle WebCenter Configuration Manager. To ensure that the Office Task Pane feature is enabled, launch Oracle WebCenter Configuration Manager. If you change the setting, restart Collaboration.

  1. Launch Oracle WebCenter Configuration Manager.

  2. Navigate to Collaboration: Collaboration Settings.

  3. Under Enable Office Task Pane for WebEdit, ensure that Enabled is selected.

Configuring Your Application Server for Office Task Pane Integration

Perform the procedure that is appropriate to your application server:

Configuring Tomcat for Office Task Pane Integration

To configure Tomcat to work with the Office Task Pane, you must specify the root web application on Tomcat. To do so:

  1. On the computer on which Oracle WebCenter Interaction is installed, stop Tomcat.

  2. On the computer on which Oracle WebCenter Interaction is installed, navigate to the directory to which Tomcat is installed, then open the webapps directory.

  3. If a directory named ROOT exists in the webapps directory, rename the folder to a different name.

  4. Navigate to: install_dir\ptcollab\version\rootwebapp\java\.

  5. Copy the root.war file.

  6. On the computer on which Oracle WebCenter Interaction is installed, paste the root.war file into the webapps directory, which is in the same directory into which Tomcat is installed.

  7. Restart Tomcat.

Configuring Oracle WebLogic Server for Office Task Pane Integration

To configure Oracle WebLogic Server to work with the Office Task Pane, you must specify the root web application on Oracle WebLogic Server. To do so:

  1. On the computer on which Oracle WebCenter Collaboration is installed, navigate to: install_dir\ptcollab\version\rootwebapp\java\.

  2. Copy the root.ear file.

  3. On the computer on which Oracle WebCenter Interaction is installed, paste the root.ear file into the following directory: install_dir\ptportal\version\webapp

    This should be the same directory that contains the portal.war file

  4. Deploy the root.ear file.

  5. Restart the portal.

Configuring IIS for Office Task Pane Integration

To configure IIS to work with the Office Task Pane feature:

  1. In Windows, from the Start menu, select All Programs, Administrative Tools, Internet Information Services.

  2. In Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, stop the Web site that contains the portal virtual directory.

  3. Access the Web site's properties and click the Documents tab.

  4. Ensure that the Enable default content page option is selected.

  5. On the Home Directory tab, change the application name to Root.

  6. Click the Configuration button.

    The Mappings tab appears.

  7. Click the Insert button.

  8. In the Add/Edit Application Extension Mapping dialog box, click Browse.

  9. Browse to and open the aspnet_isapi.dll file, located at: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\

    You are returned to the Add/Edit Application Extension Mapping page.

  10. Ensure that the Verify that file exists option is not selected.

  11. Click OK to close the Add/Edit Application Extension Mapping dialog box.

  12. Click OK to close the Application Configuration dialog box.

    If the Inheritance Overrides dialog box appears, do not select any options, then click OK.

  13. Click OK to close the Web site properties dialog box.

  14. In Windows Explorer, Navigate to install_dir/ptcollab/version/rootwebapp/.net, then copy the following:

    • Web.config

    • Default.htm

    • The bin directory.

  15. In IIS, right-click the portal Web site (with the globe and hand icon) and choose Open.

    The portal Web site explorer window appears.

  16. Paste the files you copied in Step 14 into the top level of the portal Web site explorer window.

    The path should be one of the following, depending on the option that was chosen when Oracle WebCenter Interaction was installed:

    • If Oracle WebCenter Interaction was installed into the default Web site, the path is C:\inetpub\wwwroot.

    • If Oracle WebCenter Interaction was installed into a nondefault Web site, the path is install_dir\iisweb\Root.

  17. In IIS, right-click the portal virtual directory (with the gear icon) and choose Open.

  18. In the portal virtual directory explorer window, open the Web.config file in a text editor.

    The Web.config file should be located in the following path: install_dir/ptportal/version/webapp/portal/web/.

  19. In the <httpHandlers> section of the Web.config file, add the line <clear/> in between the lines <httpHandlers> and <add verb="*" path="*.pt", so that the code appears like the following:

                            <add verb="*" path="*.pt"
  20. Save and close the Web.config file.

  21. Restart IIS.

  22. After IIS is restarted, ensure that the Web site that contains the portal is started.