Oracle WebCenter Portlet Toolkit for .NET Development Guide

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.NET Web Control Consumer Frequently Asked Questions

The following questions address common issues in portlet development using the .NET Web Control Consumer (WCC).

  1. Where are the WCC web controls in VS.NET? The WCC does not provide any additional ASP.NET controls; it offers support for the existing ASP.NET controls available with VS.NET to operate as a portlet within a portal enviroment.
  2. Which dlls do I need to add as references to my project in Visual Studio? None. All the assembly loading is handled automatically when the HttpModule line is included in your Web.config file.
  3. Do I need to use the ReturnToPortal call to go back to the portal page? Usually, no. If your portlet performs all its logic on the main portal page, then you will never leave the page, so you don't need to return to it. The exception is if you use gatewayed or hosted mode, in which case you can use this call to return to the aggregated page.
  4. Why was the stylesheet link replaced with some JavaScript? The stylesheet must be appended to the main HTML DOM programmatically, otherwise it will be unloaded upon postback and omitted upon refresh. Instead of including your stylesheets in the standard way (<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href=""/>), the filter rewrites the link and appends it to the page using JavaScript.
  5. How do I call a custom JavaScript function as soon as the portlet refreshes itself? Call the function from an inline piece of script.
  6. How do I run a custom JavaScript function as soon as another portlet refreshes itself? Register the function for the portlet's rerender event. This can be done with the following JavaScript call, where $$PORTLET_ID$$ is the ID for the portlet for which to listen: document.PCC.RegisterForEvent(document.PCC.WindowEventURN, "rerender.$$PORTLET_ID$$", myCustomFunction);
  7. How do I make my portlet refresh periodically to keep its data up to date? Call the postback function from a timeout. For example, the code below specifies a 10msec timeout: <script language="javascript">setTimeout(10, "__doPostBack('','')");<script>
  8. Why can't I upload files from a form? File upload cannot be done within the page, so in-page refresh is disabled for any multi-part forms. For these forms, you must redirect back to the aggregated page manually or perform the upload in a popup window.
  9. How do I disable the filter on a specific page? Add the following call to your code to disable the filter for the current request: Context.Items["PTWC:EnableFilter"] = false;

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