Installation and Upgrade Guide

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Configuring Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum

After you have run the installation wizard and verified correct installation, you must import, configure, and create Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum objects in the portal. This section includes the following topics:


Importing, Configuring and Creating Documentum CS Objects

Complete the following steps to import, configure, and create Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum objects in the portal:

  1. Import the remote server and content Web service. For details, see Importing the Remote Server and Content Web Service
  2. Map Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum file types. For details, see Mapping File Types.
  3. Create a content source. For details, see Creating a Content Source.
  4. Create a content crawler. For details, see Creating a Content Crawler.
  5. Create a job. For details, see Creating a Content Crawler.

Importing the Remote Server and Content Web Service

Import the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum remote server and content Web service into the portal using the Object Migration utility:

  1. On the computer that hosts the portal application, map or mount a network drive connection to the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum host computer or copy files to an accessible directory.
  2. Log in to your portal as an administrator.
  3. Click Administration.
  4. From the Select Utility menu, select Migration - Import.
  5. Browse to the migration package. If you accepted installation defaults, the location is: \\<RemoteServer>\bea\alui\ptdctmcws\10.3.0\serverpackages\DocumentumCS.pte
  6. Click Load Package.
  7. Select Overwrite Remote Servers.
  8. Click Finish.

Stay logged in to the portal for the next procedure.

Mapping File Types

To map Documentum file types to portal file types, import the Documentum content types into the portal using the Object Migration utility:

  1. From the Select Utility menu, select Migration - Import.
  2. Browse to the migration package. If you accepted installation defaults, the location is: \\<RemoteServer>\bea\alui\ptdctmcws\10.3.0\serverpackages\GlobalDocumentTypeMapDocumentum.pte
  3. Click Load Package.
  4. Click Finish.

Stay logged in to the portal for the next procedure.

Creating a Content Source

Create a content source to define the area of Documentum from which you want to import content. To create a content source, perform the following steps in the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum folder in the portal’s Administrative Object Directory:

  1. Log in to the portal as an administrator.
  2. Click Administration.
  3. Open the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum folder.
  4. From the Create Object menu, select Content Source - Remote.
  5. In the Choose Web Service dialog box, choose the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum Web service.
  6. Configure the content source as described in the online help.

Stay logged in to the portal with the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum folder open for the next procedure.

Creating a Content Crawler

Create a content crawler to import content from the content source. To create a content crawler, perform the following steps in the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum folder of the portal’s Administrative Object Directory:

  1. From the Create Object menu, select Content Crawler - Remote.
  2. In the Choose Content Source dialog box, choose the content source that you created in the previous procedure.
  3. On the Main Settings page of the Content Crawler Editor, select Import security with each document. Configure the rest of the content crawler as described in the online help.

Stay logged in to the portal with the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum folder open for the next procedure.

Creating a Job

To import content, you must associate the content crawler with a job and run the job. To create and run a job, perform the following steps in the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum folder of the portal’s Administrative Object Directory:

  1. From the Create Object menu, select Job.
  2. Click Add Operation.
  3. Choose the content crawler that you created in the previous procedure.
  4. Choose the scheduling values for the job and click Finish.
  5. Name the job and click OK.
  6. When you are finished creating the job, make sure the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum folder is associated with an automation service. For assistance, see the online help under Select Utilities | Automation Service.


Configuring Security for Document Discovery

Portal users discover documents by browsing the Knowledge Directory and using portal search tools. In the portal, you manage document discovery with access control lists (ACLs) that are associated with portal directories.

If you want Documentum users to be able to browse records for crawled Documentum records in the portal with a similar level of privilege they experience in the Documentum environment, you map the configuration for Documentum user privileges to the portal ACL Read privilege and make sure their credentials are used for document access.

Note: You manage document discovery (display a record) as described in the following procedure. You manage document access (open a file) with click-through security, described in Configuring Security for Document Access.

To configure security settings for the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum:

  1. Deploy an authentication source (for example, LDAP) to manage Documentum users. For details, refer to Documentum documentation.
  2. Create a remote authentication source in the portal to import the Documentum users. For details, refer to the portal’s online help or the Administrator Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction.
  3. Configure the Global ACL Sync Map to associate the Documentum domain name with the authentication source:
    1. Log in to the portal as an administrator.
    2. Click Administration.
    3. From the Select Utility menu, select Global ACL Sync Map.
    4. Click Add Mapping and choose the authentication source you created in step 2.
    5. In the Domain Name column, click and type the domain name of the Documentum users, usually the Lotus Domino Server name.
    6. Click Finish.
  4. Set the accessLevelMapping setting in config.xml as follows.
    Table 4-1 accessLevelMapping Settings
    This is the default value and recommended value. This value enables portal document discovery for Documentum users with at least Browse access (Documentum Level 2 privilege).
    This value restricts portal document discovery to Documentum users that have at least Read access (Documentum Level 3 privilege).
  5. If you modify config.xml, you must restart the Web application server to initialize changes.
Note: If you modified the accessLevelMapping, you must rerun crawl jobs with Refresh ACLs selected on the Advanced Settings page of the Crawler Editor to realize the changes.

Stay logged in to the portal for the next procedure.


Configuring Security for Document Access

To enable portal users to open files imported into the portal, you configure click-through security. The following table describes click-through security methods.

Table 4-2 Click-Through Security Methods
Click-Through Security Method
Description and Procedure
User Preferences
User Preferences is the default click-through security method for Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum. The User Preferences method uses stored values for the Documentum user to enable access to the Documentum file.
To implement the User Preferences method, in the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum config.xml file (located by default in C:\bea\alui\ptdctmcws\10.3.0\settings\config), set clickthroughAuthType as follows:
When users click through to a Documentum file for the first time, they are prompted for their Documentum credentials. The portal stores the credentials as user preferences, so the user does not have to enter them again. Users can modify the values of these credentials by clicking My Account | Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum.
Basic Authentication
Basic Authentication is one of two SSO click-through security methods you can implement for Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum. It uses the authentication information for the user portal session to enable access to the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum file. The portal user name must match the Documentum user name; so the portal and Documentum users must be synchronized from a common source, such as LDAP.

Note: If you deploy this method, users must log in to the portal with both their user name and password. They cannot choose the Remember My Password option

To enable Basic Authentication click-through:
Disable User Preference click-through in the portal:
  1. In the portal’s Administrative Object Directory, open the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum folder.
  2. Expand the Web Service section and click the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum Web service.
  3. On the left, under Edit Object Settings, click Advanced URL Settings.
  4. Remove the entry from the User Configuration URL box.
  5. On the left, under Edit Object Settings, click Preferences.
  6. Delete all User Preferences and click Finish.
Stay logged in to the portal with the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum folder open for the next procedure.
Enable Basic Authentication in the portal:
  1. In the portal PTConfig.xml file, set the CaptureBasicAuthenticationForPortlets parameter to 1.
  2. In the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum folder of the portal’s Administrative Object Directory, click the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum Web service.
  3. On the left, under Edit Object Settings, click Authentication Settings.
  4. Select User's Basic Authentication Information.
  5. Restart the portal application server.
Enable Basic Authentication click-through on the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum host computer:
  1. In the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum config.xml file (located by default in C:\bea\alui\ptdctmcws\10.3.0\settings\config), set clickthroughAuthType as follows:
  2. <clickthroughAuthType>2</clickthroughAuthType>
Trusted Authentication
Trusted Authentication is one of two SSO click-through security methods you can implement for Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum. It uses the authentication information from an SSO partner to enable access to the Documentum file. The portal user name must match the Documentum user name; so the portal and Documentum users must be synchronized from a common source, such as LDAP.
To enable Trusted Authentication click-through:
Disable User Preference click-through in the portal:
  1. In the portal’s Administrative Object Directory, open the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum folder.
  2. Expand the Web Service section and click the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum Web service.
  3. On the left, under Edit Object Settings, click Advanced URL Settings.
  4. Remove the entry from the User Configuration URL box.
  5. On the left, under Edit Object Settings, click Preferences.
  6. Delete all User Preferences and click Finish.
Stay logged in to the portal with the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum folder open for the next procedure.
Enable Trusted Authentication click-through on the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum host computer:
  1. In the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum config.xml file (located by default in C:\bea\alui\ptdctmcws\10.3.0\settings\config), set clickthroughAuthType as follows:
  2. <clickthroughAuthType>3</clickthroughAuthType>
  3. In config.xml file, specify the following parameters for the SSO partner:
  4. <trustedUserName></trustedUserName>

Note: The value for the <trustedPassword> parameter must be encrypted. Use the “Encrypt Password” link located at:

Admin Preference/Content Source Credential
If you prefer, you can set all click-through requests to use the credentials configured in the content source to retrieve documents upon click-through. This is referred to as the Super User click-through method.
To enable Super User click-through:
Disable User Preference click-through in the portal:
  1. In the portal’s Administrative Object Directory, open the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum folder.
  2. Expand the Web Service section and click the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum Web service.
  3. On the left, under Edit Object Settings, click Advanced URL Settings.
  4. Remove the entry from the User Configuration URL box.
  5. On the left, under Edit Object Settings, click Preferences.
  6. Delete all User Preferences and click Finish.
Stay logged in to the portal with the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum folder open for the next procedure.
Enable content source credential click-through on the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum host computer:
  1. In the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum config.xml file (located by default in C:\bea\alui\ptdctmcws\10.3.0\settings\config), set clickthroughAuthType as follows:
  2. <clickthroughAuthType>4</clickthroughAuthType>


Setting the Preferred Document Rendition

The Documentum server stores renditions of documents (versions of documents in various formats). By default, Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Documentum returns the native version of the document. To set a preference to always retrieve PDF, Word, or text renditions, modify the <preferredRenditionFormat> element in config.xml (located by default in C:\bea\alui\ptdctmcws\10.3.0\settings\config) as follows.

Table 4-3 Possible Preferred Rendition Format Element Values
This is the default and returns the document in its native format.
This specifies that the document be returned in PDF format, if available.
This specifies that the document be returned in Microsoft Word format, if available.
This specifies that the document be returned in text format, if available.

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