Installation and Upgrade Guide

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Installing or Upgrading Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Lotus Notes

This chapter describes how to install or upgrade Lotus Notes CS. Before you begin, ensure that you have met the prerequisites for installation and performed the necessary pre-installation procedures described in Completing Pre-Installation Steps.

  1. Install the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Lotus Notes application on the remote server host. For details, see Installing or Upgrading Product Files.
  2. Install the image files and help files for Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Lotus Notes on the Image Service host. For details, see Installing Image Files.
  3. Verify deployment of Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Lotus Notes. For details, see Verifying Installation.


Installing or Upgrading Product Files

Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Lotus Notes is implemented as a remote server in the context of your portal deployment. It must be installed on a remote server host computer that can communicate with Oracle WebCenter Interaction. For best performance, the remote server host computer should not host other Oracle WebCenter Interaction components. For host specifications, see Hardware and Software Requirements.

Note: Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Lotus Notes is not supported when installed on the same computer that is running the Lotus Domino Server.
Note: If you have previously installed Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Lotus Notes, we recommend uninstalling the earlier files before installing the current version.

To install product files:

  1. Log in to the host computer as the local host administrator.
  2. Close all applications.
  3. Copy the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Lotus Notes installation package to a location on the remote server host.
  4. Double-click ALIContentServiceLotusNotes_v6-1.exe to launch the installer.
  5. Complete installation wizard pages as described in the following table.
Note: To facilitate any troubleshooting that might be required, as well as communication among IT staff and customer support, we recommend you keep the default settings.
Wizard Page
Click Next.
Choose Components
Choose Content Service for Lotus Notes and click Install.
Choose Install Folder
The default installation folder is C:\bea\alui.
This is the location is where the component will be installed.
Fully Qualified Domain Name
Enter the domain name for your host computer, for example:
Web Protocol
The installer asks you to choose whether to use a secure HTTP protocol for the Web service (https) or a standard Web protocol (http).
Select IIS Web Site
Specify if you want to use the default Web site:
  • Use Default Web Site - Choose this option to create a virtual directory called notescws in the Web directory http://<RemoteServer>/notescws. The default Web site listens on port 80.
  • Use another Web site - You will specify the Web site particulars on the next page.
Specify IIS Web Site Information
If you selected to use another Web site, specify the information for that site:
  • IIS Web Site Name - Enter the name of the site on which you want to deploy the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Lotus Notes.
  • IIS Web Site Port - If necessary, change the port for this site. The default port is 8082.
  • IIS Web Site Secure Port - If necessary, change the secure port for this site. The default port is 9092.
Path to Temporary Directory
Type the complete path name for the directory in which temporary files are downloaded during crawls before they are served to the indexing servlet.
The default is C:\bea\alui\ptnotescws\10.3.0\tmp.
User Credential Key
If you are using Groupware Notes and want the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Lotus Notes to pick up the Groupware Notes user credentials, this key must be the same as the Groupware Encryption key.
If you are not using Groupware, set this key to any value other than blank.
  1. On the Pre-Installation Summary page, review the installation settings and click Install to begin installation.
  2. You must restart your computer before you can use the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Lotus Notes. Select Yes, restart my system, and click Done.


Installing Image Files

The image files used by the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Lotus Notes are hosted on the Image Service used by the portal. You must install these files on the Image Service host so they are available to the remote server. This section contains information on the following procedures:

Installing Image Files on a Windows Host

To install image files on a Windows host:

  1. Log in to the host computer as the local host administrator.
  2. Close all applications.
  3. Copy the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Lotus Notes installation package to a location on the remote server host.
  4. Double-click ALIContentServiceLotusNotes_v6-1.exe to launch the installer.
  5. Complete installation wizard pages as described in the following table.
Note: To facilitate any troubleshooting that might be required, as well as communication among IT staff and customer support, we recommend you keep the default settings.
Wizard Page
Click Next.
Choose Components
Choose Image Server Files for Windows Image Service and click Install.
Specify Image Service Folder
Specify the location of your Image Service folder.

Note: We recommend using: \ptimages.

  1. On the Pre-Installation Summary page, review the installation settings and click Install to begin installation.
  2. You must restart your computer before you can use the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Lotus Notes. Select Yes, restart my system, and click Done.

Installing Image Files on a Unix Host

To install image files on a Unix host:

  1. Navigate to the images directory on the computer where you installed the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Lotus Notes. The default installation location is /bea/alui/ptnotescws/10.3.0/images
  2. Move the imageserver.tgz file to the server on which the Image Service is installed.
  3. Decompress the .tgz file.
  4. Navigate to the directory in which the Image Service is installed and confirm a Webservices folder exists underneath it.
  5. Decompress the .tar file into the directory in which the Image Service is installed. Do not overwrite existing files. This step results in files being put into the ptimages/imageserver/Webservices folder.


Verifying Installation

To verify a successful installation:

  1. Ensure the ASPNET user has full control privileges to the Lotus Notes data directory.
  2. Open the installation test page in the following location:
  3. http://<server_name>:<port>/NotesCWS/Servlets/InstallTest.aspx

    Run the procedures using a valid Lotus Notes ID and password.

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