Installation and Upgrade Guide

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This chapter describes how to install Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint. If you are upgrading Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint, see Upgrade.

To install Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint:

  1. Verify that you have completed the installation prerequisites. For details, see Installation Prerequisites.
  2. Install the Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint components. For details, see Installing the Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint Components.
  3. Verify the installation. For details, see Verifying the Installation.


Installing the Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint Components

This section describes how to install the Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint components. The Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint components are:

Note: If the Image Service is installed on a machine other than the Console for SharePoint host machine, you must also run the installer on that machine to install the Image Service component. For a non-Windows image service host, you must manually deploy the image service files. For more information, see Manually Deploying the Image Service Files.

Launching the Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint Installer

To launch the Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint installer:

  1. Log in to the Windows host as the local Administrator.
  2. Copy the WebCenterConsoleForSharePoint_10. installer to a temporary location.
  3. Close all unnecessary windows and applications.
  4. Double-click WebCenterConsoleForSharePoint_10. to launch the installer.

The installer wizard will launch. Complete the installer wizard pages as described in the next section.

Completing the Installer Wizard Pages

The following table describes the Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint installer wizard pages. The wizard pages that appear vary according to the selections you choose.

Note: If .NET Framework 2.0 is not installed on the Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint host machine, the installer will display an error message. It is possible to complete the installation but this is not recommended as Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint will not function properly
Table 3-1 Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint Installer Wizard Pages
Wizard Page
Click Next to begin the installation.
Click Cancel on any wizard page to end the installation.
Choose Components
Select the components you want to install on this machine.
Choose Install Folder
Accept the default installation folder or select a different folder in which to install the component.
Fully Qualified Domain Name
Enter the fully qualified domain name of the host you are installing on.
Select IIS Web Site
  • Use Default Web Site - Choose this option to create a virtual directory under the Default Web site. The default Web site listens to port 80.
  • Use another Web site - If you choose to use another Web site, the next wizard page allows you to enter the Web site name and port numbers.
Caution: Do not install Console for SharePoint to the same Web site that hosts an instance of WSS. The default configuration of a Web site that hosts WSS will disable Console for SharePoint. Console for SharePoint can be installed to a Web site other than the Web site hosting WSS on the same machine.
Specify IIS Web Site Information
Enter the IIS Web Site Name, IIS Web Site Port, and IIS Web Site Secure Port for your non-Default Web Site. Click Next.
Path to Image Service Files
Enter the location of the portal image service files.
Image Service URL
Enter the URL to the Image Service, including the port number if it is not 80 or 443.
Pre-Installation Summary
Review the installation configuration information for accuracy. When satisfied with the installation settings, click Install.

Manually Deploying the Image Service Files

For any portal image service located on a non-Windows host, you must deploy the Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint image service files manually. The image service files can be found in compressed packages on the host where you installed the Console for SharePoint component.

To manually deploy the image service files:

  1. Copy the appropriate compressed package to the image service host. The packages are located in the directory install_dir\ptsharepointcsw\10.3.0\packages on the host where you installed the Console for SharePoint service components. The two packages contain the same files, compressed in different fashions:
    • imageserver_unix.tar.gz
  2. Extract the compressed package to your image service folder. The default directory for the image service is install_dir/ptimages/imageserver.


Verifying the Installation

To verify the Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint service components have been installed, use the Windows Internet Information Services Manager to verify the Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint virtual directories have been installed.

  1. From Administrative Tools, open the Internet Information Services Manager.
  2. In the IIS Web site you specified when installing the Console for SharePoint, these three virtual directories should be present: SharePointCWS, CustomSearch, and SiteFeed.


Importing the Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint Migration Package

This section describes how to import the Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint migration package. Importing the Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint package creates portal objects such as Web services, content sources, and intrinsic portlets used by Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint.

To import the Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint .pte file:

  1. Verify that the AquaLogic Interaction Search Service is running.
  2. From the Administration Select Utility drop-down list, use the Migration - Import utility to import the SharePoint_Console.pte file, which is located in the following location on the Oracle WebCenter Console for SharePoint host machine:
    • install_dir\ptsharepointcws\10.3.0\packages
    • Select Overwrite Remote Servers. If necessary, adjust any import settings.

For details on using the Migration - Import utility, see Administration Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction.

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