Installation and Upgrade Guide

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Installing and Configuring Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Windows Files Components

This chapter describes the steps you take to install Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Windows Files. It includes the following topics:

Installing Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Windows Files

To install Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Windows Files, perform the following steps on the remote server that hosts your Oracle WebCenter Interaction Web services:

  1. Log on to the remote server as the local administrator.
  2. Close all programs.
  3. Launch the installer by double-clicking ALIContentServiceWindowsFiles_v6-1.exe.
  4. Complete the installation wizard pages as described in the following table and according to the settings you planned when you completed the Installation Worksheet for Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Windows Files
    Table 3-1 Installer Wizard Page
    Wizard Page
    Click Next.
    Choose Components
    Choose the components that you want to install.
    • Choose Content Service for Windows Files to install the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Windows Files on the remote server.
    • Choose Image Service Files to place the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Windows Files image service files on your Image Service.
    Then click Install.
    Choose Install Folder
    Accept the default installation location (C:\bea\alui) or browse to another directory. Then click Next.
    Specify Image Service Folder
    The default location is C:\bea\alui\ptimages. If your Image Service is located in a different directory, enter it here. Then click Next.
    Fully Qualified Domain Name
    Enter the fully qualified domain name for your host computer.
    Select IIS Web Site
    Specify if you want to use the default Web site:
    • Use Default Web Site - Choose this option to create a virtual directory called ntcws in the Web directory http://<RemoteServer>/ntcws. The default Web site listens on port 80.
    • Use another Web site - You will specify the Web site particulars on the next page.
    Specify IIS Web Site Information
    If you selected to use another Web site, specify the information for that site:
    • IIS Web Site Name - Enter the name of the site on which you want to deploy the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Windows Files.
    • IIS Web Site Port - If necessary, change the port for this site. The default port is 8082.
    • IIS Web Site Secure Port - If necessary, change the secure port for this site. The default port is 9092.
  5. On the Pre-Installation Summary page, click Install to begin installation.
Note: You must restart your computer before you can use the Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Windows Files.
Note: IIS must be running in order to complete the remaining tasks. If IIS does not begin automatically, start it manually before continuing with the remaining steps.

Manually Deploying Image Service Files for a Non-Windows Portal

If you are installing on a non-Windows portal, follow the directions below to manually deploy the Image Service files.

  1. Navigate to the images directory on the computer on which you installed Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Windows Files. The default installation location is: C:\bea\alui\ptntcws\10.3.0\images
  2. Move the imageserver50.tgz file to the location where the Image Service is installed.
  3. Decompress the .tgz file.
  4. Navigate to the directory where the Image Service is installed and confirm that there is a Webservices folder underneath.
  5. Untar the .tar file into the directory where the Image Service is installed. This step puts files into the <ImageService>/Webservices/file folder.

Setting Up Security Rights

Each content source you set up needs to impersonate an NT domain user to access your file system. You might want to create an NT user specifically for use with each content source you intend to create and then make sure that those users have write access to the directory where Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Windows Files is installed. Use the following steps if you need to add a user.

  1. From the Start menu, select Settings | Control Panel | Administrative Tools.
  2. Double-click Local Security Policy.
  3. Expand the Local Policies folder.
  4. Click the User Rights Assignment folder.
  5. Double-click Log on as Service.
  6. In the Local Security Policy Setting dialog box, click Add.
  7. In the Select Users or Groups dialog box, select the user and click Add.
  8. Click OK, and then OK again.
  9. Double-click Log on as Batch Job and repeat steps 6-8.
  10. Reboot your computer after the user rights are added.

Verifying the Security Library

To verify that Oracle WebCenter Interaction security library is encrypting and decrypting passwords properly:

  1. Go to the directory on the computer on which you installed Oracle WebCenter Content Service for Windows Files. The default installation location is: C:\bea\alui\ptntcws\10.3.0.
  2. Navigate to the bin\native directory, relative to the folder designated in the previous step.
  3. Double-click the ptcryptotest.exe file. This file contains a test application used to test Oracle WebCenter Interaction encryption and decryption.
  4. A console opens and prints the progress of encrypting and decrypting a password. If the test has finished successfully, the console displays Success! and asks the user to press ENTER to finish. Verify that Success! is displayed on the console, then press ENTER to close the test application.

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