Scaling, Distributing, and Tuning CORBA Applications

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Scaling Oracle Tuxedo CORBA Applications

About Scaling Oracle Tuxedo CORBA Applications

Application Scalability Requirements

Oracle Tuxedo Scalability Features

Using Object State Management

CORBA Object State Models

Method-bound Objects

Process-bound Objects

Transaction-bound Objects

Implementing Stateless and Stateful Objects

About Stateless and Stateful Objects

When to Use Stateless Objects

When to Use Stateful Objects

Parallel Objects

Replicating Server Processes and Server Groups

About Replicating Server Processes and Server Groups

Configuration Options

Replicating Server Processes



Replicating Server Groups

Using Multithreaded Servers

About Multithreaded CORBA Servers

When to Use Multithreaded CORBA Servers

Coding Recommendations

Configuring a Multithreaded CORBA Server

Using Factory-based Routing (CORBA Servers Only)

About Factory-based Routing

Characteristics of Factory-based Routing

How Factory-based Is Implemented

Configuring Factory-based Routing in the UBBCONFIG File

Using Parallel Objects

About Parallel Objects

Configuring Parallel Objects

Multiplexing Incoming Client Connections

IIOP Listener and Handler

Increasing the Number of ISH Processes

Scaling CORBA Server Applications

About Scaling the Production Sample Application

Design Goals

How the Application Has Been Scaled

Changing the OMG IDL

Using a Stateless Object Model

Scaling by Replicating Server Processes and Server Groups

Replicating Server Processes in the Production Application

Replicating Server Groups in the Production Application

Configuring Replicated Server Processes and Groups in the Production Application

Scaling with Factory-based Routing

About Factory-based Routing in the Production Application

Configuring Factory-based Routing in the UBBCONFIG File

Implementing Factory-based Routing in a Factory

What Happens at Run Time

Additional Design Considerations

About the Additional Design Considerations

Instantiating the Registrar and Teller Objects

Ensuring That Student Registration Occurs in the Correct Server Group

Ensuring That the Teller Object Is Instantiated in the Correct Server Group

Scaling the Application Further

Distributing CORBA Applications

Why Distribute an Application?

About Distributing an Application

Benefits of a Distributed Application

Characteristics of Distributing an Application

Using Data-dependent Routing (Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Servers Only)

About Data-dependent Routing

Characteristics of Data-dependent Routing

Sample Distributed Application

Example of UBBCONFIG Sections in a Distributed Application

Configuring the UBBCONFIG File

About the UBBCONFIG File in Distributed Applications

Modifying the GROUPS Section

Modifying the SERVICES Section

Parameters to Modify

Sample SERVICES Section

Modifying the INTERFACES Section

Parameters to Modify

Sample INTERFACES Section

Creating the ROUTING Section

Configuring the factory_finder.ini (CORBA Applications Only)

Modifying the Domain Gateway Configuration File to Support Routing

About the Domain Gateway Configuration File

Parameters in the DM_ROUTING Section of the DMCONFIG File (Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Only)

Parameters to Specify

Routing Field Description

Example of a Five-Site Domain Configuration Using Routing

Tuning CORBA Applications

Maximizing Application Resources

When to Use MSSQ Sets (Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Servers Only)

Enabling System-controlled Load Balancing

Configuring Replicated Server Processes and Groups

Configuring Multithreaded Servers

Setting the OPENINFO Parameter for Database Interoperation

Parameters Used to Configure Multithreaded Servers

Assigning Priorities to Interfaces

About Priorities to Interfaces

Characteristics of the PRIO Parameter

Bundling Services into Servers (Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Servers Only)

About Bundling Services

When to Bundle Services

Performance Options

Enhancing Efficiency with Application Parameters




Setting the MAXGTT, MAXBUFTYPE, and MAXBUFSTYPE Parameters


Setting Application Parameters

Determining IPC Requirements

Measuring System Traffic

About System Traffic and Bottlenecks

Example of Detecting a System Bottleneck

Detecting Bottlenecks on UNIX

Detecting Bottlenecks on Windows

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