Installation Guide

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Running the Installation Program in Graphical Mode

The following sections describe how to run the installation program in graphical mode:


Running the Installation Program

Start the installation program as described in Starting the Installation Program.

The installation program prompts you to enter specific information about your system and configuration. For instructions on responding to the prompts during installation, see the following table.

In this window . . .
Perform the following action . . .
Click Next to proceed with the installation. You may cancel the installation at any time by clicking Exit.
BEA License Agreement
Read the BEA Software License Agreement and indicate your acceptance of the terms of the agreement by selecting Yes. To continue with the installation, you must accept the terms of the license agreement and then click Next.
Choose BEA Home Directory
Specify the BEA Home directory that will serve as the central support directory for all BEA products installed on the target system. If you already have a BEA Home directory on your system, you can select that directory (recommended) or create a new BEA Home directory. If you choose to create a new directory by typing a new directory name in the BEA Home Directory field, the installation program automatically creates one for you. You can also click Browse and select a directory from the BEA Home Directory Selection window. For details about the BEA Home directory, see Choosing a BEA Home Directory.
Choose Install Type
This window is displayed only during an initial installation.
Select the option button for the type of installation you want to perform:
  • Complete—All the software components included in your installation program, except the WebLogic Server Plug-ins, are installed on your system. Sample domains are preconfigured for use with the PointBase database during installation, allowing you to execute the samples when the installation is complete.
  • Custom—You select the software components to be installed. On Windows systems, you also have the option to install WebLogic Server Node Manager as a Windows service.

Note: You must select Custom installation to install the Web Server Plug-ins.

For more information, see Choosing the Type of Installation.
Choose Components
This window is displayed only under the following conditions:
  • You selected Custom installation in the Choose Install Type window.
  • You are adding components to an existing installation.
Specify the components to be installed by selecting or clearing the appropriate check boxes.
This window displays a tree-view of all the components available for installation.

Note: In an initial installation, only the Web Server Plug-ins are not selected; all other components are selected by default. You must select the Web Server Plug-ins check box if you want the plug-ins to be installed on your system.

When you select or clear a component at the folder level, all subcomponents are selected or cleared accordingly.
If any components are already installed on your system, the check boxes for them are grayed out.

Note: When you select or deselect components to install, the installation program checks for dependencies between components and automatically modifies the list of selected components accordingly. For example, if you clear the WebLogic Server component check box, the boxes for the remaining components are cleared because the other components cannot be run without WebLogic Server.

For details about the components available for installation on your system, see Installable Product Components.
Optional Tools
This window is displayed only on platforms that support BEA JRockit.
Specify whether or not you want to install the Mercury profiling tools. Clear the check box for this option if you do not want to install these tools.
For more information about the Mercury profiling tools, see BEA JRockit JDK.
Mercury Tools License Agreement
This window is displayed only if you selected to install the Mercury profiling tools in the Optional Tools window.
Read the Mercury Tools License Agreement and indicate your acceptance of the terms of the agreement by selecting Yes. To continue with the installation, you must accept the terms of the license agreement and then click Next.
If you do not agree with the terms of the license agreement and you do not want to install the tools, click Previous to return to the Optional Tools window and clear the check box for the Mercury profiling tools.
Choose Product Installation Directory
This window is not displayed if you are adding components to an existing installation. Instead, you are prompted to confirm the product installation directory. If you do so, the selected components are installed in the product installation directory you specified during the initial installation.
Specify the directory in which you want to install the software and click Next. You can accept the default product directory (weblogic92) or create a new product directory.
For additional information, see Choosing a Product Installation Directory.
If you choose to create a new directory, the installation program automatically creates one for you.
If you go back to the Choose BEA Home Directory window to change the BEA Home Selection, the following changes occur based on the type of changes you make to the home directory:
    • If you accept the default product installation directory in the Choose Product Installation Directory window, in the Choose BEA Home Directory window, the old installation directory will be retained.
    • If you enter a new product installation directory in the Choose Product Installation Directory window, the directory name is modified to this new name in the Choose BEA Home Directory window.
    • If you specify the installation directory in the Choose Product Installation Directory window, and if it is outside of old BEA Home, if installation directory value was provided and installation directory resided outside of old BEA Home, installation directory will retain the old value.
Install Windows Service
This window is displayed only under the following conditions:
  • You have Administrator privileges.
  • You are performing an initial installation.
  • You are installing on a Windows platform.
  • You selected Custom installation in the Choose Install Type window.
Choose whether you want to install the Windows services indicated, specifically the WebLogic Server Node Manager service. Node Manager is used to monitor, start, and stop server instances in a domain.
If you select Yes, enter the Node Manager Listen Port in the appropriate field. The default is 5556.

Note: If the Listen Port number you specify is currently being used by a running application, the installation program prompts you to enter a different Node Manager Listen Port number.

Choose Shortcut Location
This window is displayed only under the following conditions:
  • You have Administrator privileges.
  • You are performing an initial installation.
  • You are installing on a Windows platform.
Specify the Start menu folder in which you want the Start menu shortcuts created. You can select from the following options:
  • All Users Start menu folder
  • Selecting this option provides all users registered on the machine with access to the installed software. However, only users with Administrator privileges can create shortcuts in the All Users folder. Therefore, if a user without Administrator privileges uses the Configuration Wizard to create domains, Start menu shortcuts to the domains are not created. In this case, users can manually create shortcuts in their local Start menu folders, if desired. Press ALT+Y on the keyboard to select the All Users Start Menu.

  • Local user's Start menu folder
  • Selecting this option ensures that other users registered on this machine will not have access to the Start menu entries for this installation. Press ALT+N on the keyboard to select the Local User's start menu.

Read the information displayed about BEA products and services. When the installation program has finished copying the specified files to your system, click Next.
Installation Complete
Specify whether you want to run the QuickStart application. QuickStart, designed to assist first-time users in evaluating, learning, and using the software, provides quick access to the sample domains, information for upgrading your applications, and the online documentation. Clear the check box for this option if you do not want to launch QuickStart.


Using the Upgrade Installer in Graphical Mode

To complete the upgrade installation in graphical mode on UNIX and Windows systems, perform the following steps:

Note: Verify if the install directory entry for Workshop for WebLogic Platform in registry.xml points to the correct location before upgrading. If not, correct it by manually editing the registry.xml.
  1. Make backup copies of any files or applications that you have created in WL_HOME. (As part of the upgrade procedure, the installation program automatically overwrites any files, including applications, that you have created in this directory.) For a description of the WL_HOME directory, see Choosing a Product Installation Directory on page 1-16.
  2. Note: In some cases, changes are made in the config.xml file between service packs. You may want to make backup copies of the config.xml file in any user-created domains also, in case you later want to roll back or uninstall an upgrade installation.
  3. Download the upgrade installer specific to your platform from the BEA Customer Support Web site at
  4. Note: To download updates, you will need to log in using your eSupport username and password. If you do not have an eSupport account, you can register for one on the BEA Customer Support Web site.
  5. Shut down any servers that are running.
  6. Start the upgrade installer as described in the following table.
  7. To start the upgrade installer on this platform . . .
    Perform the following steps...
    1. Go to the directory in which you downloaded the installation program and double-click <filename.exe>, where filename.exe is the name of the installation file you downloaded from the BEA Customer Support Web site, for example, platformXXX_upgrade_win32.exe. In this filename, XXX represents the version number of the software you are installing.
    The installation program begins to install the upgrade.
    2. Proceed to step 5.
    For installers with filenames ending in .bin:
    1. Go to the directory in which you downloaded the installation program, and invoke the installation procedure by entering the following commands:
    chmod a+x filename.bin
    Here <filename.bin> is the name of the upgrade installation program you downloaded from the BEA Customer Support Web site, for example platformXXX_upgrade_solaris.bin. In this filename, XXX represents the version number of the software you are installing.
    The installation program begins to install the upgrade.
    1. Proceed to step 5.
    For installers with filenames ending in .jar:
    1. Include the bin directory of the appropriate Java 2 SDK at the beginning of the PATH variable definition on the target system. For example:
    export PATH
    Here JAVA_HOME is the full path of the Java 2 SDK directory.
    1. Go to the directory in which you downloaded the installation file and invoke the installation procedure by entering the following command:
    java -jar filename.jar
    where filename.jar is the name of the upgrade installation program you downloaded from the BEA Customer Support Web site, for example pj_platformXXX_upgrade_generic.jar. In this filename, XXX represents the version number of the software you are installing.
    The installation program begins to install the upgrade.
    1. Proceed to step 5.

  8. Review the text in the Welcome window and click Next.
    The Choose BEA Home Directory window is displayed.
  9. Select the BEA Home directory containing the release of WebLogic Platform you want to upgrade, and click Next.
    The Confirm Product Directory window is displayed, which contains the path to the BEA home directory and to the product directory in which the WebLogic Platform software will be updated.
  10. Click Next.
    A progress window is displayed during the upgrade installation. When the installation is finished, the Installation Complete window is displayed.
  11. Click Done on the Installation Complete window to exit the installation program.


What's Next?

By default, your BEA software uses the development license file installed in the BEA Home directory so that you can start using the product immediately. It is recommended that you run the QuickStart application to familiarize with the software, and execute the samples provided. For additional information, see Post-Installation Information.

For specific information about your software release, see the appropriate release notes:

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