Upgrading WebLogic Application Environments

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Upgrading a WebLogic Domain

The 9.2 WebLogic Upgrade Wizard allows you to upgrade domains created in:

The following sections describe how to use the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard for this purpose:


What Happens During a WebLogic Domain Upgrade?

During a WebLogic domain upgrade, you specify the domain that you wish to upgrade and respond to a set of prompts. The WebLogic Upgrade Wizard performs the following tasks:

  1. Optionally, the wizard backs up the original domain directory.
  2. If a backup is requested, the wizard backs up the domain directory only, and it does not preserve file permissions. BEA recommends that you back up the domain, any external applications, and application database resources in a separate process, as described in Step 3: Back Up the Application Environment.

    Note: Backup files created by the wizard need to be protected by the user as they may contain confidential information.
  3. Recreates scripts, such as startup and shutdown scripts, and renames any original scripts as orig-scriptname.bak, where orig-scriptname specifies the original script name and extension.
  4. Note: The wizard does not copy any customizations in the original startup scripts to the new scripts. For example, if you specified a non-default value for the JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable in the original script, the specified value will not be preserved in the new script.
  5. Restructures the original domain, creating a new directory structure and moving domain components to new locations.
  6. During the restructuring, if a required directory already exists, the wizard simply keeps that directory and maintains the files and subdirectories that reside in it.

    Existing server log files are copied to the servers/server_name/logs/pre-92-logs directory in the domain, where server_name specifies the name of the server.

    To review changes to the domain directory structure, see WebLogic Domain Directory Structure Enhancements.

  7. Upgrades the persisted configuration information stored in the configuration file (config.xml) to the config directory.
  8. If the wizard encounters duplicate resources when upgrading the configuration file (config.xml), a message is logged in the progress window. In this case, the last resource definition encountered is used during the conversion.

  9. Upgrades persisted data, such as JMS file stores, JMS JDBC stores, and transaction stores.
  10. Note: If JMS JDBC stores are used in the domain, see Step 6: Set Up the Environment.

    After the JMS JDBC stores are upgraded, the original JMS JDBC stores are not deleted. You should take this fact into account when performing capacity planning. You can delete the original JMS JDBC store tables once the upgrade is successful. Original JMS JDBC store tables are named PrefixNameJMSSTORE and PrefixNameJMSSTATE, where PrefixName is the value of the Prefix Name attribute for the JMS JDBC store.

    If you do not want to upgrade persisted JMS messages, you can delete the JMS file store or JMS JDBC store tables before running the upgrade. When you do so, only JMS messages are lost; the configuration is not changed. For information about managing JDBC store tables, see "Managing JDBC Store Tables" in Configuring WebLogic Server Environments at http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E13222_01/wls/docs92/config_wls/store.html#managing_jdbc_store_tables.

    The wizard does not upgrade a JMS JDBC or file store if it detects that an upgrade has already been performed. If you need to perform multiple upgrades of a domain in which the same persistent stores are use (for example, in a test scenario), you must revert the data in the JMS store each time you repeat the upgrade process, as follows:

    • For a JMS JDBC store, the upgrade process creates a new table named PrefixNameWLSTORE, where PrefixName is the value of the Prefix Name attribute for the JMS JDBC store. Before re-running the upgrade process on a domain that uses the JMS JDBC store is used, to drop this table.
    • If you need to re-run the upgrade, make sure you first restore the backed up version of the JMS file store.
  11. If the domain contains WebLogic Platform resources, WebLogic Upgrade Wizard will perform the following tasks:
    WebLogic Portal
    WebLogic Workshop
    WebLogic Integration
    Adds resources to support advanced web services including the file store, WseeFileStore, and the JMS server, WseeJmsServer, and its associated JMS module.

    Adds Beehive shared library modules to support BEA Workshop for WebLogic Platform product applications.

    Adds shared library modules to support Personalization (P13n) applications.

    Adds shared library modules to support WebLogic Platform applications.

    Updates and adds JMS and JDBC resources to support WebLogic Platform applications.

    Removes user-defined applications that have been deployed to the domain.

    Removes deprecated applications that have been deployed to the domain.

    Removes the JWSQueueTransport EJB, if it is present in the domain.

    Updates WebLogic Personalization (P13n) JDBC datasources and connection pools.

    Adds WebLogic Personalization (P13n) JDBC datasources and connection pools.

    Configures SSPI providers required by WebLogic Portal. Also adds WebLogic SAML providers, Identity Asserter, and Credential Mapper to the security realm to enable the WSRP 9.x features.

    Adds External Event Generators.

    Updates JMS destinations.

    Adds the SQLAuthenticator security provider to the domain.

    Note: The users portaladmin and weblogic are added to the SQLAuthenticator security provider. You can remove these users from the DefaultAuthenticator security provider after the domain is upgraded.

    If the RDBMSAuthenticator security provider is used, users and groups are optionally copied from the RDBMSAuthenticator provider to the SQLAuthenticator provider.

    Note: You can remove the RDBMSAuthenticator, including its data and tables, after the domain is upgraded.

    The following updates are made if any datasource is configured to use the PointBase database:
      • The database is automatically loaded in embedded mode and upgraded to PointBase v5.1.
      • The pointbase.ini file is updated to set database.home, documentation.home and pbembedded.lic for PointBase v5.1.
      • The database files are renamed from workshop to weblogic_eval and the associated datasource JDBC driver URLs accordingly fixed.
      • The PointBase related environment settings are carried over to the upgraded domain scripts, setDomainEnv.cmd and setDomainEnv.sh.

  13. Saves the configuration.
  14. Note: When upgrading remote Managed Servers, the wizard does not persist the configuration information.
  15. If the domain contains WebLogic Portal or WebLogic Integration resources (including P13n), the associated schema objects will be optionally upgraded.
  16. Reports any issues with the domain upgrade that require further consideration.


Important Notes About the Domain Upgrade Process

Please note the following important notes about the upgrade process:


Upgrading a Domain

The wizard supports the following upgrade modes:

Note: You can also use implicit mode to upgrade a WebLogic Server domain automatically when the Administration Server is started. For more information, see Upgrading a Domain at Administration Server Startup (Implicit Mode).

You must upgrade the domains on every machine in the domain. For information about preparing remote managed server domain directories, see Step 5: Prepare the Remote Managed Server Domain Directories.

Note: Before proceeding, make sure you have:

The following sections provide instructions for:

Upgrading a Domain in Graphical Mode

The following sections describe how to upgrade a WebLogic domain using the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard in graphical mode:

Note: The console from which you are running the Upgrade Wizard in graphical mode must support a Java-based GUI. If you attempt to start the Upgrade Wizard in graphical mode on a system that cannot support a graphical display, the invocation fails and an error message is displayed.

Starting the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard in Graphical Mode to Upgrade a Domain

To start the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard in graphical mode and upgrade a WebLogic domain on a Windows platform, choose the Domain Upgrade Wizard option from the BEA program group in the Windows Start Menu:

     Start Arrow symbol Programs Arrow symbol BEA ProductsArrow symbol Tools Arrow symbol Domain Upgrade Wizard

Note: You can only use this option if you do not have to customize the environment to specify JDBC driver classes, as described in step 3 of Step 6: Set Up the Environment.

To start the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard in graphical mode and upgrade a WebLogic domain from a Windows command prompt or on a UNIX platform:

  1. Open a command prompt window (on Windows) or a command shell (on UNIX) and set up the environment as described in Step 6: Set Up the Environment.
  2. Execute the following script to upgrade your domains.
    • On Windows: WL_HOME\common\bin\upgrade.cmd
    • On Unix: WL_HOME/common/bin/upgrade.sh
    • The log file will be available in the BEA_HOME/user_projects/upgrade_logs directory.

      The following command can also be used to upgrade a WebLogic Server domain. This command cannot be used to upgrade a domain that contains resources for WebLogic Workshop, WebLogic Portal or WebLogic Integration.

      java weblogic.upgrade [-type domain] [-out file]

      Two arguments are optional: -type and -out. Include these arguments if you want to override the default values for the following:

      • The type of upgrade to be performed. If you do not specify a type with the -type option, a domain upgrade is performed.
      • The output file in which all standard output (stdout) and error messages are written. If you do not specify a file with the -out option, such messages are written to the command window, and a summary of messages is displayed at the end of the upgrade process.
      • The -out argument is optional. It allows you to designate a file in which you want all standard output (stdout) and error messages to be written. By default, these messages are written to the command window and a summary of them is displayed at the end of the upgrade process.

After you run the command, the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard opens, as shown in the following figure.

  1. If JMS JDBC stores are used or if you are upgrading a domain that contains WebLogic Portal or WebLogic Integration resources, ensure the corresponding database is running. Note that PointBase databases are automatically started and shut down by the Domain Upgrade Wizard.
  2. Click Next to proceed to the next window.

Procedure for Upgrading a WebLogic Domain

The following table summarizes the steps in the procedure to upgrade a domain using the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard.

Note: The screens provided in this section are only indicative of what you might see. The actual screens depend on the combination of resources used in your domain.

Table 5-1 Procedure for Upgrading a WebLogic Domain 
In this step ...
You ...
Select WebLogic Version
Select the WebLogic version of the domain that you are upgrading, as shown in the following example.

Note: When upgrading a WebLogic Server 6.1 domain, the WL_HOME\config directory must contain only one domain. If it contains more than one domain, the upgrade will fail.

Click Next to proceed to the next window.
Select a Domain to Upgrade
Select the directory that contains the WebLogic domain to be upgraded by navigating the local directory hierarchy, as shown in the following example.

Note: When upgrading a WebLogic Server 6.1 domain, you should select the directory that contains the config directory. For example, if your domain resides in c:/bea/user_projects/config/mydomain, you should select c:/bea/user_projects as the directory of the WebLogic domain. If you select another directory, such as c:/bea/user_projects/config/mydomain, you will get unexpected results.

Click Next to proceed to the next window.
Inspect Domain
Review progress of the wizard as it inspects the domain. Progress messages are displayed in the window, as shown in the following example.

If you attempt to upgrade a domain in which custom security providers are used, without first upgrading those security providers, an error message is displayed and the wizard exits. The error message appears as follows.

If you receive this error message, upgrade the customer security providers, as described in Upgrading a Security Provider, and start the domain upgrade procedure again.
Once the inspection is complete (and if no error is encountered), the wizard advances to the next window automatically.
Select Administration Server
Select a server to function as the Administration Server in the new domain, as shown in the following example.

Note: If there is only one server defined in the domain, this window is skipped. This window is displayed only if the domain you are upgrading has multiple servers.

Click Next to proceed to the next window.
Enter Node Manager Credentials
Enter the username and password (and password confirmation) for Node Manager authorization, as shown in the following example.

For WebLogic Server 9.2, Node Manager requires user and password credentials to be specified for each domain. By default, the username and password are set to weblogic. If you do not use Node Manager, leave the default values unchanged.
Click Next to proceed to the next window.
Select Upgrade Options

  • Back up current domain (recommended)—If selected, the wizard backs up the original domain directory and stores it in a zip file. This option is selected by default.

Note: The wizard backs up the domain directory only and does not preserve file permissions. BEA recommends that you back up the domain and any external application and application database resources in a separate process, as described in Step 3: Back Up the Application Environment.

  • Add log files to backup zip—If selected, log files will be included in the backup zip file. The number and size of log files can be large and you may want to disable this option to exclude them from the backup file. By default, log files are included in the backup file.
  • Do not set backwards compatibility flags—As of WebLogic Server 9.0, some previously supported behavior has changed to comply with J2EE 1.4. By default, the wizard sets flags to enable the previous behavior in the new domain. If you select this option, these flags are not set for backward compatibility. For more information about the backward compatibility flags, see Backward Compatibility Flags.
Directory Selection Analysis and Optional Tasks
Review progress as the wizard processes the domain information and options provided. Progress messages are displayed in the window, as shown in the following example.

Once processing is complete, the wizard advances automatically to the next window.
Domain Backup
Review progress of the wizard as it prepares to back up the domain. Progress messages are displayed in the window, as shown in the following example.

Once processing is complete, the wizard advances automatically to the next window.
Select Directory for Domain Backup

Note: If you did not select the Back up current domain upgrade option, as described in Select Upgrade Options, skip to Restructure Domain Directory.

In this window, set values for the following:
  • Backup directory — Navigate the local hierarchy and select the directory in which you want to save the backup zip file. By default, the original domain directory is used.
  • Backup filename—Enter the name of the backup file in the text box. The default filename is weblogic-domain-backup-domain.zip, where domain specifies the name of the domain.

Click Next to proceed to the next window.
Backup Domain
Review progress as the wizard backs-up the domain. A progress bar displays the percentage of the backup process that is complete, and progress messages are displayed in the window, as shown in the following example.

Note: Backup files created by the wizard need to be protected by the user as they may contain confidential information.

Once the backup process is complete, the wizard advances automatically to the next window.
Restructure Domain Directory
Review progress as the wizard restructures the domain directory. Progress messages are displayed in the window, as shown in the following example.

Once the process is complete, the wizard automatically advances to the next window.
Upgrade Configuration Settings
Review progress as the wizard upgrades the configuration settings. Progress messages are displayed in the window, as shown in the following example.

The configuration information is not persisted until a later step.
Once the configuration upgrade is complete, the wizard advances automatically to the next window.
Upgrade Persisted Messages and Transaction Log Formats
Review progress as the wizard upgrades the persisted messages (JMS file and JDBC stores) and transaction (JTA) logs that exist in the domain. A progress bar displays the percentage complete and progress messages are displayed in the window, as shown in the following example.

Once the persisted message and transaction log upgrade process is complete, the wizard advances to the next window automatically.
Execute Upgrade of Required WebLogic Personalization Components
Review progress as the Wizard updates Personalization components.

Note: This window appears only if the domain you are upgrading contains WebLogic Portal resources.

Click Next to proceed to the next window.
Upgrade RDBMS Authenticator Security Provider
Specify whether or not the deprecated RDBMSAuthenticator should be replaced by the SQLAuthenticator.

Note: This window appears only when an RDBMSAuthenticator Security Provider exists in the domain you are upgrading.

Click Next to proceed to the next window.

Execute Upgrade of Security Provider for WebLogic Personalization Components
Review progress as the Wizard upgrades the domain with the security provider for WebLogic Personalization.

Note: This window appears only if you are upgrading a domain that contains Personalization (P13n) resources.

Click Next to proceed to the next window.
Execute Upgrade of Personalization Databases
Review progress as the Wizard prepares to upgrade the database schema objects used by Personalization. You have the option to upgrade the database in a subsequent step.

Note: This window appears only if the domain you are upgrading contains WebLogic Portal resources.

Click Next to proceed to the next window.
Upgrade WebLogic Portal-specific Domain Resources
Review progress as the Wizard upgrades the WebLogic Portal-specific resources in the domain.

Note: This window appears only if the domain you are upgrading contains WebLogic Portal resources.

Once this process is complete, click Next to proceed to the next window.
Prepare WebLogic Integration Domain Upgrade Plugins
The Wizard will now upgrade WebLogic Integration-specific resources in the domain.

Note: This window appears only if the domain you are upgrading contains WebLogic Integration resources.

Click Next to begin the process.

Upgrade WebLogic Integration Domain Resources
Review progress as the Wizard upgrades WebLogic Integration resources in the domain.

Note: This window appears only if you are upgrading a domain that contains WebLogic Integration resources.

Click Next to proceed.

Persist Upgraded Configuration
Review progress of the wizard as it saves the upgraded configuration and deletes any temporary files that were created during the upgrade process. Progress messages are displayed in the window.

Note: When upgrading remote Managed Servers, the wizard does not persist the configuration information.

Once this process is complete, click Next to proceed to the next window.
Database Upgrade Choice
Specify whether or not you would like to upgrade the domain database before proceeding.
The Wizard does not back up the domain database. You will need to back up your domain database before beginning a domain upgrade.

Note: This window appears only if you are upgrading a domain that contains WebLogic Portal or WebLogic Integration resources.

Select an option and click Next to proceed.
Associate DB Upgrade Category with DataSource

Note: This window appears only if you are upgrading a domain that contains WebLogic Portal or WebLogic Integration resources and you have opted to upgrade the domain database.

The table displays the database categories and their associated datasources. The categories are used with their associated datasource to initialize the domain database. If a datasource appears as undefined, you can update the category with the correct datasource. If the datasource remains undefined, it will be skipped and not upgraded. In most of the cases, the association is correct and no further changes are required.

Note: To upgrade the DB category, ensure a datasource is associated with it and not left undefined. If the datasource remains undefined, it will be skipped and not upgraded.

To proceed, click Next.
Prepare to Upgrade Domain Database

Note: This window appears only if your domain contains WebLogic Portal or WebLogic Integration resources and you have opted to upgrade the domain database.

Review progress of the Wizard as it prepares to upgrade the domain database schema objects.

The wizard automatically advances to the next window when the process gets over.
Upgrade Database

Note: This window appears only if you are upgrading a domain that contains WebLogic Portal or WebLogic Integration resources and you have opted to upgrade the domain database.

Review progress of the Wizard as it upgrades the domain database.s

The wizard automatically advances to the next window when the process gets over.
Upgrade Complete
Review the results of the upgrade, including any important messages that require further consideration, as shown in the following example.

Click Done to close the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard.

Upgrading a Domain in Silent Mode

Note: Only WebLogic Server domains can be upgraded in the Silent mode. This mode is not supported when upgrading the WebLogic Portal, WebLogic Workshop or WebLogic Integration domains.

In some circumstances, for example, when the domain resides on a remote machine, it is not practical to use the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard in graphical mode. In such situations, you can use the wizard in silent mode to upgrade the WebLogic domain.

Note: Before proceeding, make sure you have performed the prerequisite steps described in Prepare to Upgrade.

To start the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard in silent mode and upgrade a WebLogic domain:

  1. Verify that the WebLogic domain is not running.
  2. Open an MS-DOS command prompt window (on Windows) or a command shell (on UNIX) and set up the environment as described in Step 6: Set Up the Environment.
  3. (Optional) Create an XML script to define the upgrade requirements. For more information, see Silent Upgrade XML Script Reference.
  4. Navigate to the directory that contains WebLogic domain that you want to upgrade. For example:
  5. cd c:\bea\user_projects\domains\domain

    where domain specifies the name of the domain.

  6. At a command prompt, enter the following command:
  7. java weblogic.Upgrade -mode silent -type domain [-responses xmlfile] [-out file]

    The following arguments are optional: -responses and -out. Include these arguments if you want to override the default values for the following:

    • The location of an XML file that defines the upgrade requirements. If you do not specify a file with the -responses option, the wizard uses the default values during the upgrade process. For more information about the format of the XML file and the default values, see Silent Upgrade XML Script Reference.
    • The output file in which all standard output (stdout) and error messages are written. If you do not specify a file with the -out argument, these messages are written to the command window.

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