Installation Guide

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Welcome to AquaLogic Ensemble

How to Use This Book



Typographical Conventions

BEA Documentation and Resources

Installation Prerequisites

Hardware and Software Requirements

Quickstart Overview

Configuring the AquaLogic Ensemble Database

Configuring a Microsoft SQL Server Database

Configuring an Oracle Database

Installing the AquaLogic Ensemble Components

Running the Security and Directory Service (SDS) Database Script

Starting and Verifying Ensemble Services

Starting and Verifying the Security and Directory Service (SDS)

Starting and Verifying the Login Server

Starting and Verifying the Ensemble Admin UI

Starting and Verifying the Ensemble Proxy


Configuring the AquaLogic Ensemble Database

Creating and Configuring the Ensemble Database on Microsoft SQL Server

Creating and Configuring the Ensemble Tablespace on Oracle

Installing the AquaLogic Ensemble Components

Launching the Ensemble Installer

Completing the Installer Wizard Pages

Installing the Image Service Component on a Non-Windows Host

Running the Security and Directory Service (SDS) Database Script

Running the SDS Database Script on SQL Server for a New Install of the SDS

Running the SDS Database Script on Oracle for a New Install of the SDS

Running the SDS Database Script on SQL Server for an Existing Install of the SDS

Running the SDS Database Script on Oracle for an Existing Install of the SDS

Starting and Verifying Ensemble Services

Starting and Verifying the Security and Directory Service (SDS)

Starting and Verifying the Login Server

Starting and Verifying the Ensemble Admin UI

Starting and Verifying the Ensemble Proxy




Licensing Overview

Installation Behavior

Upgrading an Existing License

Merging License Keys

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