SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.3.5 generated on August 31 2005

Class SubclassJoinClassIndicator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SubclassJoinClassIndicator
extends ClassIndicator

Class indicator that outer joins to all possible subclass tables to determine the class of an instance. This indicator type should only be used with vertical inheritance hierarchies.

Field Summary
static String TYPE
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo info, boolean adapt)
          The default implementation will raise warnings for any mapping attributes that are declared but not in the list of the valid attributes for this mapping.
 Class getClass(JDBCStoreManager store, Result res)
          Return the class for the current result row.
 SQLBuffer getClassConditions(JDBCStoreManager store, Select sel, Joins joins, ClassMapping base, boolean subs)
          Return SQL to limit the classes selected as much as possible to the given base class, and optionally its subclasses.
 String getMappingType()
          Return the abbreviated name of this mapping, or the full class name if it is a custom mapping.
 Table getTable()
          Return the mapping's primary data table.
 boolean map()
          Map a new instance of this mapping type.
 void reverseMap(SchemaGroup schema, ReverseMappingTool tool)
          Create mappings from the schema, using the given tool.
 boolean select(Select sel, ClassMapping mapping)
          Select the virtual row columns of this mapping.
 void toMappingInfo(MappingInfo info)
          Serialize this mapping to a simple MappingInfo instance for transfer to XML or some other format.
Methods inherited from class kodo.jdbc.meta.ClassIndicator
getClassLoader, getDefaults, loadSubclasses, newInstance, setSubclassesLoaded, subclassesLoaded, toString
Methods inherited from class kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
addMappingInfoAttributes, delete, delete, getColumns, getDBDictionary, getMappingRepository, getOwnerMapping, insert, insert, isCustomDelete, isCustomInsert, isCustomUpdate, refSchemaComponents, setOwnerMapping, update, update
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String TYPE
Constructor Detail


public SubclassJoinClassIndicator()
Method Detail


public String getMappingType()
Description copied from interface: Mapping
Return the abbreviated name of this mapping, or the full class name if it is a custom mapping.


public Table getTable()
Description copied from interface: Mapping
Return the mapping's primary data table.
getTable in class Indicator


public void toMappingInfo(MappingInfo info)
Description copied from interface: Mapping
Serialize this mapping to a simple MappingInfo instance for transfer to XML or some other format.


public void fromMappingInfo(MappingInfo info,
                            boolean adapt)
Description copied from class: Indicator
The default implementation will raise warnings for any mapping attributes that are declared but not in the list of the valid attributes for this mapping.
fromMappingInfo in class Indicator
Following copied from class: kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
See Also:


public boolean map()
Description copied from interface: Mapping
Map a new instance of this mapping type. If the underlying metadata cannot be mapped using this type, return false.


public void reverseMap(SchemaGroup schema,
                       ReverseMappingTool tool)
Description copied from interface: Mapping
Create mappings from the schema, using the given tool. Implement this method if you want the class mapping to be a candidate when reverse-mapping a schema to java classes. Note that this method will be invoked on a template instance, so you cannot rely on the metadata or owning repository being set.
reverseMap in class Indicator


public boolean select(Select sel,
                      ClassMapping mapping)
Description copied from class: Indicator
Select the virtual row columns of this mapping. Returns false by default.
select in class Indicator
Following copied from class: kodo.jdbc.meta.Indicator
mapping - the known base class being selected
true if anything was selected; false otherwise


public Class getClass(JDBCStoreManager store,
                      Result res)
               throws SQLException,
Description copied from class: ClassIndicator
Return the class for the current result row.
getClass in class ClassIndicator


public SQLBuffer getClassConditions(JDBCStoreManager store,
                                    Select sel,
                                    Joins joins,
                                    ClassMapping base,
                                    boolean subs)
Description copied from class: ClassIndicator
Return SQL to limit the classes selected as much as possible to the given base class, and optionally its subclasses. Return null if no conditions needed. The select and joins instances are supplied in order to get column aliases.
getClassConditions in class ClassIndicator

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.3.5 generated on August 31 2005

Copyright 2001,2002 SolarMetric, Inc. All Rights Reserved.