SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.3.5 generated on August 31 2005

Package kodo.jdbc.sql

SQL Abstraction


Interface Summary
Joins Tracks joins made when traversing relations in a select.
Result A result from the execution of a query or stored procedure.
Row Logical representation of a table row for insert/update/delete.
RowManager Manages rows during an insert/update/delete process.

Class Summary
AbstractResult A Result implementation designed to be subclassed easily by implementations.
AbstractSQLServerDictionary Dictionary for the SQL Server databases (Sybase and MS SQL Server).
AccessDictionary Dictionary for Access via DataDirect SequeLink and DataDirect ODBC FoxPro driver.
CacheDictionary Dictionary for Intersystems Cache.
DB2Dictionary Dictionary for IBM DB2 database.
DBDictionary Class which allows the creation of SQL dynamically, in a database agnostic fashion.
DerbyDictionary Dictionary for Apache Derby (formerly Cloudscape).
EmpressDictionary Dictionary for Empress using ODBC server combined with their type 2 driver.
FirebirdDictionary Dictionary for Firebird.
FoxProDictionary Dictionary for Visual FoxPro via DataDirect SequeLink and DataDirect ODBC FoxPro driver.
HSQLDictionary Dictionary for Hypersonic SQL database.
InformixDictionary Dictionary for Informix database.
InterbaseDictionary Dictionary for Borland Interbase.
JDataStoreDictionary Dictionary for Borland JDataStore
Join Represents a SQL join.
MySQLDictionary Dictionary for MySQL.
OracleDictionary Dictionary for Oracle.
PointbaseDictionary Dictionary for Pointbase Embedded.
PostgresDictionary Dictionary for Postgres.
ResultSetResult Base Result implementation wrapped around a result set.
Select Abstraction of a SQL SELECT statement.
SQLBuffer Buffer for SQL statements that can be used to create java.sql.PreparedStatements.
SQLResultObjectProvider Object provider implementation wrapped around a Result.
SQLServerDictionary Dictionary for MS SQLServer.
SybaseDictionary Dictionary for Sybase.

Package kodo.jdbc.sql Description

SQL Abstraction

Utilities for generating SQL.

SolarMetric Kodo JDO 3.3.5 generated on August 31 2005

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