Kodo™ 4.0.0 Developers Guide for JPA/JDO

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1. Kodo JPA/JDO
1.1. About This Document
1.2. Sales Inquiries
2. Kodo Installation
2.1. Overview
2.2. Installation
2. Java Persistence API
1. Introduction
1.1. Intended Audience
1.2. Lightweight Persistence
2. Why JPA?
3. EJB Persistence Architecture
3.1. EJB Exceptions
4. Entity
4.1. Restrictions on Persistent Classes
4.2. Entity Identity
4.3. Lifecycle Callbacks
4.4. Conclusions
5. Metadata
5.1. Class Metadata
5.2. Field and Property Metadata
5.3. XML Schema
5.4. Conclusion
6. Persistence
6.1. persistence.xml
6.2. Non-EE Use
7. EntityManagerFactory
7.1. Obtaining an EntityManagerFactory
7.2. Obtaining EntityManagers
7.3. Persistence Context
7.4. Closing the EntityManagerFactory
8. EntityManager
8.1. Transaction Association
8.2. Entity Lifecycle Management
8.3. Lifecycle Examples
8.4. Entity Identity Management
8.5. Cache Management
8.6. Query Factory
8.7. Closing
9. Transaction
9.1. Transaction Types
9.2. The EntityTransaction Interface
10. JPA Query
10.1. JPQL API
10.2. JPQL Language Reference
11. SQL Queries
11.1. Creating SQL Queries
11.2. Retrieving Persistent Objects with SQL
12. Mapping Metadata
12.1. Table
12.2. Unique Constraints
12.3. Column
12.4. Identity Mapping
12.5. Generators
12.6. Inheritance
12.7. Discriminator
12.8. Field Mapping
12.9. The Complete Mappings
13. Conclusion
3. Java Data Objects
1. Introduction
1.1. Intended Audience
1.2. Transparent Persistence
2. Why JDO?
3. JDO Architecture
3.1. JDO Exceptions
4. PersistenceCapable
4.1. Enhancer
4.2. Persistence-Capable vs. Persistence-Aware
4.3. Restrictions on Persistent Classes
4.4. Lifecycle Callbacks
4.5. JDO Identity
4.6. Conclusions
5. Metadata
5.1. Persistence Metadata DTD
5.2. JDO, Package, and Extension Elements
5.3. Class Element
5.4. Field Element
5.5. Fetch Group Element
5.6. The Complete Document
5.7. Metadata Placement
6. JDOHelper
6.1. Persistence-Capable Operations
6.2. Lifecycle Operations
6.3. PersistenceManagerFactory Construction
7. PersistenceManagerFactory
7.1. Obtaining a PersistenceManagerFactory
7.2. PersistenceManagerFactory Properties
7.3. Obtaining PersistenceManagers
7.4. Properties and Supported Options
7.5. DataStoreCache Access
7.6. Closing the PersistenceManagerFactory
8. PersistenceManager
8.1. User Object Association
8.2. Configuration Properties
8.3. Transaction Association
8.4. FetchPlan Association
8.5. Persistence-Capable Lifecycle Management
8.6. Lifecycle Examples
8.7. Detach and Attach Functionality
8.8. JDO Identity Management
8.9. Cache Management
8.10. Extent Factory
8.11. Query Factory
8.12. Sequence Factory
8.13. Connection Access
8.14. Closing
9. Transaction
9.1. Transaction Types
9.2. The JDO Transaction Interface
10. Extent
11. Query
11.1. Object Filtering
11.2. JDOQL
11.3. Advanced Object Filtering
11.4. Compiling and Executing Queries
11.5. Limits and Ordering
11.6. Projections
11.7. Aggregates
11.8. Result Class
11.9. Single-String JDOQL
11.10. Named Queries
11.11. Delete By Query
11.12. Conclusion
12. FetchPlan
12.1. Detachment Options
13. DataStoreCache
14. JDOR
15. Mapping Metadata
15.1. Mapping Metadata Placement
15.2. Mapping Metadata DTD
15.3. Sequences
15.4. Class Table
15.5. Datastore Identity
15.6. Column
15.7. Joins
15.8. Inheritance
15.9. Discriminator
15.10. Version
15.11. Field Mapping
15.12. Foreign Keys
15.13. Indexes
15.14. Unique Constraints
15.15. The Complete Document
16. Sequence
17. SQL Queries
17.1. Creating SQL Queries
17.2. Retrieving Persistent Objects with SQL
17.3. SQL Projections
17.4. Named SQL Queries
17.5. Conclusion
18. Conclusion
4. Tutorials
1. JPA Tutorials
1.1. Kodo JPA Tutorials
1.2. Kodo JPA Tutorial
1.3. J2EE Tutorial
2. JDO Tutorials
2.1. Kodo JDO Tutorials
2.2. Kodo JDO Tutorial
2.3. Reverse Mapping Tool Tutorial
2.4. J2EE Tutorial
5. Kodo Frequently Asked Questions
1. Kodo JPA/JDO Frequently Asked Questions
1.1. General
1.2. Database
1.3. Programming with Kodo
1.4. How do I ... ?
1.5. Common errors
1.6. Productivity tools
1.7. Performance
1.8. Scalability
1.9. Application servers
1.10. Locking
1.11. Transactions
6. Kodo JPA/JDO Reference Guide
1. Introduction
1.1. Intended Audience
2. Configuration
2.1. Introduction
2.2. License Configuration
2.3. Runtime Configuration
2.4. Command Line Configuration
2.5. Plugin Configuration
2.6. JDO Standard Properties
2.7. Kodo Properties
2.8. Kodo JDBC Properties
3. Logging
3.1. Logging Channels
3.2. Kodo Logging
3.3. Disabling Logging
3.4. Log4J
3.5. Apache Commons Logging
3.6. Custom Log
4.1. Using the Kodo DataSource
4.2. Using a Third-Party DataSource
4.3. Runtime Access to DataSource
4.4. Database Support
4.5. Setting the Transaction Isolation
4.6. Setting the SQL Join Syntax
4.7. Accessing Multiple Databases
4.8. Configuring the Use of JDBC Connections
4.9. Statement Batching
4.10. Large Result Sets
4.11. Default Schema
4.12. Schema Reflection
4.13. Schema Tool
4.14. XML Schema Format
4.15. The SQLLine Utility
5. Persistent Classes
5.1. Persistent Class List
5.2. Enhancement
5.3. Object Identity
5.4. Managed Inverses
5.5. Persistent Fields
5.6. Fetch Groups
5.7. Eager Fetching
5.8. Lock Groups
6. Metadata
6.1. Generating Default JDO Metadata
6.2. Metadata Factory
6.3. Additional JPA Metadata
6.4. Metadata Extensions
7. Mapping
7.1. Forward Mapping
7.2. Reverse Mapping
7.3. Meet-in-the-Middle Mapping
7.4. Mapping Defaults
7.5. Mapping Factory
7.6. Non-Standard Joins
7.7. Additional JPA Mappings
7.8. Mapping Limitations
7.9. Mapping Extensions
7.10. Custom Mappings
7.11. Orphaned Keys
8. Deployment
8.1. Factory Deployment
8.2. Integrating with the Transaction Manager
8.3. XA Transactions
9. Runtime Extensions
9.1. Architecture
9.2. JPA Extensions
9.3. JDO API Extensions
9.4. Object Locking
9.5. Savepoints
9.6. Query Language Extensions
9.7. Generators
9.8. Transaction Events
9.9. Non-Relational Stores
10. Caching
10.1. Data Cache
10.2. Query Compilation Cache
11. Remote and Offline Operation
11.1. Detach and Attach
11.2. Remote Managers
11.3. Remote Event Notification Framework
12. Management and Monitoring
12.1. Configuration
12.2. Kodo Management Console
12.3. Accessing the MBeanServer from Code
12.4. MBeans
13. Profiling
13.1. Profiling in an Embedded GUI
13.2. Dumping Profiling Data to Disk from a Batch Process
13.3. Controlling How the Profiler Obtains Context Information
14. Third Party Integration
14.1. Apache Ant
14.2. Maven
15. Optimization Guidelines
7. Kodo JPA/JDO Samples
1. Kodo Sample Code
1.1. JDO - JPA Persistence Interoperability
1.2. JPA
1.3. JDO
1. JPA Resources
2. JDO Resources
3. Kodo Editions
3.1. Standard Edition
3.2. Performance Pack
3.3. Enterprise Edition
4. Supported Databases
4.1. Apache Derby
4.2. Borland Interbase
4.3. JDataStore
4.4. IBM DB2
4.5. Empress
4.6. Hypersonic
4.7. Firebird
4.8. Informix
4.9. InterSystems Cache
4.10. Microsoft Access
4.11. Microsoft SQL Server
4.12. Microsoft FoxPro
4.13. MySQL
4.14. Oracle
4.15. Pointbase
4.16. PostgreSQL
4.17. Sybase Adaptive Server
5. Common Database Errors
6. Upgrading Kodo
6.1. Compatibility Configuration
6.2. Migrating from Kodo 3.0 to Kodo 3.1
6.3. Migrating from Kodo 3.1 to Kodo 3.2
6.4. Migrating from Kodo 3.x to Kodo 4.0
7. Development and Runtime Libraries
8. Release Notes


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