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WebLogic Platform Tour Guide

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Getting Started

Welcome to the BEA WebLogic Platform Tour!

The BEA WebLogic Platform Tour introduces you to the main features of BEA WebLogic Platform and provides a launching point to get you started developing and integrating your own applications.

To get started using the WebLogic Platform Tour, review the following sections:


Introducing the WebLogic Platform Tour

The WebLogic Platform Tour illustrates how to build and integrate applications, using a sample business scenario to provide business context. In this sample scenario, Avitek, a major vendor of electronic office equipment, has developed a corporate intranet using WebLogic Platform. The corporate intranet enables employees and managers to view employee information and manage office equipment purchases.

The WebLogic Platform Tour shows how these functions can be simplified by building two systems—the Employee Information system and Office Equipment Order Management system—and integrating them into a sample intranet portal application using WebLogic Platform.

Figure 1-1 WebLogic Platform Tour: The Avitek Corporate Intranet

WebLogic Platform Tour: The Avitek Corporate Intranet


WebLogic Platform Components

WebLogic Platform provides an integrated set of components: a J2EE-compliant application server with development, integration, and portal frameworks built on top of it.

Figure 1-2 WebLogic Platform Components

WebLogic Platform Components


The WebLogic Platform components are described in the following table.

Table 1-1 BEA WebLogic Platform Components 

This component...


WebLogic Workshop

Integrated development, deployment, and run-time environment for building WebLogic Platform applications

WebLogic Portal

Framework for building and managing enterprise portals

WebLogic Integration

Framework for developing and integrating applications and business processes from within and across the enterprise

WebLogic Server

Solid foundation for rapidly developing, deploying, and managing e-business applications

WebLogic JRockit

High-performance JVM optimized for server-side performance and scalability.


For more information, see the complete set of WebLogic Platform 8.1 documentation at the following URL:

Integrated Application Solution

The WebLogic Platform Tour demonstrates an integrated application solution, combining multiple standalone applications. The WebLogic Platform Tour consists of two applications that were developed using WebLogic Workshop Platform Edition:

The following figure provides an architectural view of the WebLogic Platform Tour.

Figure 1-3 Architectural View of the WebLogic Platform Tour

Architectural View of the WebLogic Platform Tour


The following table defines the WebLogic Platform Tour components in more detail.

Table 1-2 WebLogic Platform Tour Integrated Application Solution 



Application Integration

Avitek Intranet Portal

Enables Avitek employees to access the corporate intranet.

Intranet portal developed using WebLogic Portal:

  • Provides a composite view of component applications, information, and business processes for specific portal audiences.

  • Integrates with the WebLogic Server security realm to provide secure access.

  • Employs Java page flows to determine the user's path through the pages and the associated data.

  • Employs custom Java controls developed using WebLogic Workshop to coordinate access to multiple databases and invoke a business process.

Employee Information

Enables users to view their employee profiles.

WebLogic Workshop database control simplifies access to employee profiles in the employee information database.

Office Equipment Order Management

Enables employees to order office equipment.

WebLogic Integration business process management:

  • Directs the lifecycle of an office equipment order.

  • Enables user interaction with business process using Worklist user interface.

  • Employs built-in Java controls developed using WebLogic Workshop that simplify access to business logic or enterprise resources.


Business Scenario

John Smith has just accepted a position with Avitek. He needs to verify that his employment information on file is correct. He also needs to order some new office equipment. He can accomplish both tasks through the Avitek corporate intranet.

  1. Log in to the Avitek corporate intranet.
  2. You log in to the Avitek corporate intranet as new employee John Smith.

  3. View employee information.
  4. When you log in to the Avitek intranet portal as an employee, your employee profile is presented in the Employee portlet.

  5. Order office equipment.
  6. This task is a two-step process:

    1. As John Smith, you submit an order for a new laptop.
    2. As the manager, Rachel Burns, you log in and approve the order for a new laptop for John Smith.

    Once approved, you can track the delivery status of the order.

During the WebLogic Platform Tour, you complete each of these steps, assuming the roles of the Avitek employee and manager, as required.


Stepping Through the WebLogic Platform Tour

Before starting the WebLogic Platform Tour, take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the following topics:

Starting the WebLogic Platform Tour

To start the WebLogic Platform Tour (if it is not already started), use one of the following options:

Once you start the WebLogic Platform Tour, the following events occur:

  1. An instance of WebLogic Server is started in the end2end domain.
  2. The WebLogic Platform Tour is deployed, as specified by the end2end domain configuration.
  3. The WebLogic Platform Tour Web application is launched in a browser and you are prompted to log in to the Avitek intranet portal.

Starting WebLogic Workshop

The WebLogic Platform Tour demonstrates many of the features of BEA WebLogic Workshop Platform Edition—an integrated development environment for building WebLogic Platform applications. WebLogic Workshop's intuitive user interface lets you design your application visually, simplifying the development of Web, portal, and business process applications, web services, and more!

As you step through the WebLogic Platform Tour, you are prompted to open within WebLogic Workshop the applications and files that are related to the discussion to learn how they were developed.

Start WebLogic Workshop using the steps defined in the following table:

Table 1-3 Start WebLogic Workshop 

To start WebLogic Workshop on...

Perform the following steps...

Microsoft Windows

From the Start menu, choose Start—> Programs—>BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1—>WebLogic Workshop.


    1. Log in to the target UNIX system.

    2. Go to the workshop directory of the WebLogic Platform installation. For example:

cd bea/weblogic81/workshop

    3. Enter the following command:



The applications you develop in WebLogic Workshop are deployed to a running instance of WebLogic Server. Before you can compile, run, or debug an application, WebLogic Server must be running. The status of the server is reported by the changing colors of an icon at the bottom of the window:

Server Running


When an instance of WebLogic Server is started, the Server icon is shown in green.

An instance of WebLogic Server was invoked, in the end2end domain, when you started the WebLogic Platform Tour. You can start and stop WebLogic Server from within WebLogic Workshop by choosing one of the following commands, respectively:

To learn more about the features of WebLogic Workshop, see the WebLogic Workshop Help, as follows:

To conserve screen real estate, temporarily minimize the WebLogic Workshop window.

Tips for Taking the WebLogic Platform Tour

While taking the WebLogic Platform Tour, keep in mind the following tips:

Stopping the WebLogic Platform Tour

To stop the WebLogic Platform Tour, manually invoke the WebLogic Platform Tour stop script, as follows:


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