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8.1 Supported Configurations: HP Tru64 UNIX V5.1 on Alpha

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HP Tru64 UNIX V5.1 on Alpha with WebLogic Platform 8.1

Provides full support for WebLogic Server and run-time support for WebLogic Workshop and WebLogic Portal. WebLogic Integration is not supported. See below for Design and Development Tools support.


Note: WebLogic Platform 8.1 includes WebLogic Server 8.1 Service Pack 1 (SP1).

This section provides the following information:

Related Information


Configuration Requirements

Table 2-1 Requirements for WebLogic Platform 8.1 on HP Tru64 UNIX V5.1 on Alpha

Operating System Version and Patches

Tru64 UNIX V5.1A

HP Tru64 UNIX 5.1A with Patch Kit 6 (BL24)

Tru64 UNIX V5.1B

  • HP Tru64 UNIX 5.1B with Patch Kit 2 (BL22)

  • HP Tru64 UNIX ERP Patch

Tru64 UNIX V5.1B-1

No patches required

Chip Architecture and Minimum Processor Speed

Alpha (834 MHz)


HP SDK 1.4.1-2 JavaTM 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition Fast VM (build 1.4.1-2, native threads, mixed mode, 06/18/2003-17:51)

HP SDK 1.4.1-2.bp1 JavaTM 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition Fast VM (build 1.4.1-2.bp1, native threads, mixed mode, 04/16/2004-09:16)

  • If you are running only WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1, you can choose between the two SDKs listed here (SDK 1.4.1-2 and SDK 1.4.1-2.bp1). If, however, you also want to run WebLogic Portal 8.1, then you must use HP SDK 1.4.1-2.bp1.

  • These SDKs are not delivered with WebLogic Platform; you must download the appropriate SDK from the HP Web site and install it, manually, before installing WebLogic Platform or WebLogic Server. For instructions, see Download and Installation Instructions.

Design and Development Tools

Supports WebLogic Server development tools.


512 MB required; 1 GB recommended

Performance Pack



Node Manager



BEA jDrivers for Oracle

For this Oracle client version:

The following shared libraries are provided:

Oracle 8.1.7

Note: Not supported by WebLogic Portal

  • lib/tru64unix/oci817_8/

  • lib/tru64unix/oci817_8/

Oracle 9.0.1

Note: Not supported by WebLogic Portal

  • lib/tru64unix/oci901_8/

  • lib/tru64unix/oci901_8/

Oracle 9.2.0

  • lib/tru64unix/oci920_8/

  • lib/tru64unix/oci920_8/



Known Issues

This section provides workarounds for the following issues:

Process Data Segment

The default maximum size of the Process Data Segment, 128 MB, is insufficient. BEA recommends increasing the default maximum size to at least 256 MB or, for a dedicated Web server, 1 GB. For example:

$ ulimit -d 1048576

Oracle Usage Problem

WebLogic jDriver for Oracle with the Oracle8i Server - Enterprise Edition 8.1.7 and the corresponding Oracle Call Interface (OCI)—A problem occurs when this driver, this database server, and this OCI are used together. The problem is an unresolved symbol in the OCILobLocatorAssign of the library. The symbol is not resolved because the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/shrept.lst file does not list every function in the RDBMS that can be called directly by user code. This list is used by the script when it builds the client shared library

Note: Other functions, such as OCIEnvCreate and OCITerminate are also absent, but they are not required by WebLogic Server 8.1. If you want to use applications that require these functions, you can add the functions by performing the following procedure.

  1. Log in to the Oracle account:
  2. su - oracle
  3. Open the following file in a text editor: $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/shrept.lst.
  4. Add the following line to the file:
  5. rdbms: OCILobLocatorAssign
  6. Rebuild the shared client library:
  7. $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
    $ make -f client_sharedlib

    The following files are updated in /opt/oracle/product/8.1.7/lib: 
    ldap.def libclntst8.a

For more information about known issues, see the WebLogic Platform 8.1 Release Notes:


Download and Installation Instructions

This section provides procedures for users who plan to run either WebLogic Server or WebLogic Portal. All users with Tru64 UNIX V5.1A or V5.1B configurations must first download and install the required operating system patches. (No operating system patches are needed for V5.1B-1.) Next, all users must download the desired SDK. Finally, users must choose one of two product installation procedures, depending on which component of WebLogic Platform is going to be used: WebLogic Server or WebLogic Portal.

The following sections provide instructions for these tasks:

Downloading and Installing Operating System Patches

Before you can install WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1 on your Tru64 UNIX V5.1A or V5.1B configuration, you must install the required operating system patches.

Note: No patches are required for a Tru64 UNIX V5.1B-1 configuration.

OS Patches for HP Tru64 UNIX V5.1A

One patch is required for this configuration. To download and install it, complete the following procedure:

Note: Requires HP Tru64 UNIX with 5.1A with PK6 (BL24) installed.

  1. Go to the following HP download site:

  3. Download and install the following HP Tru64 UNIX Patch Kit:

OS Patches for HP Tru64 UNIX V5.1B

One patch is required for this configuration. To download and install it, complete the following procedure:

Note: Requires HP Tru64 UNIX with 5.1B with PK2 (BL22) installed.

  1. Go to the following HP download site:

  3. Download and install the following HP Tru64 UNIX Patch Kit:

Downloading and Installing the SDK

  1. Go to the following HP Web site:

  3. Download and install one of the following SDKs:
  4. Note: If you plan to run only WebLogic Server, you can use either SDK. If, however, you plan to run WebLogic Portal, too, you must use HP SDK 1.4.1-2.bp1.

Downloading and Installing WebLogic Server

Note: If you are planning to run WebLogic Portal with WebLogic Server, do not perform the procedure in this section. See Downloading and Installing WebLogic Portal.

To download and install WebLogic Server, complete the following procedure:

  1. Go to the BEA downloads site:
  3. For WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1, select Compaq Tru64 UNIX (5.1A, 5.1B & B.1B-1) as your operating system, and download the WebLogic Server package installer, pj_server811_generic.jar.
  4. From the same download page, download the supplementary JAR file for HP Tru64 (5.1) by selecting the link: weblogic810sp1_tru64_supp.jar.
  5. Now you have all the components required for your installation: the HP SDK 1.4.1-2 or 1.4.1-2.bp1, the WebLogic Server package installer, and the supplementary JAR file.

  6. Install WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1 by completing the console-mode installation procedure for .jar files available in Installing WebLogic Platform at
  7. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory in which Fast VM 1.4.1-2 is installed, and export JAVA_HOME. For example:
  8. export JAVA_HOME=/usr/opt/java141

    Verify that your PATH variable includes $JAVA_HOME/bin. For example:

    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH:.
  9. Set the WL_HOME environment variable to the directory in which WebLogic Server is installed. For example:
  10. export WL_HOME=/usr/bea/weblogic81
  11. Go to the installation directory for WebLogic Server and apply the supplemental JAR file:
  12. $ cd $WL_HOME
    $ jar xvf absolute_path/weblogic810sp1_tru64_supp.jar
  13. Open the common/bin/ script in a text editor. Modify the settings for JAVA_HOME, BEA_HOME, and WL_HOME, as necessary, so that they are set appropriately for your environment.

You have now finished installing WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1.

Downloading and Installing WebLogic Portal

Note: If you are planning to run WebLogic Server only (that is, WebLogic Server without WebLogic Portal), do not complete the procedure in this section. See Downloading and Installing WebLogic Server.

To download and install WebLogic Portal, complete the following procedure:

  1. Go to the BEA downloads site:

  3. For WebLogic Portal 8.1, select Tru64 UNIX (5.1) as your operating system, and download the WebLogic Platform package installer, pj_platform811_generic.jar, which is used to install WebLogic Portal.
  4. From the same download page, download the supplementary JAR file for HP Tru64 (5.1) by selecting the link: weblogic810sp1_tru64_supp.jar.
  5. Now you have all the components required for your installation: the HP SDK 1.4.1-2.bp1, the WebLogic Platform package installer, and the supplementary JAR file.

  6. Install WebLogic Portal 8.1 and WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1 by completing the console-mode installation procedure for .jar files as described in Installing WebLogic Platform at:

    Note: When prompted, choose a custom installation and select the WebLogic Portal and WebLogic Server components only.

  8. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the directory in which Fast VM 1.4.1-2.bp1 is installed, and export JAVA_HOME. For example:
  9. export JAVA_HOME=/usr/opt/java141

    Verify that your PATH variable includes $JAVA_HOME/bin. For example:

    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH:.
  10. Set the WL_HOME environment variable to point to the directory in which WebLogic Portal is installed. For example:
  11. export WL_HOME=/usr/bea/weblogic81
  12. Go to the installation directory for WebLogic Portal and apply the supplemental JAR file:
  13. $ cd $WL_HOME
    $ jar xvf absolute_path/weblogic810sp1_tru64_supp.jar
  14. Open the common/bin/ script in a text editor. Modify the settings for JAVA_HOME, BEA_HOME, and WL_HOME, as necessary, so that they are set appropriately for your environment.
  15. Go to $WL_HOME/samples/domains/portal and open the script in a text editor. Set the following parameter: debug=false. (-Xdebug is not supported on Tru64 UNIX configurations.)
  16. Go to the sample applications directory ($WL_HOME/samples/domains/portal) and run to verify that WebLogic Portal is installed correctly.

Note: If you want to create a new Portal domain, you must set the debug flag to false (debug=false). If you create a Portal domain without setting debug to false, the Portal server does not start.

You have now finished installing WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1 and WebLogic Portal 8.1.


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