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Supported Configurations: WebLogic

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BEA Workshop Version 10.1

This section provides the following information:


Related Information

For information, see the BEA WorkshopTM Product Family 10.1 homepage.


Configuration Requirements

Products included in the Workshop product family include:

The following sections provide support information for BEA Workshop Studio Product Family Version 10.1:

Support for Workshop for WebLogic

For detailed information on Workshop for WebLogic 10.1, see Supported Configurations for BEA WebLogic Platform 10.0.

Support for Workshop Studio

The following sections provide support information for Workshop Studio:

Platform Support for Workshop Studio

Workshop Studio requires the following minimum platform to run the IDE:

Server Support

Workshop Studio supports iterative testing (debugging and deployment on servlet containers) with any of the following servers:

Database Support

Workshop Studio can be used to work with any SQL database that has a JDBC driver, including:

Standards and Framework Support


Known Issues

For information about known issues with BEA products supported on this configuration, including available workarounds, see BEA Workshop Version 10.1 Release Notes.


Download Instructions

For download information, see the download site for BEA Workshop® Product Family.


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