Installing BEA WebLogic RFID Edge Mobile SDK

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Configuring and Running the BEA Mobile Tag Read Sample Application

The following sections describe how to configure and run the BEA Mobile Tag Read sample application:


Configuring the BEA Mobile Tag Read Sample Application

You can configure the BEA Mobile Tag Read sample application by editing the following file: BEA_MOBILE_HOME/samples/tagread/BEAMobileTagRead.config.xml

You can edit the file directly on the mobile device, or copy it to your Windows system for editing and subsequent update back to the mobile device.

The BEAMobileTagRead.config.xml file is a configuration properties file for the BEA Mobile Tag Read sample application. BEA_MOBILE_HOME is the directory in which you installed the BEA Mobile software on the mobile device.

This file is formatted as a .NET application properties XML file, where each line defines a configuration parameter. Lines beginning with <!-- and ending with --> are comments and are ignored by the sample application during processing. The file is self-documenting in that each property or set of properties is described by the comments preceding it.

To enable the changes made to the BEAMobileTagRead.config.xml file, the sample application must be restarted.

Reader Properties

Table 8-1 describes the BEAMobileTagRead.config.xml properties that define the reader configuration.

Table 8-1 Reader Property Names/Descriptions in BEAMobileTagRead.config.xml
The reader class name for configured physical reader name (for example, Handheld1).[PhysicalReaderName].uhfnLogicalReaderName
The logical reader names (antennas) for configured physical reader name and n = 1,2,3,4.[PhysicalReaderName].bufferSize
The maximum number of tags to read for the buffer.[PhysicalReaderName].attenuation
The attenuation for the antennas.
See reader manufacturer documentation for property value constraints.[PhysicalReaderName].readInterval
The read interval (in milliseconds).[PhysicalReaderName].audioDuration
The duration (in milliseconds) for the audio player.[PhysicalReaderName].audioFrequency
The frequency for the audio player.
See reader manufacturer documentation for property value constraints.[PhysicalReaderName].audioVolume
The volume for the audio player.
See reader manufacturer documentation for property value constraints.

Persistence Properties

Table 8-2 describes the BEAMobileTagRead.config.xml properties that define the persistence configuration.

Table 8-2 Persistence Property Names/Descriptions in BEAMobileTagRead.config.xml
The directory path for the persistence store.
The filename for the persistence store.
The maximum number of EPCIS events to persist.

Workflow Properties

Table 8-3 describes the BEAMobileTagRead.config.xml properties that define the workflow configuration.

Table 8-3 Workflow Property Names/Descriptions in BEAMobileTagRead.config.xml
The workflow class name for configured workflow name (TagReadWorkflow).[WorkflowName].isImmediateSend
The flag indicating whether or not to send EPCIS events immediately.
true: Send the EPCIS events immediately
false: Persist the EPCIS events[WorkflowName].filters
The space-separated list of filter classes for applying to tag reads.

EPCIS Capture Properties

Table 8-4 describes the BEAMobileTagRead.config.xml properties that define the EPCIS capture configuration.

Table 8-4 EPCIS Capture Property Names/Descriptions in BEAMobileTagRead.config.xml
The space-separated list of read point URIs.
The space-separated list of business location URIs.
The space-separated list of business step URIs.
The space-separated list of disposition URIs.
The space-separated list of business transactions.
The EPCIS transport (HTTP_POST, SOAP).
The socket timeout for HTTP POST.
The space-separated list of destination URIs for sending EPCIS events.


Running the BEA Mobile Tag Read Sample Application

You can start and stop the BEA Mobile Tag Read sample application as documented in:

Once the BEA Mobile Tag Read sample application is running, you can perform the operations described in Table 8-5

Table 8-5 Sample Application Operations
Description. . .
Edit Configuration
To edit the sample application configuration properties, select Actions Arrow symbol Edit Config... to display the Edit Config dialog box. The Edit Config dialog allows you to dynamically configure the following EPCIS capture properties without an application restart:
  • Read point URIs
  • Business location URIs
  • Business step URIs
  • Disposition URIs
  • Destination URIs
  • EPCIS business transactions
These selections are preserved across application restarts.
Tag Read
To initiate a tag read, point the antenna of the mobile device at an RFID tag and pull the trigger. The sample application reads continuously while the trigger is held and stops reading when the trigger is released. After the trigger has been released, the tag read in EPC format is displayed in the main UI and the Tags tile is updated with the tag count.
The status bar displays informational messages pertaining to the performed action.
If the isImmediateSend property in the BEAMobileTagRead.config.xml file is set to false, the tag reads are persisted in the configured persistence store location.
If the isImmediateSend property in the BEAMobileTagRead.config.xml file is set to true, then EPCIS events representing the tag reads are sent immediately to the configured destination URIs.
Clear Displayed Reads
To clear the tag reads displayed on the Select Actions Arrow symbol Clear Displayed Reads to clear out the tag reads displayed in the main UI. The main UI is cleared of tag reads and the status bar indicates that the displayed reads were cleared.
Send Persisted Reads
To send all persisted reads, select Actions Arrow symbol Send Persisted Reads to send all persisted reads to the configured destination URIs. The Status Bar displays the number of messages successfully sent.
Clear Persisted Reads
To clear persisted reads from the persistence store, select Actions Arrow symbol Clear Persisted Reads. The status bar confirms that the persisted reads were cleared
Obtain Version Information
To display application and reader version information, select Help Arrow symbol About.


What's Next?

You can now start your own application development, using the BEA WebLogic RFID Edge Mobile SDK APIs. For complete reference information, sample applications, and code walkthroughs, see Programming with the BEA WebLogic RFID Edge Mobile SDK APIs.

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