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   Using BEA Jolt

Getting Started Checklist

Review this checklist before starting the TRANSFER Request Walkthrough.

Note: This checklist applies to Microsoft Active Server Pages only.

  1. Ensure that you have a supported browser installed on your client machine. The client machine must have a network connection to the Web server that is used to connect to the BEA Tuxedo environment.

  2. Configure and boot BEA Tuxedo and the BEA Tuxedo bankapp example.

    1. Make sure the TRANSFER service is available.

    2. Refer to the BEA Tuxedo user documentation for information about completing this task.

  3. Refer to Installing the BEA Tuxedo System and the Jolt Installation Guide for information about how to configure a Jolt Server.

    1. Note the hostname and port number associated with your Jolt Server Listener (JSL).

    2. Ensure that the TRANSFER service is defined in the Jolt Repository.

    3. Test the TRANSFER service using the Jolt Repository Editor to make sure it is accessible to Jolt clients.

  4. Make sure you have Microsoft IIS 4.0 up and running.

    1. Check that script execution permission is enabled in the Web server application properties.

    2. Refer to the user documentation that accompanies the Microsoft IIS server for instructions.

  5. Install the Jolt ASP Connectivity For BEA Tuxedo classes. These classes are contained in the joltasp.jar file. Be sure these classes are in your class path and available to your Web server.

  6. Install the teller sample application.

  7. The code samples shown in TRANSFER Request Walkthrough are available from a sample application delivered with the Jolt ASP Connectivity For BEA Tuxedo software.

    The following table, Sample Bankapp Source Files, lists the files in the sample application. These files are a valuable reference for the walkthrough and are located in <extract_directory>/teller.

    Sample Bankapp Source Files

    File Name



    Initializes the Jolt Session Pool Manager and displays available bankapp services.


    Presents an HTML form for user input.


    Processes the HTML form and returns results as an HTML page.

    VBScript functions for initializing the Jolt Session Pool Manager.

    VBScript functions for initializing the Jolt Session Pool Manager.

    VBScript functions for caching HTML templates.


    HTML templates used for returning results.