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   Using the BEA Tuxedo TOP END Domain Gateway

Using the dmadmin Command Interpreter

The dmadmin command is an interactive command interpreter for the administration of domain gateway groups defined for a particular BEA Tuxedo application. It is used by application administrators for the interactive administration of the information stored in the BDMCONFIG file and the different gateway groups running within a particular BEA Tuxedo application.

Use dmadmin to:

To use dmadmin in configuration mode, execute it in either of two ways:

Defining a BEA TOP END Password

For the TOP END Domain Gateway, if security is enabled, you need to associate a BEA TOP END password with each local domain of type TOPEND defined in the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section of the DMCONFIG file. You assign this password using the dmadmin topendpasswd subcommand as follows.

topendpasswd (tepasswd) [-r] local_domain_name

This command prompts the administrator for a new password for the specified local domain of type TOPEND. The gateway uses this password when sending messages to the BEA TOP END system. The -r option specifies that existing passwords and new passwords should be encrypted using a new key generated by the system. The password is truncated if it is longer than the maximum length of twelve characters.

For details, see dmadmin(1) in BEA Tuxedo Command Reference.

Run-time Deletions

Run-time deletions to the BDMCONFIG file can be performed only when the changes do not involve an active gateway group.

See Also