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   Using the BEA Tuxedo TOP END Domain Gateway

What Is a DMCONFIG File

A Domains configuration for the TEDG consists of at least one local BEA Tuxedo domain and at least one BEA TOP END system that can communicate and share services with the help of the BEA Tuxedo Domains feature. In a Domains configuration using the TEDG, a BEA TOP END system should be considered a "remote domain." How a BEA Tuxedo domain and a BEA TOP END system (remote domain) are connected and which services they make accessible to each other are defined in a Domains configuration file for the TEDG domain and the BEA TOP END system definition on the BEA TOP END system. The text version of a Domains configuration file is known as the DMCONFIG file after the environment variable used to hold the name of the actual file used.

A DMCONFIG file defines the following:

The DMCONFIG file is parsed and loaded into a binary version, called BDMCONFIG, by the dmloadcf(1) utility. The dmadmin(1) command uses BDMCONFIG (or a copy of it) for monitoring the run-time application.

One BDMCONFIG file is required on each domain in a multi-domain configuration in which the Domains feature is being used.

The DMCONFIG and BDMCONFIG files are analogous to the UBBCONFIG and TUXCONFIG files used to define a BEA Tuxedo application.

A DMCONFIG file for a TEDG must contain five required sections and may contain one or two optional sections. The required sections are:

The optional sections are:

Domains Terminology Improvements

In this release, some of the Domains terminology is changing. The Domains MIB uses improved class and attribute terminology to describe the interaction between local and remote domains. While this improved terminology is more accurate than previous domains terminology, the scope of changes to domains-related documentation and error messages is limited in this release. The improved terminology has been applied to the DM_MIB classes, reference page, and error messages, the DMCONFIG file syntax, and various DMCONFIG error messages.

For backwards compatibility, aliases are provided between the DMCONFIG terminology used prior to this release and the improved Domains MIB terminology. In this release, DMCONFIG accepts both versions of the terminology. For details, see Domains Terminology Improvements in BEA Tuxedo File Formats and Data Descriptions Reference.

See Also