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BEA Tuxedo Release 7.1

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 New Features and Enhancements

BEA Tuxedo System Release 8.0 includes the following new features and enhancements:

Support for Multithreaded CORBA C++ Applications

Support for CORBA C++ Unicode Character Set

Load Balancing Features

Support for C++ Object-by-Value Types

Support for Single Sign-On Across ATMI and CORBA Domains

Server Performance Enhancements

Domain Performance Enhancements

BEA WebLogic Server Integration Enhancements


Suppport for Multithreaded CORBA C++ Applications

Release 8.0 of BEA Tuxedo supports multithreaded C++ client and server applications. While there are many advantages to writing multithreaded applications, there are some disadvantages such as application complexity. BEA Tuxedo 8.0 supports two threading models: thread per object and thread per request.


Support for CORBA C++ Unicode Character Set

Release 8.0 of the BEA Tuxedo software supports international (multi-byte) characters, or wide characters. Support for wide characters enables the Unicode character set to be used in the CORBA Interface Definition Language (IDL) and in CORBA client and server applications. As part of this new functionality, the C++ IDL compiler now supports wchar and wstring data types, recursive sequences, indirect typecodes, and forward references.


Load Balancing Features

Load Balancing that reduces bridge traffic

Release 8.0 of BEA Tuxedo includes new load balancing features. In BEA WebLogic Enterprise 5.1, in a multiprocessor configuration, load balancing randomly distributed workload across all machines supporting a particular interface within a domain. In BEA Tuxedo 8.0, load balancing favors the local machine when distributing workload and, thus, reduces bridge traffic.

Support for parallel objects

support for parallel objects was added to BEA Tuxedo CORBA in release 8.0 as a performance enhancement. The parallel objects feature enables you to designate all business objects in a particular application as stateless objects. The effect is that, unlike stateful business objects which can only run on one server in a single domain, stateless business objects can run on all servers in a single domain.


Suppport for C++ Object-by-Value Types

Support for C++ object-by-value types enhances the ability of BEA Tuxedo CORBA C++ applications to access BEA WebLogic Servers 6.0 via RMI/IIOP.


Support for Single Sign-On Across ATMI and CORBA Domains

Support for the T-Engine security plug-in framework was provided in BEA Tuxedo 7.1 and BEA WebLogic Enterprise 5.1 (CORBA-only), but security context could not be propagated across these environments. In BEA Tuxedo 8.0, both the ATMI and CORBA environments support the same plug-in framework, and therefore, common, interoperable security is achieved.


Server Performance Enhancements

BEA Tuxedo 8.0 includes the following server options that enable you to customize the server for optimal performance:

  • Service and Interface Caching

  • Turning off Authorization and auditing security

  • Turning off Multithreaded Processing

  • Turning off XA transactions


    Domain Performance Enhancements

    Enhancements have been made to the BEA Tuxedo Domains software to improve performance in the following areas:

  • Reduce boot time in large domain configurations

  • Enable cross-domain assignment of message priorities

  • Domain transaction auditing


    BEA WebLogic Server Integration Enhancements

    In release 8.0, the Jolt software includes the following enhancements that improve the integration of BEA WebLogic Server with BEA Tuxedo services:

  • Propagation of BEA WebLogic Server user authentication

  • Connection pools reset option

  • XML buffer type support

  • Buffer allocation enhancements
