BEA Systems, Inc.

Class ContentQueryAdviceRequestImpl


public class ContentQueryAdviceRequestImpl
extends AbstractAdviceRequestImpl
implements ContentQueryAdviceRequest,

This is a concrete class implementation for a ContentQuery advice request. Note, all Advice Request classes must be Serializable. Make sure that all data in this object are Serializable.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.String contentHome
protected  long max
protected  java.lang.String query
protected  java.lang.String sortBy
Fields inherited from class com.beasys.commerce.axiom.advisor.AbstractAdviceRequestImpl
Constructor Summary
ContentQueryAdviceRequestImpl(Advislet advislet)
          Creates a new instance of a ContentQueryAdviceRequest object.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getContentHome()
          Gets the content ejb home JNDI name for the content manager to use for the content query request.
 long getMax()
          Gets the maximum number of content items to return from a content query request.
 java.lang.String getQuery()
          Gets the content query string used to search for content.
 java.lang.String getSortBy()
          Gets the sort string used that is used to sort the content items returned from the content query request.
 void setContentHome(java.lang.String contentHome)
          Sets the content ejb home JNDI name for the content manager to use for the content query request.
 void setMax(long max)
          Sets the maximum number of content items to return from a content query request.
 void setQuery(java.lang.String query)
          Sets the content query string used to search for content.
 void setSortBy(java.lang.String sortBy)
          Sets the sort string used that is used to sort the content items returned from the content query request.
 void validate()
          Validates the request.
Methods inherited from class com.beasys.commerce.axiom.advisor.AbstractAdviceRequestImpl
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected long max


protected java.lang.String sortBy


protected java.lang.String contentHome


protected java.lang.String query
Constructor Detail


public ContentQueryAdviceRequestImpl(Advislet advislet)
Creates a new instance of a ContentQueryAdviceRequest object. This method is meant to be called by the Advisor which acts as a factory for all AdviceRequest objects.
advislet - The default advislet to use for making recommendations.
Method Detail


public long getMax()
Gets the maximum number of content items to return from a content query request.
Specified by:
getMax in interface ContentQueryAdviceRequest
long The maximum number of content items to return.


public void setMax(long max)
Sets the maximum number of content items to return from a content query request.
Specified by:
setMax in interface ContentQueryAdviceRequest
max - The maximum number of content items to return.


public java.lang.String getSortBy()
Gets the sort string used that is used to sort the content items returned from the content query request. It is list of document attributes to sort the content by. The syntax follows the SQL 'order by' clause. The sort specification is limited to a list of the metadata attribute names and the keywords ASC and DESC. Examples: sortBy="creationDate" sortBy="creationDate ASC, title DESC"
Specified by:
getSortBy in interface ContentQueryAdviceRequest
String The sortBy string.


public void setSortBy(java.lang.String sortBy)
Sets the sort string used that is used to sort the content items returned from the content query request. It is list of document attributes to sort the content by. The syntax follows the SQL 'order by' clause. The sort specification is limited to a list of the metadata attribute names and the keywords ASC and DESC. Examples: sortBy="creationDate" sortBy="creationDate ASC, title DESC"
Specified by:
setSortBy in interface ContentQueryAdviceRequest
sortBy - The sortBy string.


public java.lang.String getContentHome()
Gets the content ejb home JNDI name for the content manager to use for the content query request.
Specified by:
getContentHome in interface ContentQueryAdviceRequest
String The content ejb home JNDI name.


public void setContentHome(java.lang.String contentHome)
Sets the content ejb home JNDI name for the content manager to use for the content query request.
Specified by:
setContentHome in interface ContentQueryAdviceRequest
String - The content ejb home JNDI name.


public java.lang.String getQuery()
Gets the content query string used to search for content. Example: query="mimetype contains 'text' AND author='Proulx'"
Specified by:
getQuery in interface ContentQueryAdviceRequest
String The query string.


public void setQuery(java.lang.String query)
Sets the content query string used to search for content. Example: query="mimetype contains 'text' AND author='Proulx'"
Specified by:
setQuery in interface ContentQueryAdviceRequest
String The query string.


public void validate()
              throws AdviceRequestValidationException
Validates the request. A ContentQueryAdviceRequest must have the following data in the request: max - the maximum number of content items to return. sortBy - the sort by sting. (optional) contentHome - the JNDI name of the content manager home. query - the query string.
validate in class AbstractAdviceRequestImpl
AdviceRequestValidationException - thrown when not valid. The message in the exception indicates the validation error.

BEA Systems, Inc.

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