BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface PersonalizationAdvisor

Deprecated. As of WLPS 3.1, replaced by Advisor

public interface PersonalizationAdvisor
extends javax.ejb.EJBObject

The remote bean interface for the Personalization Advisor. The p13n advisor makes recommendations for advise requests. To get recommendations, first create a request template for the type of request you want to make by calling the advisor's createRequestTemplate method, then fill out the template with the required information, and then call the advisor's advise() method.

Method Summary
 AdviceResults advise(AdviceRequest adviceRequest)
          Deprecated. This method makes recommendations based the AdviceRequest passed in.
 AdviceRequest createRequestTemplate(java.lang.String adviceRequestClassName, java.lang.String pzTechnique)
          Deprecated. This method creates an AdviceRequest template for the adviceRequestClassName passed in.
Methods inherited from interface javax.ejb.EJBObject
getEJBHome, getHandle, getPrimaryKey, isIdentical, remove

Method Detail


public AdviceResults advise(AdviceRequest adviceRequest)
                     throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,
This method makes recommendations based the AdviceRequest passed in.
adviceRequest - The advice request for which to make a recommendation.
AdviceResults The advice results which contain the recommendations based on the type of request made.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if the adviceRequest parameter is null or an unsupported type.
PersonalizationAdvisorException - thrown on an error when processing the request.
AdviceRequestValidationException - thrown on an error when validating the request.
java.rmi.RemoteException - thrown on a communication error.


public AdviceRequest createRequestTemplate(java.lang.String adviceRequestClassName,
                                           java.lang.String pzTechnique)
                                    throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,
This method creates an AdviceRequest template for the adviceRequestClassName passed in. It determines the best fit personalization agent to use for handling the request type and the personalizationTechnique.
adviceRequestClassName - The class name of the AdviceRequest which is used to create the template.
pzTechnique - The personalization technique name to use in the determination of the best fit personalization agent to use for the request type. The only valid personalization technqiues at this time are: pz:bea:rules pz:bea:query
AdviceRequest A advice request template. The caller is responsible for setting the template data before calling the PersonalizationAdvisor.advise() method.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if the parameters are null or an unsupported type.
PersonalizationAdvisorException - thrown on an error when creating the template.
java.rmi.RemoteException - thrown on a communication error.

BEA Systems, Inc.

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