BEA Systems, Inc.

Class Session


public class Session
extends HttpConfigurableEntity

The Personalization Server implementation of the Http Session interface. This object is used by the Personalization Server to get properties on an Http Session in a format understandable to Personalization Core Services such as the Rules Service. Note, we require the request to be passed into many methods since there are cases where we need to look at the request. The getProperty method will look in the HTTP session attributes for the property. Theoretically, this object should be safe to pass to a remote method call. However, that depends on whether or not all of the data in the HttpSession are Serializable (they should be). The setProperty method updates the HTTP session's attributes.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Default Constructor
Session(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Creates a P13N HTTP Session.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String scopeName, java.lang.String propertyName, ConfigurableEntity successor, java.lang.Object defaultValue)
          Retrieves a property value for the specified scope and key.
Methods inherited from class com.beasys.commerce.axiom.p13n.http.HttpConfigurableEntity
addBusinessPolicy, addPropertyValue, addPropertyValueMapped, get__classIdentifier, get__containingBelonging, get__containingEntity, get__mapKey, get__sequenceNumber, getBusinessPolicy, getDefaultValueFromSchema, getEJBHome, getHandle, getPersistableHandle, getPrimaryKey, getProperty, getPropertyAsString, getPropertyAsString, getPropertyDefault, getPropertyNoDefault, getSuccessor, getUniqueId, isIdentical, remove, removeBusinessPolicy, removeProperty, removeProperty, removePropertyValue, removePropertyValueMapped, removeSuccessor, set__containingBelonging, set__containingEntity, set__mapKey, setProperty, setProperty, setSuccessor
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Session()
Default Constructor


public Session(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Creates a P13N HTTP Session. This object clones the session values provided in the session in the HttpRequest.
session - the HttpServletRequest used to get the Http session values.
Method Detail


public java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String scopeName,
                                    java.lang.String propertyName,
                                    ConfigurableEntity successor,
                                    java.lang.Object defaultValue)
Retrieves a property value for the specified scope and key. The getProperty method will first look in the cloned session values for the property. If not found, then it uses the scopeName parameter to find a schema entity for a 'SESSION' schema group name. If found, it uses the default value in the schema.
getProperty in class HttpConfigurableEntity
scopeName - The name of the scope for which the property is sought. The scope is only used if no property is found in the request and we use the scope to look up the default value in the Schema for the request. This parameter can be null.
key - The property name. This name should be "de-qualified" since the creation of this object instance loaded the session values from the current Service Provider for the current request. For example, if the HttpSession has PortalA.frequentFlyer, use frequentFlyer for this parameter.
successor - The successor. Must be null. It is not used in this method and will be ignored.
defaultValue - the default value to return if the property is not found
the property value

BEA Systems, Inc.

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