BEA Systems, Inc.
Interface Criteria

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Criteria
extends Expression

The simple expression container in an expression string.

This will model a property name, an comparision operator, and a value to match against the name. In this fashion simple boolean logic can be utilized.

For use in the personalization and commerce servers, the comparision operator values must be the constants specified in TypesHelper (e.g. EQUALS, NOT_EQUALS, LIKE, etc.). This is because the logic which handles the Criteria objects will compare the operator against those constants.

To create Criteria objects, either use CriteriaHome.create() and set property, criteria, and comparator, or use ExpressionHelper to parse a query string into an Expression.

Attribute: criteria Attribute: property Attribute: scope Attribute: comparator

See Also:
CriteriaHome, CriteriaImpl, TypesHelper, ExpressionHelper

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getComparator()
          Get the comparision operator.
 java.lang.Object getCriteria()
          Get the literial value to compare against.
 java.lang.String getProperty()
          Get the property name to compare against.
 java.lang.String getScope()
          Get the property name's scope to compare against.
 void setComparator(java.lang.String comparator)
          Set the comparision operator
 void setCriteria(java.lang.Object criteria)
          Set the literal value to compare against.
 void setProperty(java.lang.String property)
          Set the property name to compare against.
 void setScope(java.lang.String scope)
          Set the property name's scope to compare against.
Methods inherited from interface
getNot, setNot, toString, valueOf
Methods inherited from interface
clone, equals, interfaceName, setByValue, value
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object getCriteria()
Get the literial value to compare against.


public void setCriteria(java.lang.Object criteria)
Set the literal value to compare against.


public java.lang.String getProperty()
Get the property name to compare against.


public void setProperty(java.lang.String property)
Set the property name to compare against.


public java.lang.String getScope()
Get the property name's scope to compare against.


public void setScope(java.lang.String scope)
Set the property name's scope to compare against.


public java.lang.String getComparator()
Get the comparision operator.


public void setComparator(java.lang.String comparator)
Set the comparision operator

BEA Systems, Inc.

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