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CORBA, J2EE, and Tuxedo Interoperability and Coexistence

This document provides details about how to build and run the suite of sample applications, which show how Enterprise JavaBeans and CORBA objects can coexist in the same WebLogic Enterprise application.

This document is intended for programmers who are interested in creating secure, scalable, transaction-based server applications. It assumes you are knowledgeable with CORBA, Enterprise JavaBeans, and the C++ and Java programming languages.

This document contains the following topics:



Interoperability, Coexistence, and Transactions

Interoperability Among the CORBA, J2EE, and Tuxedo Programming Models

   BEA Servers Invoking BEA Servers

   BEA Clients Invoking BEA Servers

   Third-party ORB Interoperability

Overview of the Interoperability Sample Applications


EJB-to-CORBA/Java Simpapp Sample Application

How the EJB-to-CORBA/Java Simpapp Sample Application Works

   Software Prerequisites

   Implementing the Bridge Object to Invoke a CORBA/Java Object

   The OMG IDL Code for the EJB-to-CORBA/Java Simpapp Interfaces

Building and Running the EJB-to-CORBA/Java Simpapp Sample Application

   Verifying the Settings of the Environment Variables

      Verifying the Environment Variables

      Changing the Environment Variables

   Copying the Files for the Java Simpapp Sample Application into a Work Directory

   Files in the Working Directory

   Changing the Protection Attribute on the Files for the EJB-to-CORBA/Java Simpapp Sample Application

   Executing the runme Command

   Running the Sample Application

   Processes and Files Generated by the EJB-to-CORBA/Java Simpapp Sample Application

      Processes Started

      Files Generated in the corbaj Directory

      File Generated in the ejb_corbaj Directory

      Files Generated in the results Directory

Stopping the EJB-to-CORBA/Java Simpapp Sample Application


CORBA/C++-to-EJB Simpapp Sample Application

How the CORBA/C++-to-EJB Simpapp Sample Application Works

   Software Prerequisites

   Implementing the Bridge Object to Invoke an EJB

The OMG IDL Code for the CORBA/C++-to-EJB Simpapp Interfaces

Building and Running the CORBA/C++-to-EJB Simpapp Sample Application

   Verifying the Settings of the Environment Variables

      Verifying the Environment Variables

      Changing the Environment Variables

   Copying the Files for the CORBA/C++-to-EJB Simpapp Sample Application into a Work Directory

   Files in the Working Directory

   Changing the Protection Attribute on the Files for the CORBA/C++-to-EJB Simpapp Sample Application

   Executing the runme Command

   Running the Sample Application

   Processes and Files Generated by the CORBA/C++-to-EJB Simpapp Sample Application

      Processes Started

      Files Generated in the cpp Directory

      File Generated in the cpp_ejb Directory

      Files Generated in the results Directory

Stopping the CORBA/C++-to-EJB Simpapp Sample Application