Annotation Type JMSHeader

public @interface JMSHeader

Specifies the JMS Header attributes for WLI JMS Control

Required Element Summary
 String JMSCorrelationID
          It is a Read/write attribute which can be set to the conversation ID of the listening service.
 String JMSDeliveryMode
          It is Read-only attribute.
 String JMSExpiration
          It is Read-only attribute.
 String JMSMessageID
          It is Read-only attribute.
 String JMSPriority
          It is Read-only attribute.
 String JMSRedelivered
          It is Read-only attribute.
 long JMSTimestamp
          It is Read-only attribute.
 String JMSType
          It is Read/write attribute.

Element Detail


public abstract String JMSCorrelationID
It is a Read/write attribute which can be set to the conversation ID of the listening service.


public abstract String JMSDeliveryMode
It is Read-only attribute. Contains the delivery mode specified when the message was sent.


public abstract String JMSExpiration
It is Read-only attribute. Calculated as the sum of the message-time-to-live value when the message was sent plus the current GMT.


public abstract String JMSMessageID
It is Read-only attribute. Contains a unique identifier for the message.


public abstract String JMSPriority
It is Read-only attribute. Contains the message's priority.


public abstract String JMSRedelivered
It is Read-only attribute. Indicates that the message may have been delivered but not acknowledged in the past.


public abstract long JMSTimestamp
It is Read-only attribute. Contains the time that the message was handed off by the provider to be sent.


public abstract String JMSType
It is Read/write attribute. Can be set to an arbitrary value to distinguish the type of message the sender is sending.