Annotation Type EBXMLControl.EbxmlMethod

public static @interface EBXMLControl.EbxmlMethod

Specifies the method-level annotations for the ebXML control.

Optional Element Summary
 String envelope
          Used with a callback method to assign the ebXML envelope of an incoming message.
 String toSelector
          XQuery expression that selects the recipient business ID.
 XQuery.Version XQVersion
          XQuery version to use.


public abstract String toSelector
XQuery expression that selects the recipient business ID. To learn how to specify the business ID dynamically using selectors,see help on "Dynamically Specifying Business IDs" in "Using an ebXML control".
Note: This attribute is not available always. It only applies to the send method in the control definition or to control instance declarations in the business process file (JPD file).

"Not Specified"


public abstract String envelope
Used with a callback method to assign the ebXML envelope of an incoming message.
Note: You can rename the default value (env) as long as it matches the name of the parameter specified in the method.

"Not Specified"


public abstract XQuery.Version XQVersion
XQuery version to use. Default is XQuery.Version.v2002
