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Upgrade Guide

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Upgrading to Service Pack 3

This section provides instructions for applying Service Pack 3 (SP3) changes to your portal applications after you install that service pack. For instructions on installing service packs, see "Installing Service Packs and Rolling Patches" at:

This section contains information on the following subjects:


The Service Pack Upgrade Process

Regardless of the release—8.1 or 8.1 with Service Pack 2—from which you are upgrading, you follow the same basic process to complete the upgrade.

  1. Upgrade an existing SP2 domain or create a new SP3 domain.
  2. Upgrade existing database schema.
  3. Upgrade existing applications.
  4. Redeploy upgraded application to your production environment.

The following sections describe these steps.


Step 1: Upgrade an Existing SP2 Domain or Create A New SP3 Domain

You must choose one of the following upgrade paths:

Upgrading an Existing SP2 Domain

If you choose to upgrade your existing SP2 domain to use the new SP3 libraries, upgrade instructions vary according to the method you used to install SP3. The following sections explain your options and the required manual update steps.

WebLogic Portal Upgrade Installer

If you used the WebLogic Portal SP3 upgrade installer to update your existing SP2 install, then you do not need to make any changes to your SP2 domain. All scripts should pick up the appropriate libraries in /weblogic81.

Continue to Step 2: Upgrade Existing Database Schema on page 5-5.

WebLogic Portal Full Installer

If you used the full installer and you installed SP3 in a separate directory, then you must manually update scripts in their SP2 domain.

Update setDomainEnv

In the script setDomainEnv, update the following variables:


Note: The file setDomainEnv contains the DOMAIN_NAME variable. Do not change the value of this variable if you are upgrading an existing domain to SP4.

Update Path to JDK as Needed

The upgrade installer cannot update paths to the JDK because it can reside in a unique location. To update paths to point to the new JDK for SP4, edit the variables in the scripts shown in
Table 5 -3:

Table 5 -3 Variables/Scripts Containing Path








Review and Update Other Scripts and Variables as Needed

The following table lists other variables and files that may or may not need updating, depending on which scripts you use in your environment; however, BEA recommends that you review the files in directory WL_HOME\samples\domains\portal to verify you have made all needed changes.






1The file startWebLogic contains the DOMAIN_NAME variable. Do not change the value of this variable if you are upgrading an existing domain to SP3.


Adding Module Information to Database Properties File

Navigate to the file in the domain that you are upgrading and update the module settings for SP3, as appropriate. The portal module cmv and netuix module wsrp are new for SP3. For example, the corresponding lines of the properties file should appear like this:

p13n_modules=p13n ds au bt
cmv wlcs wps sample_cm collaboration netuix_modules=pf wsrp

If you use the script create_db, update these variables in the script set-dbenv:


Special Considerations for LdapPropertyManager UUP in p13n_ejb.jar:

A new environment entry (env-entry) called useSSL has been added for SP3. In order to use LdapPropertyManagerImpl in WebLogic Portal SP3, you must manually change the ejb-jar.xml deployment to include your connection information.

If you attempt to use the old ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor, the missing useSSL env-entry causes the following exception to occur when you try to get user properties from LDAP:

javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: While trying to look up useSSL in
/app/ejb/p13n_ejb.jar#LdapPropertyManager/comp/env/config.; remaining name

If you are continuing to an SP4 upgrade after completing the steps in this section, be sure to perform this task before using SP4.

Creating a New SP3 Domain

To create a new SP3 domain that mirrors your existing SP2 domain, follow these steps:

  1. Use the Configuration Wizard.
  2. See "Creating a New WebLogic Domain" at:

  3. Copy the LDAP information from your SP2 domain to the new SP3 domain. LDAP information is located in the path: portal_domain\portal_server\ldap.
  4. Re-generate any encrypted passwords that your application uses, such as passwords for database access, third-party applications or other utilities that require a login. This step is only necessary if you were already using encrypted passwords before upgrading, see Re-Encrypting Password on page 5-10.


Step 2: Upgrade Existing Database Schema

Scripts for upgrading an SP2 database to SP3 are located in SP3_WL_HOME\portal\upgrade\SP3 where SP3_WL_HOME is the WL_HOME directory for SP3.

For databases other than PointBase, in order to use the provided WebLogic Portal upgrade scripts, database client software must be installed and configured on the machine from which you execute the upgrade scripts.

Complete the steps in the following sections, as appropriate depending on your database type, to make your WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP2 database schema 8.1 SP3-compliant.

Note: For details about the database and schema changes that will be made for SP3, see Database Changes for SP3 on page D-1.

Upgrading a PointBase Database

  1. Shut down the WebLogic Server if it is running. The WebLogic Server must be shut down while performing the database schema upgrade steps.
  2. Back up your existing database using a method prescribed by PointBase. Ensure that the database backup you create is valid for restore purposes if you encounter a failure during the database upgrade process.
  3. Copy the workshop.dbn, workshop$1.wal, and pointbase.ini Pointbase database files from your source domain to SP3_WL_HOME\portal\upgrade\SP3.

Warning: The SP3 PointBase database upgrade scripts cannot expand _LABEL column lengths because PointBase does not support this type of ALTER function. BOOK_LABEL, PAGE_LABEL, and LOOK_FEEL_LABEL columns are expanded from Varchar(40) to Varchar(80). PointBase databases created with SP3 will properly define the columns as Varchar(80).

  1. Make the following change to the SP3_WL_HOME\portal\upgrade\SP4\ file:
  2. Navigate to SP3_WL_HOME\portal\upgrade\SP3 and run the upgrade_db_schema_to_81SP3.cmd or .sh script to upgrade your database schema.
  3. To verify that the upgrade was successful, inspect the upgrade_db_schema_to_81SP3.log file. You can find the scripts and log file in SP3_WL_HOME\portal\upgrade\SP3.
  4. Copy the workshop.dbn, workshop$1.wal, and pointbase.ini files from SP3_WL_HOME\portal\upgrade\SP3 to your SP3 domain, as appropriate.

The database is now upgraded. Back up the upgraded database before upgrading existing applications.

If you are continuing to an SP4 upgrade, be sure to back up the upgraded SP3 database before performing the SP4 upgrade.

Remove OLD_ Tables After Upgrade (Optional)

During an upgrade from WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP2 to SP3, some tables are renamed with an old_ prefix so that the upgrades can be performed successfully and data migrated to the newly created tables. Once you have successfully upgraded, you can manually drop the following tables with the old_ prefix from your schema:

Upgrading a Sybase Database

  1. Shut down the WebLogic server if it is running. The WebLogic Server must be shut down while performing the database schema upgrade steps.
  2. Back up your existing database using a method prescribed by Sybase. Ensure that the database backup you create is valid for restore purposes if you encounter a failure during the database upgrade process.
  3. Set the "Allow Select Into/Bulkcopy" database parameter to true for the WEBLOGIC Portal database; see Listing 5-1 for an example:

Listing 5-1 Setting Allow Select Into/Bulkcopy Option in Sybase

use master
sp_dboption WEBLOGIC,"select into/bulkcopy",true
  1. Make the following changes to the SP3_WL_HOME\portal\upgrade\SP3\ file:
  2. Navigate to SP3_WL_HOME\portal\upgrade\SP3 and run the upgrade_db_schema_to_81SP3.cmd or .sh script to upgrade your database schema to SP3, as appropriate. To verify that the upgrade was successful, inspect the upgrade_db_schema_to_81SP3.log file. You can find the scripts and log file in SP3_WL_HOME\portal\upgrade\SP3.
  3. The database is now upgraded. Back up the upgraded database before upgrading existing applications.

  4. Reset the "Allow Select Into/Bulkcopy" database parameter to false for the WEBLOGIC Portal database, as shown in Listing 5-2.

Listing 5-2 Resetting "Allow Select into/Bulkcopy" Option in Sybase

use master
sp_dboption WEBLOGIC,"select into/bulkcopy",false

If you are continuing to an SP4 upgrade, be sure to back up the upgraded SP3 database before performing the SP4 upgrade.

Remove OLD_ Tables After Upgrade (Optional)

During an upgrade from WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP2 to SP3, some tables are renamed with an old_ prefix so that the upgrades can be performed successfully and data migrated to the newly created tables. Once you have successfully upgraded, you can manually drop the following tables with the old_ prefix from your schema:

Upgrading a SQL Server Database

  1. Shut down the WebLogic Server if it is running. The WebLogic Server must be shut down while performing the database schema upgrade steps.
  2. Back up your existing database using a method prescribed by SQL Server. Ensure that the database backup you create is valid for restore purposes if you encounter a failure during the database upgrade process.
  3. Make the following changes to the SP3_WL_HOME\portal\upgrade\SP3\ file:
  4. Navigate to SP3_WL_HOME\portal\upgrade\SP3 and run the upgrade_db_schema_to_81SP3.cmd or .sh script to upgrade your database schema. To verify that the upgrade was successful, inspect the upgrade_db_schema_to_81SP3.log file. You can find the scripts and log file in SP3_WL_HOME\portal\upgrade\SP3.
  5. The database is now upgraded. Back up the upgraded database before upgrading existing applications.

If you are continuing to an SP4 upgrade, be sure to back up the upgraded SP3 database before performing the SP4 upgrade.

Remove OLD_ Tables After Upgrade (Optional)

During an upgrade from WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP2 to SP3, some tables are renamed with an old_ prefix so that the upgrades can be performed successfully and data migrated to the newly created tables. Once you have successfully upgraded, you can manually drop the following tables with the old_ prefix from your schema:

Upgrading an Oracle or DB2 Database

  1. Shut down the WebLogic Server if it is running. The WebLogic Server must be shut down while performing the database schema upgrade steps.
  2. Back up your existing database using a method prescribed by your database vendor. Ensure that the database backup you create is valid for restore purposes if you encounter a failure during the database upgrade process.
  3. Make the following changes to the SP3_WL_HOME\portal\upgrade\SP3\ file:
  4. Navigate to SP3_WL_HOME\portal\upgrade\SP3 and run the upgrade_db_schema_to_81SP3.cmd or .sh script to upgrade your database schema. To verify that the upgrade was successful, inspect the upgrade_db_schema_to_81SP3.log file. You can find the scripts and log file in SP3_WL_HOME\portal\upgrade\SP3.
  5. The database is now upgraded. Back up the upgraded database before upgrading existing applications.

If you are continuing to an SP4 upgrade, be sure to back up the upgraded SP3 database before performing the SP4 upgrade.

Remove OLD_ Tables After Upgrade (Optional)

During an upgrade from WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP2 to SP3, some tables are renamed with an old_ prefix so that the upgrades can be performed successfully and data migrated to the newly created tables. Once you have successfully upgraded, you can manually drop the following tables with the old_ prefix from your schema:


Step 3: Upgrade Existing Applications

When you upgrade, you may need to also update applications you have developed. Specifically, additional tasks are required if the following is true:

Re-Encrypting Password

If you created a new domain during your upgrade process AND your application uses encrypted passwords, you must re-encrypt any passwords currently used by your application.

A portal domain's portal application's META-INF directory contains the application-config.xml file. In newly created portal domains where the portal application is deployed, this file will contain unencrypted passwords. These passwords actually remain clear text until the portal administration tool's Service Administration page is used to edit and save attributes contained in this config file, or the application using the password accesses it. (And if the portal application is deployed as an ear file, this file cannot be edited and saved.)

<TONIA> Encrypting passwords is done differently according to how your application is deployed. If you have deployed your application as an EAR file, you'll have to manually modify the configuration files and bring down the server to do so. If you have not deployed as an EAR, you can use the Service Administration tools within the Administration Console to enter the passwords for your application. The Service Administration tools then automatically encrypt your passwords.

<TONIA> Is the application already deployed at this point? Other than WSRP and CM SPI implementations, what other passwords are kept in the application-config file?

<TONIA> Is there a way to automatically encrypt passwords for CM SPI implementations? Or is this manual process always necessary when switching domains?

You'll need to use the EncryptDomainString command-line utility to generate an encrypted password and then place that encrypted password into your portal applications's application-config.xml file while it is still in the development environment. Then you can build the EAR file for the application and deploy it as necessary.

Encrypting Passwords

To encrypt passwords, use this procedure:

  1. Open a command box (DOS shell) and navigate to domain/portal/ (where domain is the domain directory for the application) and run setDomainEnv.cmd.
  2. At the prompt, enter
  3. java com.bea.p13n.util.EncryptDomainString -targetDomainDir d -inputString s 


    For example:

    java com.bea.p13n.util.EncryptDomainString -targetDomainDir \bea\weblogic81b\samples\domain\portal -inputString weblogic

    In this example, the input string weblogic represents administrator's password (adminpassword=weblogic; see Listing 5-3). The command line utility prints a domain specific encrypted string.

  4. Open WebLogic Workshop and the specific portal application.
  5. Select File>Open>File (Figure 5-1).
  6. Figure 5-1 Opening a File in WebLogic Workshop


    An Open dialog box appears.

  7. Navigate to the application's META-INF folder and open application-config.xml.

Listing 5-3 Clear text Passwords in application-config.xml

<ConsumerSecurity AdminPassword="weblogic" AdminUserName="weblogic"
CertAlias="wsrpConsumer" CertPrivateKeyPassword="wsrppassword"
Keystore="wsrpKeystore.jks" KeystorePassword="password"
  1. Replace the clear text passwords with those generated by the EncryptDomainString utility, as shown in Figure 5-4. You will need to run EncryptDomainString for each password in the <ConsumerSecurity>(Listing 5-3) element; for example:

Listing 5-4 Encrypted Passwords Generated by EncryptDomainString Utility

<ConsumerSecurity AdminPassword="{3DES}3QrrUeIwN/DxlDI++1ixPw=="
AdminUserName="weblogicc" CertAlias="wsrpConsumer"
Keystore="wsrpKeystore.jks" KeystorePassword=
   Name="ConsumerSecurity" /> 

Now you can build the EAR file and deploy the application.

Note on Changing Passwords

If you need to change an administrator's password for any reason, simply changing the password will result in having to rebuild and redeploy the EAR. This is time-consuming and counterproductive. Instead, you can work around this problem by doing the following:

  1. Create a special user in the target system for a WSRP administrator. See Create a New User for more information on creating a user.
  2. Make that user a member of the administrator group. See Add a User to a Group for more information on adding a member to a group.
  3. Insert the new logon information (username and password) into the application's application-config.xml file as described in Encrypting Passwords.

Before You Begin - About UUP

If you have developed your own Unified User Profile (UUP) to access user profile properties stored in an external user store, you have most likely modified and re-created the p13n_ejb.jar file in your application root directory. Because p13n_ejb.jar is one of the files overwritten in the following procedure, you should back up your existing file. After the upgrade procedure, you must re-create the updated p13n_ejb.jar with your UUP implementation. For more information, see "Setting up Unified User Profiles" in the User Management Guide at

Update the Portal Libraries

To update your application libraries, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that WebLogic Workshop 8.1 SP2 is running. If it isn't, start it.
  2. If your WebLogic server is running, shut it down by choosing, in WebLogic Workshop, Tools—>WebLogic Server—>Stop WebLogic Server.
  3. In WebLogic Workshop, open the portal application that you want to update.
  4. In the Application window, right-click the application directory and choose Install—> Update Portal Libraries.
  5. After the portal application libraries are updated, a dialog box appears that lets you select Web projects in the application to update. Select the Web projects whose libraries you want to update, and click OK.
  6. If you choose not to update a Web project's libraries with the dialog box, you can update the Web project later by right-clicking the Web project directory in the Application window and choosing Install—>Update Portal Libraries.

  7. If your application uses Commerce or Pipeline components, right-click the application directory and choose Install—>Commerce Services and Install—>Pipeline Services.
  8. If your application uses Commerce or Webflow JSP tag libraries, right-click the Web project directory in the Application window and choose Install—>Commerce Taglibs and Install—>Webflow Taglibs.
  9. If you have hidden any Web applications in the WebLogic Workshop interface, those Web applications will not be updated. Either un-hide them and perform the update as described in the previous steps, or manually replace the updated libraries in the hidden Web application(s).
  10. To apply the service pack library updates to portal applications already deployed in production, redeploy those applications after you have updated them in WebLogic Workshop. See Step 4: Redeploy the Upgraded Application for deployment instructions.

  11. If you developed your own Unified User Profile (UUP) by modifying p13n_ejb.jar in your application root directory, re-implement your UUP in the new p13n_ejb.jar file. See Before You Begin - About UUP.
  12. Restart the server.


Step 4: Redeploy the Upgraded Application

The final upgrade step is to redeploy the application on your server.

For deployment instructions, see "Preparing and Deploying the EAR File" at:


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