BEA Systems, Inc.

Uses of Class

Packages that use XPathException
weblogic.xml.xpath This package contains all of the classes required to perform XPath matching against a document represented as a DOM, XMLNode, or against an XMLInputStream. 

Uses of XPathException in weblogic.xml.xpath

Subclasses of XPathException in weblogic.xml.xpath
 class XPathParsingException
          Thrown to indicate that an error occurred during the parsing of an XPath, usually as the result of a syntactical error in the xpath.
 class XPathUnsupportedException
          Exception thrown when an attempt is made to parse an XPath which contains expressions that cannot be supported by the chosen document-inspection model.

Methods in weblogic.xml.xpath that throw XPathException
 boolean DOMXPath.evaluateAsBoolean(Document document)
          Evaluates this XPath in the context of the given document and returns the result as a boolean.
 boolean DOMXPath.evaluateAsBoolean(Node contextNode)
          Evaluates this XPath in the context of the given Node and returns the result as a boolean.
 Set DOMXPath.evaluateAsNodeset(Document document)
          Evaluates this XPath in the context of the given document and returns the result as a node-set.
 Set DOMXPath.evaluateAsNodeset(Node contextNode)
          Evaluates this XPath in the context of the given Node and returns the result as a node-set.
 double DOMXPath.evaluateAsNumber(Document document)
          Evaluates this XPath in the context of the given document and returns the result as a number.
 double DOMXPath.evaluateAsNumber(Node contextNode)
          Evaluates this XPath in the context of the given Node and returns the result as a number.
 String DOMXPath.evaluateAsString(Document document)
          Evaluates this XPath in the context of the given document and returns the result as a String.
 String DOMXPath.evaluateAsString(Node contextNode)
          Evaluates this XPath in the context of the given Node and returns the result as a String.
 int DOMXPath.getType()
          Returns one of the integer constants declared above to indicate what type of value this XPath returns.

Constructors in weblogic.xml.xpath that throw XPathException
DOMXPath(String xpath)
          Constructs an object for evaluating the XPath expression contained in the given String.
StreamXPath(String xpath)
          Constructs a new representation of the given xpath.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.