
Class DeploymentOptions

  extended by weblogic.deploy.api.spi.DeploymentOptions
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class DeploymentOptions
extends Object
implements Serializable

Common options for deployment operations.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static boolean ADMIN_ACCESS
          Start web application with restricted access (test mode).
          Default deployment timeout value for deployment operations.
static String EXTERNAL_STAGE
          Manual staging of files.
static boolean FULL_ACCESS
          Start web application with normal access
static String NOSTAGE
          Inhibit copying of files to target servers.
static String STAGE
          Force copying of files to target servers.
static String STAGE_DEFAULT
          Use default or configured staging mode.
Constructor Summary
          Create instance with defaulted options.
Method Summary
 String getAltDD()
          A path on the file system for the application descriptor for this application.
 String getAltWlsDD()
          A path on the file system for the WLS-specific application descriptor for this application.
 String getArchiveVersion()
          The version identifier of the application.
 int getClusterDeploymentTimeout()
          Milliseconds granted for a cluster deployment task on this application.
 String getDeploymentPrincipalName()
 long getForceUndeployTimeout()
          Specifies the timeout value in seconds for the force undeploy operation.
 String getLibImplVersion()
          The implementation version of a library application.
 String getLibSpecVersion()
          The specification version of a library application.
 String getName()
 String getPlanVersion()
          The version identifier of the deployment plan used in this deployment.
 int getRetireTime()
          Specifies how long to wait in seconds before retiring an application that has been replaced with a newer version.
 int getRMIGracePeriodSecs()
          Specifies the RMI grace period for the graceful production to admin mode operation.
 String getSecurityModel()
          The security deployment model to use for this application.
 String getStageMode()
          Indicates how files will be made available to managed servers.
 long getTimeout()
          User provided timeout value in milliseconds.
 String getVersionIdentifier()
          The full version identifier of the application for this deployment, including the archive and plan versions.
 boolean isAdminMode()
          Indicates whether a web application should be started with restricted access.
 boolean isGracefulIgnoreSessions()
          Specifies whether the graceful production to admin mode operation should ignore pending HTTP sessions.
 boolean isGracefulProductionToAdmin()
          Specifies whether the production to admin mode operation should be graceful.
 boolean isLibrary()
          Indicates whether the application is to be deployed as a library.
 boolean isNameFromLibrary()
          Indicates that the app name should be derived from the library manifest.
 boolean isNoVersion()
          Indicates that the operation will skip version checks on the app source so that we can relax the restriction on the existance of the app source on the admin server for really large apps
 boolean isRemote()
          Indicates that the operation will be remote from the file system that contains the source.
 boolean isRetireGracefully()
          Specifies the retirement policy to gracefully retire an app only after it has completed all in-flight work.
 boolean isSecurityValidationEnabled()
          Specifies whether security deployment data should be validated.
 boolean isUndeployAllVersions()
          Specifies whether the undeploy operation should undeploy all app versions irrespective of in-flight work.
 void setAdminMode(boolean b)
          Specify whether application should be deployed with restricted access.
 void setAltDD(String altDD)
          Specifies an alternate path on the file system of the application descriptor for this application.
 void setAltWlsDD(String altWlsDD)
          Specifies an alternate path on the file system of the WLS-specific application descriptor for this application.
 void setArchiveVersion(String version)
          Specifies the application version for the application.
 void setClusterDeploymentTimeout(int timeInMillis)
 void setDeploymentPrincipalName(String principal)
 void setForceUndeployTimeout(long timeInSecs)
 void setGracefulIgnoreSessions(boolean b)
 void setGracefulProductionToAdmin(boolean b)
 void setLibImplVersion(String version)
          Specifies the implementation version of a library application if it is not present in the manifest.
 void setLibrary(boolean isLibrary)
          Specify if application is a library.
 void setLibSpecVersion(String version)
          Specifies the specification version of a library application if it is not present in the manifest.
 void setName(String name)
          sets the name of the application.
 void setNameFromLibrary(boolean nameFromLibrary)
          Specify that the app name should be derived from the library manifest.
 void setNoVersion(boolean ignoreVersion)
          Indicates that the operation will skip version checks on the app source So that we can relax the restriction on the existance of the app source on the admin server for really large apps
 void setPlanVersion(String planVersion)
          Specifies a deployment plan version for this deployment.
 void setRemote(boolean setRemote)
          Indicates that the operation will be remote from the file system that contains the source.
 void setRetireGracefully(boolean b)
          sets the value for RetireGracefully attribute
 void setRetireTime(int i)
          sets the value for RetireTime attribute
 void setRMIGracePeriodSecs(int secs)
          sets RMI grame period for the graceful production to admin mode operation.
 void setSecurityModel(String model)
          Specifies a security deployment model to use for this application.
 void setSecurityValidationEnabled(boolean enable)
          Specify whether to validate security deployment data.
 void setStageMode(String s)
          sets the value of StagingMode attribute
 void setTimeout(long timeout)
          The maximum time in milliseconds for the deployment to complete before it it is considered to have failed.
 void setUndeployAllVersions(boolean b)
          sets the value for UndeployAllVersions attribute
 void setVersionIdentifier(String version)
          Specifies the full version identifier for this deployment.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String STAGE_DEFAULT
Use default or configured staging mode.


public static final String STAGE
Force copying of files to target servers.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String NOSTAGE
Inhibit copying of files to target servers.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String EXTERNAL_STAGE
Manual staging of files.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final boolean FULL_ACCESS
Start web application with normal access

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final boolean ADMIN_ACCESS
Start web application with restricted access (test mode).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CLUSTER_DEPLOYMENT_TIMEOUT
Default deployment timeout value for deployment operations. Time is in milliseconds.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public DeploymentOptions()
Create instance with defaulted options.

Method Detail


public String getAltDD()
A path on the file system for the application descriptor for this application. If null, the usual location within the ear is used (META-INF/application.xml)


public void setAltDD(String altDD)
Specifies an alternate path on the file system of the application descriptor for this application.


public String getAltWlsDD()
A path on the file system for the WLS-specific application descriptor for this application. If null, the usual location within the EAR file is used, (META-INF/weblogic-application.xml)


public void setAltWlsDD(String altWlsDD)
Specifies an alternate path on the file system of the WLS-specific application descriptor for this application.


public String getSecurityModel()
The security deployment model to use for this application. If null then the security model used is derived from the security realm or the application's deployment security setting.

the name of the deployment model


public void setSecurityModel(String model)
                      throws IllegalArgumentException
Specifies a security deployment model to use for this application. Legal values are defined by,,, and



public boolean isSecurityValidationEnabled()
Specifies whether security deployment data should be validated. The default is false.


public void setSecurityValidationEnabled(boolean enable)
Specify whether to validate security deployment data.


public String getArchiveVersion()
The version identifier of the application. If not specified, the currently active version of the application is assumed. For new applications the default is the version specified in the archive's manifest.

version of application archive being deployed.


public void setArchiveVersion(String version)
Specifies the application version for the application.


public String getPlanVersion()
The version identifier of the deployment plan used in this deployment. If not specified, the currently active version of the application's plan is assumed. If a deployment plan is specified in the deployment operation, the version number in that plan is the default version used.

version of application archive being deployed.


public void setPlanVersion(String planVersion)
Specifies a deployment plan version for this deployment.


public String getVersionIdentifier()
The full version identifier of the application for this deployment, including the archive and plan versions.


public void setVersionIdentifier(String version)
Specifies the full version identifier for this deployment. Implicitly sets the archive and plan version properties.


public boolean isLibrary()
Indicates whether the application is to be deployed as a library. The default is false.


public void setLibrary(boolean isLibrary)
Specify if application is a library.


public String getLibSpecVersion()
The specification version of a library application. The default is the value specified in the library's manifest. Library version identifiers are made up from the specification and implementation versions.


public void setLibSpecVersion(String version)
Specifies the specification version of a library application if it is not present in the manifest.


public String getLibImplVersion()
The implementation version of a library application. The default is the value specified in the library's manifest. Library version identifiers are made up from the specification and implementation versions.


public void setLibImplVersion(String version)
Specifies the implementation version of a library application if it is not present in the manifest.


public boolean isNameFromLibrary()
Indicates that the app name should be derived from the library manifest. The default is false.


public void setNameFromLibrary(boolean nameFromLibrary)
Specify that the app name should be derived from the library manifest. If this deployment is for a library that specifies its name in its manifest, this propery should be set to true.


public boolean isAdminMode()
Indicates whether a web application should be started with restricted access. Restricted access implies the application will only receive requests over an administrative port. This option is only meaningful for operations that start or stop an application. The default is false.


public void setAdminMode(boolean b)
Specify whether application should be deployed with restricted access.

See Also:
DeploymentOptions.FULL_ACCESS, DeploymentOptions.ADMIN_ACCESS


public int getRetireTime()
Specifies how long to wait in seconds before retiring an application that has been replaced with a newer version. This policy is only meaningful for redeploy operations and is mutually exclusive to the graceful retirement policy.


public void setRetireTime(int i)
sets the value for RetireTime attribute


public boolean isRetireGracefully()
Specifies the retirement policy to gracefully retire an app only after it has completed all in-flight work. This policy is only meaningful for redeploy operations and is mutually exclusive to the retire timeout policy.


public void setRetireGracefully(boolean b)
sets the value for RetireGracefully attribute


public boolean isGracefulProductionToAdmin()
Specifies whether the production to admin mode operation should be graceful. The default is false, indicating the application is forced into admin mode.


public void setGracefulProductionToAdmin(boolean b)


public boolean isGracefulIgnoreSessions()
Specifies whether the graceful production to admin mode operation should ignore pending HTTP sessions. The default is false.


public void setGracefulIgnoreSessions(boolean b)


public int getRMIGracePeriodSecs()
Specifies the RMI grace period for the graceful production to admin mode operation.


public void setRMIGracePeriodSecs(int secs)
sets RMI grame period for the graceful production to admin mode operation.


public boolean isUndeployAllVersions()
Specifies whether the undeploy operation should undeploy all app versions irrespective of in-flight work.


public void setUndeployAllVersions(boolean b)
sets the value for UndeployAllVersions attribute


public String getStageMode()
Indicates how files will be made available to managed servers. This option is only meaningful for operations that involve initial application file distribution. Attempts to change the staging mode of an existing application will fail.


public void setStageMode(String s)
sets the value of StagingMode attribute


public int getClusterDeploymentTimeout()

Milliseconds granted for a cluster deployment task on this application. If any deployment tasks remain active for longer, the task will be cancelled.

The larger the application, the larger the value for timeout should be, as the gating factor is associated with download time and processing time required to load the application files.

A server instance checks for timed out deployments about once a minute.

Only cluster deployments can be timed out.

The deploymentTimeout value
Default Value:


public void setClusterDeploymentTimeout(int timeInMillis)


public long getForceUndeployTimeout()
Specifies the timeout value in seconds for the force undeploy operation. This is to allow pending requests (which may not be part of the stateful work tracked by graceful undeploy) to finish.


public void setForceUndeployTimeout(long timeInSecs)


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public String getName()
override of the app name. Used only on client side


public void setName(String name)
sets the name of the application.


public boolean isNoVersion()
Indicates that the operation will skip version checks on the app source so that we can relax the restriction on the existance of the app source on the admin server for really large apps


public void setNoVersion(boolean ignoreVersion)
Indicates that the operation will skip version checks on the app source So that we can relax the restriction on the existance of the app source on the admin server for really large apps


public long getTimeout()
User provided timeout value in milliseconds. The maximum time for the deployment to complete before it it is considered failed.

timeout value or 0 if none.


public void setTimeout(long timeout)
The maximum time in milliseconds for the deployment to complete before it it is considered to have failed. The default value is 0, indicating no timeout value.


public boolean isRemote()
Indicates that the operation will be remote from the file system that contains the source. This means the source for the operation is expected to be at the specified location on the machine where the server is located.


public void setRemote(boolean setRemote)
Indicates that the operation will be remote from the file system that contains the source. This means the source for the operation is expected to be at the specified location on the machine where the server is located.


public void setDeploymentPrincipalName(String principal)


public String getDeploymentPrincipalName()

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