
Interface WLConnection

public interface WLConnection

A WLConnection provides fields and methods that are not supported by javax.jms.Connection.

See Also:
Connection, QueueConnection, TopicConnection

Method Summary
 long getReconnectBlockingMillis()
          Gets the maximum length of time that any synchronous JMS calls will block the calling thread before giving up on a JMS client reconnect in progress.
 String getReconnectPolicy()
          Gets the JMS client reconnection policy after a lost network connection with a server or upon a server reboot.
 long getTotalReconnectPeriodMillis()
          Gets the maximum length of time that JMS client operations will continue to try to reconnect to the server.
 void setReconnectBlockingMillis(long timeout)
          Sets the maximum length of time that any synchronous JMS calls, such as a producer.send(), consumer.receive(), or session.createBrowser(), will block the calling thread before giving up on a JMS client reconnect in progress.
 void setReconnectPolicy(String reconnectPolicy)
          Sets the JMS client reconnection policy after a lost network connection with a server or upon a server reboot.
 void setTotalReconnectPeriodMillis(long timeout)
          Sets the maximum length of time that JMS client operations will continue to try to reconnect to the server after either the initial network disconnect or the last synchronous call attempt, whichever occurred most recently, before giving up retrying.

Method Detail


void setReconnectPolicy(String reconnectPolicy)
                        throws IllegalArgumentException

Sets the JMS client reconnection policy after a lost network connection with a server or upon a server reboot.

IllegalArgumentException - when the argument is not: weblogic.jms.common.JMSConstants.RECONNECT_POLICY_NONE weblogic.jms.common.JMSConstants.RECONNECT_POLICY_PRODUCER weblogic.jms.common.JMSConstants.RECONNECT_POLICY_ALL
See Also:


String getReconnectPolicy()
Gets the JMS client reconnection policy after a lost network connection with a server or upon a server reboot.

The current reconnectPolicy.
See Also:


void setReconnectBlockingMillis(long timeout)
                                throws IllegalArgumentException

Sets the maximum length of time that any synchronous JMS calls, such as a producer.send(), consumer.receive(), or session.createBrowser(), will block the calling thread before giving up on a JMS client reconnect in progress.

timeout - The number of milliseconds JMS operations will wait trying to reconnect to a disconnected server before throwing a JMSException.

When the timeout is zero, the reconnect starts but this call does not block waiting for the reconnected objects.

When the timeout is -1, the call blocks as long as reconnects are possible. For example, send() can block until close() is called, and send() will throw a JMSException.

IllegalArgumentExcaption - is thrown when timeout is less than -1.
See Also:


long getReconnectBlockingMillis()

Gets the maximum length of time that any synchronous JMS calls will block the calling thread before giving up on a JMS client reconnect in progress.

The number of milliseconds JMS operations will wait trying to reconnect to a disconnected server before throwing a JMSException.
See Also:


void setTotalReconnectPeriodMillis(long timeout)
                                   throws IllegalArgumentException

Sets the maximum length of time that JMS client operations will continue to try to reconnect to the server after either the initial network disconnect or the last synchronous call attempt, whichever occurred most recently, before giving up retrying.

timeout - The number of milliseconds that JMS reconnect timers will be permitted to reconnect a disconnected server.

When the timeout is -1, there is no limit. Reconnection timers will always be scheduled until close() is called.

IllegalArgumentExcaption - is thrown when timeout is less than -1.
See Also:


long getTotalReconnectPeriodMillis()

Gets the maximum length of time that JMS client operations will continue to try to reconnect to the server.

The number of milliseconds that JMS reconnect timers will be permitted to reconnect a disconnected server.
See Also:

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