
Uses of Class

Packages that use CreateException Provides interfaces and classes for the configuration, control and monitoring of Authorization, Adjudication, and Role Mapping security providers in a WebLogic security realm. Provides interfaces and classes for the configuration, control and monitoring of Credential Mapping security providers in a WebLogic security realm. 

Uses of CreateException in

Methods in that throw CreateException
 void PolicyStoreMBean.addPolicy( policy)
          Adds policy.
 void PolicyStoreMBean.addPolicy( policy, String status)
          Adds policy
 void PolicyStoreMBean.addPolicy(String policy)
          Adds policy.
 void PolicyStoreMBean.addPolicy(String policy, String status)
          Adds policy
 void PolicyStoreMBean.addPolicySet( set)
          Adds policy set.
 void PolicyStoreMBean.addPolicySet( set, String status)
          Adds policy set.
 void PolicyStoreMBean.addPolicySet(String set)
          Adds policy set.
 void PolicyStoreMBean.addPolicySet(String set, String status)
          Adds policy set.
 void PolicyEditorMBean.createPolicy(String resourceId, String expression)
          Creates a policy for accessing a resource.
 void RoleEditorMBean.createRole(String resourceId, String roleName, String expression)
          Creates role for a resource.
 void PolicyStoreMBean.modifyPolicy( policy)
          Updates policy.
 void PolicyStoreMBean.modifyPolicy( policy, String status)
          Updates policy and status.
 void PolicyStoreMBean.modifyPolicy(String policy)
          Updates policy.
 void PolicyStoreMBean.modifyPolicy(String policy, String status)
          Updates policy and status.
 void PolicyStoreMBean.modifyPolicySet( set)
          Updates policy set.
 void PolicyStoreMBean.modifyPolicySet( set, String status)
          Updates policy set and status.
 void PolicyStoreMBean.modifyPolicySet(String set)
          Updates policy set.
 void PolicyStoreMBean.modifyPolicySet(String set, String status)
          Updates policy set and status.
 void PolicyStoreMBean.modifyPolicySetStatus(String identifier, String version, String status)
          Sets status for policy set identified by identifier and version
 void PolicyStoreMBean.modifyPolicyStatus(String identifier, String version, String status)
          Sets status for policy identified by identifier and version
 void PolicyEditorMBean.setPolicyExpression(String resourceId, String expression)
          Sets a policy expression for a resource.
 void RoleEditorMBean.setRoleExpression(String resourceId, String roleName, String expression)
          Sets the policy expression for a role.

Uses of CreateException in

Methods in that throw CreateException
 void PKICredentialMapEditorMBean.setCertificateCredential(String resourceId, String principalName, boolean isInitiatorUserName, String credAction, String keystoreAlias)
          Creates a public certificate mapping between the principalName, resourceid and credential action to the keystore alias.
 void PKICredentialMapEditorMBean.setKeypairCredential(String resourceId, String principalName, boolean isInitiatorUserName, String credAction, String keystoreAlias, char[] password)
          Creates a keypair mapping between the principalName, resourceid and credential action to the keystore alias and the corresponding password.

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