
Interface WorkContext

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AsciiWorkContext, LongWorkContext, SerializableWorkContext, StringWorkContext

public interface WorkContext

WorkContext is a marker interface used for marshaling and unmarshaling user data in a WorkArea. The interfaces WorkContextOutput and WorkContextInput will only allow primtive types and objects implementing WorkContext to be marshaled. This limits the type surface area that needs to be dealt with by underlying protocols. WorkContext is analogous to Externalizable but with some restrictions on the types that can be marshaled. Advanced Externalizable features, such as enveloping, are not supported - implementations should provide their own versioning scheme if necessary. WorkContext implementations must provide a public no-arg constructor.

Method Summary
 void readContext(WorkContextInput in)
          Reads the implementation of WorkContext from the WorkContextInput data stream.
 void writeContext(WorkContextOutput out)
          Writes the implementation of WorkContext to the WorkContextOutput data stream.

Method Detail


void writeContext(WorkContextOutput out)
                  throws IOException
Writes the implementation of WorkContext to the WorkContextOutput data stream.



void readContext(WorkContextInput in)
                 throws IOException
Reads the implementation of WorkContext from the WorkContextInput data stream.


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