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BEA WebLogic Release 5.1

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Installing WebLogic Server

Installation instructions for WebLogic Server and the native performance packs.

Setting WebLogic properties

The WebLogic Server is configured with a properties file. This document explains the many options for configuration and summarizes all of the properties. You can also get instructions here on how to register Java Servlet-type servlets and access control lists for use with the WebLogic Server as an HTTP server.

Setting up and starting the WebLogic Server

A quick summary of the essentials necessary to get the Server started and test connectivity to it. Includes information on WebLogic's multihoming support.

Setting classpath

An overview of classpath issues, including setting classpath to run WebLogic Server, examples, clients, and more.

Testing multitier DBMS connections

How to test your multitier JDBC connection to WebLogic and a DBMS from a client.

Using the WebLogic utilities

Running and maintaining the WebLogic Server

Information on Windows convenience programs and WebLogic Server Administration commands.

Setting up the WebLogic code examples

How to determine your IP address

Running the WebLogic Console

Instructions on how to start and stop the Console.

Using WebLogic Server Clusters

Instructions on how to configure, set up, start, and stop servers in a clustered configuration.

Administering the WebLogic caching realm

How to enable and tune caching for alternative security realms, including the LDAP, Windows NT, and UNIX realms.

Administering the WebLogic LDAP security realm

How to set up the WebLogic Server to use Netscape Directory Server, Microsoft Site Server, or Novell NDS for users and groups instead of the file.

Administering the WebLogic Windows NT security realm

How to set up the WebLogic Server to authenticate users and groups from a Windows NT domain instead of the file.

Administering the WebLogic UNIX security realm

How to set up WebLogic Server to authenticate users and groups with UNIX password authentication instead of the file.

Tuning the WebLogic Server

Information on how to tune WebLogic for best performance with your client applications.

Setting up the WebLogic Server as an HTTP server

Describes how to configure WebLogic as your primary HTTP server, how to set up an HTTP proxy, how to construct applet tags and servlet URLs, how to register servlets, and other details on using the WebLogic Server for serverside Java.

Jolt for WebLogic Server User's Guide

How to set up and configure the Jolt for WebLogic classes to provide access to BEA TUXEDO services from servlets.

Publishing with WebLogic ZAC

How to use WebLogic Zero Administration Client to publish your client applications from a WebLogic Server.

Installing the WebLogic-to-Netscape Bridge (NSAPI)

How to set up Netscape to proxy requests to WebLogic via a Netscape NSAPI plug-in for WebLogic.

Installing the WebLogic-to-Microsoft-IIS Bridge (ISAPI)

How to set up Microsoft Internet Information Server to proxy requests to WebLogic via the ISAPI plug-in for WebLogic.

Installing the WebLogic-to-Apache Bridge

How to set up an Apache Server to proxy requests to WebLogic Server via the WebLogic-to-Apache Bridge.

Using WebLogic SSL

Instructions on how to set up WebLogic for SSL use with WebLogic Secure, including information on how to procure or generate a certificate.

Using the WebLogic Admin servlets

The Admin facility is made up of browser-based servlets that expose the processes of the WebLogic Server. The facility has its own set of Help pages that are shipped with the distribution, and which are maintained here for public use.

Setting up WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity

Describes how to configure the WebLogic Server to connect to a WebLogic Enterprise system (formerly "M3" from BEA).

WebLogic Server SNMP Agent

Describes how to configure the WebLogic Server SNMP Agent to monitor the status of your server or server cluster .