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Startup Class --> Targets --> Clusters

Tasks     Additional Documentation     Attributes


The Startup Class—>Targets—>Clusters tab shows all of the clusters that are in the domain. Use it to assign or unassign this startup-class configuration for all servers in a cluster.

When you assign a startup class to a cluster, the Administration Server makes sure that the assignment succeeds for all servers in the cluster. If the assignment fails for one server, then it fails for the entire cluster.

To confirm that all servers in a cluster have been affected, after you click Apply on this tab, view the Startup Class—>Targets—>Servers tab. For example, if you assign a startup-class configuration to a cluster, then when you view the Servers tab, you see that all servers in the cluster are listed in the Chosen list of the Servers tab. You can remove individual servers if you need such a level of control over individual servers in a cluster.

Note: Although we highly discourage your startup classes from including code that binds replicated objects to the JNDI tree, if a class does include such code, you cannot unassign it from individual servers in a cluster.


Assign a Startup or Shutdown Configuration to Servers or Clusters

Additional Documentation

(Requires an Internet connection.)

Starting and Stopping WebLogic Servers


Attribute Label


Value Constraints


The targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed.


Attribute: Targets

Configurable: yes

Dynamic: yes

Readable: yes

Writable: yes


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