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WebLogic Server Command Reference

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Connections are closed and removed from the pool and the pool is destroyed when it has no remaining connections.


java [ SSL Arguments ] weblogic.Admin 
[-url URL]
[ User Credentials Arguments ]
DESTROY_POOL poolName [true|false]



-url [protocol://]listen-address:listen-port

Specify the listen address and listen port of the Administration Server.

If you specify a secure listen port, you must also specify a secure protocol.

If you do not specify a value, the command assumes t3://localhost:7001.

For more information, refer to the -url entry in Table 1-3 on page 11 and Protocol Support.


Required. Unique name of pool.


(soft shutdown)

Soft shutdown waits for connections to be returned to the pool before closing them.


(default—hard shutdown)

Hard shutdown kills all connections immediately. Clients using connections from the pool get exceptions if they attempt to use a connection after a hard shutdown.



The following command destroys a connection pool named demoPool in a WebLogic Domain with the Administration Server running on a machine named AdminHost and listening at port 7001.

java weblogic.Admin -url AdminHost:7001 -username weblogic
-password weblogic DESTROY_POOL demoPool false


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