BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference


This package includes interfaces, classes, and exceptions you use to develop security providers.


Interface Summary
AccessDecision The AccessDecision interface defines the security service provider interface (SSPI) for policy enforcement points (PEP) that can be plugged into WebLogic Server.
AdjudicationProvider The AdjudicationProvider interface exposes the services provided by an Adjudication provider to the WebLogic Security Framework.
Adjudicator The Adjudicator interface defines the security service provider interface (SSPI) for an object that is responsible for making the final decision as to whether the processing of the requested method should be permitted to proceed or should be denied.
AuditAtnEvent The AuditAtnEvent interface is used to post authentication audit events.
AuditAtzEvent The AuditAtzEvent interface is used to post authorization audit events.
AuditChannel The AuditChannel interface defines the security service provider interface (SSPI) for objects capable of logging security-related events for auditing purposes.
AuditConfigurationEvent The AuditConfigurationEvent interface is used to post configuration change audit events.
AuditContext The AuditContext interface can be extended by AuditEvent implementations to indicate that the implementation has context information.
AuditCreateConfigurationEvent The AuditCreateConfigurationEvent interface is used to post a specific configuration change audit event that identifies that a request has been made to create a new configuration artifact.
AuditCredentialMappingEvent The AuditCredentialMappingEvent interface is used to post credential mapping audit events.
AuditDeleteConfigurationEvent The AuditDeleteConfigurationEvent interface is used to post a specific configuration change audit event that identifies that a request has been made to delete an existing configuration artifact.
AuditEvent The AuditEvent interface provides a mechanism for passing audit information to Auditing providers during a writeEvent operation.
AuditInvokeConfigurationEvent The AuditInvokeConfigurationEvent interface is used to post a specific configuration change audit event that identifies that a request has been made to invoke an operation on an existing configuration artifact.
AuditMgmtEvent The AuditMgmtEvent interface is used to post security provider management audit events.
AuditorService The AuditorService interface provides security providers with access to the Auditor object, which resides in the WebLogic Security Framework and is limited to the writing of audit records.
AuditPolicyEvent The AuditPolicyEvent interface is used to post security policy audit events.
AuditProvider The AuditProvider interface exposes the services provided by an Auditing provider to the WebLogic Security Framework.
AuditRoleDeploymentEvent The AuditRoleDeploymentEvent interface is used to post security role deployment audit events.
AuditRoleEvent The AuditRoleEvent interface is used to post security role audit events.
AuditSetAttributeConfigurationEvent The AuditSetAttributeConfigurationEvent interface is used to post a specific configuration change audit event that identifies that a request has been made to modify an existing configuration artifact.
AuthenticationProvider The AuthenticationProvider interface exposes the services provided by an Authentication provider to the WebLogic Security Framework.
AuthorizationProvider The AuthorizationProvider interface exposes the services provided by an Authorization provider to the WebLogic Security Framework.
ChallengeIdentityAsserter The ChallengeIdentityAsserter interface allows Identity Assertion providers to support authentication protocols such as Microsoft's NTLM and other challenge/response authentication mechanisms.
CredentialMapper The CredentialMapper interface defines the security service provider interface (SSPI) for objects capable of obtaining the appropriate set of credentials for a particular resource that is scoped within an application.
CredentialProvider The CredentialProvider interface exposes the services provided by a Credential Mapping provider to the WebLogic Security Framework.
DeployableAuthorizationProvider An Authorization provider that supports deploying policies on behalf of Web application and EJB deployment needs to implement this interface.
DeployableCredentialProvider A Credential Mapping provider that supports deploying policies on behalf of Resource Adapter deployment needs to implement this interface.
DeployableRoleProvider A Role Mapping provider that supports deploying roles on behalf of Web application and EJB deployment needs to implement this interface.
IdentityAsserter The IdentityAsserter interface exposes the methods that custom Identity Assertion providers need to implement in order to provide token-based client identity assertion.
PrincipalValidator The PrincipalValidator interface defines the methods that custom Principal Validation providers must implement to support principal trust relationships within the context of the Weblogic Server environment.
Resource The Resource interface provides the definition for an object that represents a resource that may be protected from unauthorized access.
RoleMapper The RoleMapper interface defines the security service provider interface (SSPI) for objects capable of obtaining the appropriate set of roles for a particular resource that has been granted to a specific subject.
RoleProvider The RoleProvider interface exposes the services provided by a Role Mapping provider to the WebLogic Security Framework.
SecurityProvider The SecurityProvider interface is required of all security providers (WebLogic and custom) because it provides basic methods for their use in the WebLogic Server environment.
SecurityServices The SecurityServices interface is used by the WebLogic Security Framework to create security service implementations such as the AuditorService, which security providers can then use.
SelfDescribingResource The SelfDescribingResource class adds added query methods to the Resource class.
WLSGroup The WLSGroup interface is a marker interface used to signify that a principal represents a WebLogic Server group.
WLSUser The WLSUser interface is a marker interface used to signify that a principal represents a WebLogic Server user.

Class Summary
AuditAtnEvent.AtnEventType The AtnEventType class describes the authentication event types that are supported.
AuditAtnEventV2.AtnEventTypeV2 The AtnEventType class describes the authentication event types that are supported.
AuditSeverity The AuditSeverity class provides audit severity levels as both numeric and text values to an Auditing provider.
Direction The Direction class is used to represent when the authorization check is to be performed by an Access Decision (either before a resource is accessed or after access has been allowed).
Result The Result class contains the result of calling the isAccessAllowed method on an AccessDecision.

Exception Summary
IdentityAssertionException The IdentityAssertionException exception is thrown if an Identity Assertion provider attempts to assert an identity based on token identity information, and that attempt fails.
InvalidPrincipalException The InvalidPrincipalException exception is thrown by a security provider if the principal that was generated for a user has become invalid.
ProviderDecisionException The ProviderDecisionException exception is thrown by an Access Decision if it encounters a problem during execution.
ProviderInitializationException The ProviderInitializationException exception is a generic exception thrown by a security provider if it encounters problems during initialization.
ResourceCreationException The ResourceCreationException exception is thrown if a security provider encounters a problem while creating a resource.
ResourceNotFoundException The ResourceNotFoundException exception is thrown if a security provider looks for a resource that should exist, but is unable to find that resource.
ResourceRemovalException The ResourceRemovalException exception is thrown if a security provider is unable to remove a resource.
RoleCreationException A RoleCreationException exception is thrown if a Role Mapping provider has a problem creating a role.
RoleNotFoundException The RoleNotFoundException exception is thrown if a Role Mapping provider looks for a particular role that should exist, but is unable to find that role.
RoleRemovalException The RoleRemovalException exception is thrown if a Role Mapping provider is unable to remove a role.
SecuritySpiException The SecuritySpiException exception is the base interface implemented by all security provider exceptions.

Package Description

This package includes interfaces, classes, and exceptions you use to develop security providers. In many cases, these interfaces, classes, and exceptions should be used in conjunction with those in the package.

Each security service provider interface (SSPI) that ends in the suffix "Provider" (for example, RoleProvider) exposes the services of a security provider to the WebLogic Security Framework. This allows the security provider to be manipulated (initialized, started, stopped, and so on). These "Provider" SSPIs can also be thought of as factories for the classes used at runtime by the system. For example, RoleProvider.getRoleMapper() creates, initializes and returns the Role Mapper that will actually perform the role mapping operations.

The WLSUser and WLSGroup interfaces are marker interfaces that extend They should be used to designate that a principal contains the name of the user, or the name of a group to which the user belongs.

Copyright © 2004 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See Also:, Developing Security Providers for WebLogic Server

Documentation is available at