BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference
Class RecyclingFactory


public final class RecyclingFactory
extends java.lang.Object

Defines a factory that recycles instances of the XMLInputStream API. To request a recycled stream use the remove method. If no streams are present in the internal pool of streams the factory creates a new instance and returns it. The default internal pool holds on to a maximum of 32 streams. For this to work the instance of the static factory should be a singleton in your application. The optimal size of the pool should approximate the average number of concurrent threads in your application.

Copyright © 2004 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See Also:
XMLInputStream, ElementFilter, XMLInputStreamFactory

Constructor Summary
          Create a factory with the default pool size of 32
RecyclingFactory(int poolSize)
          Create a factory with the specified size
Method Summary
 boolean add(XMLInputStream stream)
          Return a stream to the pool.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
 XMLInputStream remove( stream)
          Get a recycled XMLInputStream from the pool or create a new one
 XMLInputStream remove( stream, ElementFilter filter)
          Get a recycled XMLInputStream from the pool or create a new one and wrap it with the desired filter
 XMLInputStream remove( reader)
          Get a recycled XMLInputStream from the pool or create a new one
 XMLInputStream remove( reader, ElementFilter filter)
          Get a recycled XMLInputStream from the pool or create a new one and wrap it with the desired filter
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RecyclingFactory()
Create a factory with the default pool size of 32


public RecyclingFactory(int poolSize)
Create a factory with the specified size

poolSize - the size of the parser pool
Method Detail


public XMLInputStream remove( stream)
                      throws XMLStreamException
Get a recycled XMLInputStream from the pool or create a new one

stream - the stream of XML to read from


public XMLInputStream remove( reader)
                      throws XMLStreamException
Get a recycled XMLInputStream from the pool or create a new one

reader - the XML reader to read from


public XMLInputStream remove( stream,
                             ElementFilter filter)
                      throws XMLStreamException
Get a recycled XMLInputStream from the pool or create a new one and wrap it with the desired filter

stream - the stream of XML to read from
filter - the ElementFilter to apply to the stream


public XMLInputStream remove( reader,
                             ElementFilter filter)
                      throws XMLStreamException
Get a recycled XMLInputStream from the pool or create a new one and wrap it with the desired filter

reader - the XML reader to read from
filter - the ElementFilter to apply to the stream


public boolean add(XMLInputStream stream)
            throws XMLStreamException
Return a stream to the pool. Returns true if the stream was added to the pool and false if it wasn't.

stream - the XMLInputStream to return to the pool


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
                 throws java.lang.Exception

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