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WebLogic Server software includes the ability to communicate with enterprise-wide management systems using Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). The WebLogic Server SNMP capability enables you to integrate management of WebLogic Servers into an SNMP-compliant management system that gives you a single view of the various software and hardware resources of a complex, distributed system.


Configuration Tasks

Setting Up the WebLogic SNMP Agent

To make your WebLogic domain manageable via SNMP, do the following:

  1. Load the WebLogic MIB (the file BEA-WEBLOGIC-MIB.asn1) into the SNMP management system. You may need to consult vendor documentation for your SNMP management system to perform this step.
  2. Define the destinations where the WebLogic SNMP agent will send trap notifications. For more information on creating Trap Destinations, see Create a Trap Destination.

    You can create additional entries in the SNMP trap destination table if you want traps to be sent to multiple targets.

  3. Set up the SNMP agent for the WebLogic domain.
    1. Click the SNMP node on the left panel.
    2. Click the SNMP in the Configuration tab.
    3. Check the Enabled box so that the agent is activated. (By default the agent is off.)
    4. The SNMP agent functionality is activated only if this value is set to true.

    5. In the SNMP Port field type the number of the port on which the SNMP manager will be sending requests. The default is 161.
    6. The number in the MIB Data Refresh Interval field is the interval (in seconds) at which the SNMP Service will update its cache of current WebLogic attribute values. The minimum valid value is 30 seconds.
    7. Set the Server Status Check Interval Factor.
    8. The most frequent interval at which server status can be checked is the interval defined for MIB Data Refresh Interval. If you want that interval to be the same as the MIB Data Refresh Interval, enter 1 in the Server Status Check Interval Factor field. Only integer values can be used in this field. The value is multiplied times the MIB Data Refresh Interval to determine the interval at which server status is checked.

    9. Enter the SNMP community (password) that the manager will be using for requests sent to the WebLogic SNMP agent in the Community Prefix field. The default value is public. However, to secure access to the values of the WebLogic attributes, it is recommended that you set Community Prefix to some value other than public.
    10. The integer value in the Debug Level field determines whether internal messages are generated indicating what the agent code is doing. The maximum value is 3. The default is 0, which generates no debug messages.
  4. Click Apply to implement your changes to the SNMP agent configuration. For these changes to actually take effect, you will need to reboot the Administration Server.


Proxy Tasks

The WebLogic SNMP agent can act as a proxy for other SNMP agents. Use the following tasks to manage SNMP agents:

Clone a Proxy

  1. Click the SNMP node.
  2. Click the Proxies node.
  3. Click the Clone icon in the row of the Proxy you want to clone. A dialog displays in the right pane showing the tab associated with cloning a proxy.
  4. Enter values in the attribute fields.
  5. Click Clone.
  6. Restart the Administration Server so that your changes can take effect.

Create an SNMP Proxy

  1. Click the SNMP node.
  2. Click the Proxies node.
  3. Click the Configure a new Proxy text link. A dialog displays in the right pane showing the General tab associated with configuring a Proxy.
  4. Enter values in the attribute fields.
  5. Click the Create button in the lower right corner to create a Proxy instance with the name you specified in the Name field. The new instance is added under the Proxies node in the left pane.
  6. Restart the Administration Server so that your changes can take effect.

Delete a Proxy

  1. Click the SNMP node.
  2. Click the Proxies node.
  3. Click the Delete icon in the row of the Proxy you want to delete. A dialog displays in the right pane prompting you to confirm your deletion request.
  4. Click Yes to delete the proxy. The proxy icon under the Proxy node is deleted.
  5. Click continue.


String Monitor Tasks

Clone a String Monitor

  1. Click the SNMP node.
  2. Click the Traps node.
  3. Click the Monitors node.
  4. Click the String Monitor node.
  5. Click the Clone icon in the row of the string monitor you want to clone. A dialog displays in the right pane showing the tab associated with cloning a string monitor.
  6. Enter values in the attribute fields.
  7. Click Clone.
  8. Click the Servers tab.
  9. Verify selected servers. See Assign Servers for a String Monitor.
  10. Restart the Administration Server so that your changes can take effect.

Create a String Monitor

A string monitor observes changes in attributes that are expressed as String objects. Before you can configure a string monitor, you must determine which MBean contains the attribute that you want to observe. If you are unfamiliar with WebLogic Server Local Configuration MBeans, Administration MBeans, and Runtime MBeans, and how they are distributed throughout a WebLogic domain, refer to "WebLogic Server Managed Resources and MBeans" in the WebLogic SNMP Management Guide.

To create a string monitor:

  1. In the left pane of the Administration Console, select SNMP—>Traps—>Monitors—>String Monitors.

    The SNMP String Monitor page displays. This page lists all the string monitors that are configured for the domain.

  2. On the SNMP String Monitor page, select the Create a new String Monitor link.
  3. On the String Monitor page, enter a name for the monitor instance in the Name field. We recommend that you choose a name that indicates the resource that is being monitored.
  4. In Monitored MBean Type enter the type of the MBean instance that you want to monitor.

    All WebLogic Server MBeans are an instance of one of the interface classes defined in the or packages. For Configuration MBeans, type also refers to whether an instance is an Administration MBean or a Local Configuration MBean. For a complete list of all WebLogic Server MBean interface classes, refer to the WebLogic Server Javadoc for the or packages.

    To determine the value that you provide in the Monitored MBean Type field, do the following:

    1. Find the MBean's interface class and remove the MBean suffix from the class name. For example, for an MBean that is an instance of the, use JDBCConnectionPoolRuntime.
    2. For a Local Configuration MBean, append Config to the name. For example, for a Local Configuration MBean that is an instance of the interface class, use JDBCConnectionPoolConfig. For the corresponding Administration MBean instance, use JDBCConnectionPool.
  5. In Monitored MBean Name, enter the string that you provided when you created the associated resource. For example, when you create a JDBC connection pool, you must provide a name for that pool, such as MyPool1. To monitor an attribute of this connection pool, enter MyPool1.
  6. In Monitored Attribute Name, enter the name of the attribute that you want to monitor.

    Note: To verify the values that you should enter in the Type, Name, and Attribute Name fields, use the weblogic.Admin GET command as described in "Using weblogic.Admin to Find the WebLogicObjectName" in the Programming WebLogic Management Services with JMX guide. The form of the command exemplified in this section returns the type, server instance, and attribute names for a given MBean interface.

  7. In the Polling Interval field, enter frequency in seconds at which you want the SNMP agent to apply this gauge monitor.
  8. In the String to Compare field, enter a string.
  9. To send a trap when the observed attribute value differs from the string, select Notify Differ.

    To send a trap when the observed attribute value matches the string, select Notify Match.

  10. Click Create.

    The new instance is added under the String Monitors node in the left pane.

  11. Assign the monitor to one or more server instances, as described in "Assign Servers for a String Monitor."

Delete a String Monitor

  1. Click the SNMP node.
  2. Click the Traps node.
  3. Click the Monitors node.
  4. Click the String Monitor node.
  5. Click the Delete icon in the row of the string monitor you want to delete. A dialog displays in the right pane prompting you to confirm your deletion request.
  6. Click Yes to delete the string monitor. The string monitor icon under the String Monitors node is deleted.
  7. Click continue.

Assign Servers for a String Monitor

  1. Click the SNMP node.
  2. Click the Traps node.
  3. Click the Monitors node.
  4. Click the Name of the string monitor you want to modify. A dialog displays in the right pane showing the tabs associated with configuring a string monitor.
  5. Click the Servers tab.
  6. To assign a server, select a server in the list of Available servers and click the right arrow to move the server to the Chosen list. You can select multiple servers by Shift-clicking or Ctrl-clicking servers in the list.
  7. To remove a server, select a server in the list of Chosen servers and click the left arrow to move the server to the Available list. You can select multiple servers by Shift-clicking or Ctrl-clicking servers in the list.
  8. Click Apply.
  9. Restart the Administration Server so that your changes can take effect.


Gauge Monitor Tasks

Clone a Gauge Monitor

  1. Click the SNMP node.
  2. Click the Traps node.
  3. Click the Monitors node.
  4. Click the Gauge Monitor node.
  5. Click the Clone icon in the row of the gauge monitor you want to clone. A dialog displays in the right pane showing the tab associated with cloning a gauge monitor.
  6. Enter values in the attribute fields.
  7. Click Clone.
  8. Click the Servers tab.
  9. Verify selected servers. See Assigning Servers for a Gauge Monitor.
  10. Restart the Administration Server so that your changes can take effect.

Create a Gauge Monitor

A gauge monitor observes changes in MBean attributes that are expressed as integers or floating-point. Before you can configure a gauge monitor, you must determine which MBean contains the attribute that you want to observe. If you are unfamiliar with WebLogic Server Local Configuration MBeans, Administration MBeans, and Runtime MBeans, and how they are distributed throughout a WebLogic domain, refer to "WebLogic Server Managed Resources and MBeans" in the WebLogic SNMP Management Guide.

To create a gauge monitor:

  1. In the left pane of the Administration Console, select SNMP—>Traps—>Monitors—>Gauge Monitors.

    The SNMP Gauge Monitor page displays. This page lists all the gauge monitors that are configured for the domain.

  2. On the SNMP Gauge Monitor page, select the Create a new Gauge Monitor link.
  3. On the Gauge Monitor page, enter a name for the monitor instance in the Name field. We recommend that you choose a name that indicates the resource that is being monitored.
  4. In Monitored MBean Type enter the type of the MBean instance that you want to monitor.

    All WebLogic Server MBeans are an instance of one of the interface classes defined in the or packages. For Configuration MBeans, type also refers to whether an instance is an Administration MBean or a Local Configuration MBean. For a complete list of all WebLogic Server MBean interface classes, refer to the WebLogic Server Javadoc for the or packages.

    To determine the value that you provide in the Monitored MBean Type field, do the following:

    1. Find the MBean's interface class and remove the MBean suffix from the class name. For example, for an MBean that is an instance of the, use JDBCConnectionPoolRuntime.
    2. For a Local Configuration MBean, append Config to the name. For example, for a Local Configuration MBean that is an instance of the interface class, use JDBCConnectionPoolConfig. For the corresponding Administration MBean instance, use JDBCConnectionPool.
  5. In Monitored MBean Name, enter the string that you provided when you created the associated resource. For example, when you create a JDBC connection pool, you must provide a name for that pool, such as MyPool1. To monitor an attribute of this connection pool, enter MyPool1.
  6. In Monitored Attribute Name, enter the name of the attribute that you want to monitor.

    Note: To verify the values that you should enter in the Type, Name, and Attribute Name fields, use the weblogic.Admin GET command as described in "Using weblogic.Admin to Find the WebLogicObjectName" in the Programming WebLogic Management Services with JMX guide. The form of the command exemplified in this section returns the type, server instance, and attribute names for a given MBean interface.

  7. In the Polling Interval field, enter frequency in seconds at which you want the SNMP agent to apply this gauge monitor.
  8. To send a trap when the observed attribute value is equal to or greater than a specific value, enter the value in the High Threshold field.

    To send a trap when the observed attribute value is equal to or less than a specific value, enter the value in the Low Threshold field.

  9. Click Create.

    The new instance is added under the Gauge Monitors node in the left pane.

  10. Assign the monitor to one or more server instances, as described in "Assigning Servers for a Gauge Monitor."

Delete a Gauge Monitor

  1. Click the SNMP node.
  2. Click the Traps node.
  3. Click the Monitors node.
  4. Click the Gauge Monitor node.
  5. Click the Delete icon in the row of the gauge monitor you want to delete. A dialog displays in the right pane prompting you to confirm your deletion request.
  6. Click Yes to delete the gauge monitor. The gauge monitor icon under the Gauge Monitors node is deleted.
  7. Click continue.

Assigning Servers for a Gauge Monitor

  1. Click the SNMP node.
  2. Click the Traps node.
  3. Click the Monitors node.
  4. Click the Name of the gauge monitor you want to modify. A dialog displays in the right pane showing the tabs associated with configuring a gauge monitor.
  5. Click the Servers tab.
  6. To assign a server, select a server in the list of Available servers and click the right arrow to move the server to the Chosen list. You can select multiple servers by Shift-clicking or Ctrl-clicking servers in the list.
  7. To remove a server, select a server in the list of Chosen servers and click the left arrow to move the server to the Available list. You can select multiple servers by Shift-clicking or Ctrl-clicking servers in the list.
  8. Click Apply.
  9. Restart the Administration Server so that your changes can take effect.


Counter Monitor Tasks

Clone a Counter Monitor

  1. Click the SNMP node.
  2. Click the Traps node.
  3. Click the Monitors node.
  4. Click the Counter Monitor node.
  5. Click the Clone icon in the row of the counter monitor you want to clone. A dialog displays in the right pane showing the tab associated with cloning a counter monitor.
  6. Enter values in the attribute fields.
  7. Click Clone.
  8. Click the Servers tab.
  9. Verify selected servers. See Assigning Servers for a Counter Monitor.
  10. Restart the Administration Server so that your changes can take effect.

Create a Counter Monitor

A counter monitor observes MBean attribute values that are returned as an Integer object type. Before you can configure a counter monitor, you must determine which MBean contains the attribute that you want to observe. If you are unfamiliar with WebLogic Server Local Configuration MBeans, Administration MBeans, and Runtime MBeans, and how they are distributed throughout a WebLogic domain, refer to "WebLogic Server Managed Resources and MBeans" in the WebLogic SNMP Management Guide.

To create a counter monitor:

  1. In the left pane of the Administration Console, select SNMP—>Traps—>Monitors—>Counter Monitors.

    The SNMP Counter Monitor page displays. This page lists all the counter monitors that are configured for the domain.

  2. On the SNMP Counter Monitor page, select the Create a new Counter Monitor link.
  3. On the Counter Monitor page, enter a name for the monitor instance in the Name field. We recommend that you choose a name that indicates the resource that is being monitored.
  4. In Monitored MBean Type enter the type of the MBean instance that you want to monitor.

    All WebLogic Server MBeans are an instance of one of the interface classes defined in the or packages. For Configuration MBeans, type also refers to whether an instance is an Administration MBean or a Local Configuration MBean. For a complete list of all WebLogic Server MBean interface classes, refer to the WebLogic Server Javadoc for the or packages.

    To determine the value that you provide in the Monitored MBean Type field, do the following:

    1. Find the MBean's interface class and remove the MBean suffix from the class name. For example, for an MBean that is an instance of the, use JDBCConnectionPoolRuntime.
    2. For a Local Configuration MBean, append Config to the name. For example, for a Local Configuration MBean that is an instance of the interface class, use JDBCConnectionPoolConfig. For the corresponding Administration MBean instance, use JDBCConnectionPool.
  5. In Monitored MBean Name, enter the string that you provided when you created the associated resource. For example, when you create a JDBC connection pool, you must provide a name for that pool, such as MyPool1. To monitor an attribute of this connection pool, enter MyPool1.
  6. In Monitored Attribute Name, enter the name of the attribute that you want to monitor.

    Note: To verify the values that you should enter in the Type, Name, and Attribute Name fields, use the weblogic.Admin GET command as described in "Using weblogic.Admin to Find the WebLogicObjectName" in the Programming WebLogic Management Services with JMX guide. The form of the command exemplified in this section returns the type, server instance, and attribute names for a given MBean interface.

  7. In the Polling Interval field, enter frequency in seconds at which you want the SNMP agent to apply the counter monitor.
  8. Enter data in the remaining fields as described in the next section, "Typical Configurations for Counter Monitors."
  9. Click Create.

    The new instance is added under the Counter Monitors node in the left pane.

  10. Assign the monitor to one or more server instances, as described in "Assigning Servers for a Counter Monitor."

Typical Configurations for Counter Monitors

The following list describes how to achieve typical configurations of a Counter Monitor instance by entering data on the Counter Monitor page:

Delete a Counter Monitor

  1. Click the SNMP node.
  2. Click the Traps node.
  3. Click the Monitors node.
  4. Click the Counter Monitor node.
  5. Click the Delete icon in the row of the counter monitor you want to delete. A dialog displays in the right pane prompting you to confirm your deletion request.
  6. Click Yes to delete the counter monitor. The counter monitor icon under the Counter Monitors node is deleted.
  7. Click continue.
  8. Restart the Administration Server so that your changes can take effect.

Assigning Servers for a Counter Monitor

  1. Click the SNMP node.
  2. Click the Traps node.
  3. Click the Monitors node.
  4. Click the Name of the counter monitor you want to modify. A dialog displays in the right pane showing the tabs associated with configuring a counter monitor.
  5. Click the Servers tab.
  6. To assign a server, select a server in the list of Available servers and click the right arrow to move the server to the Chosen list. You can select multiple servers by Shift-clicking or Ctrl-clicking servers in the list.
  7. To remove a server, select a server in the list of Chosen servers and click the left arrow to move the server to the Available list. You can select multiple servers by Shift-clicking or Ctrl-clicking servers in the list.
  8. Click Apply.
  9. Restart the Administration Server so that your changes can take effect.


Log Filter Tasks

You can set up the WebLogic SNMP agent to listen for the log messages that a server instance broadcasts. When the agent receives a message, it generates an SNMP log notification trap.

Clone a Log Filter

  1. Click the SNMP node.
  2. Click the Traps node.
  3. Click the Log Filters node.
  4. Click the Clone icon in the row of the log filter you want to clone. A dialog displays in the right pane showing the tab associated with cloning a log filter.
  5. Enter values in the attribute fields.
  6. Click Clone.
  7. Restart the Administration Server so that your changes can take effect.

Create a Notification Log Filter

  1. In the left pane of the Administration Console, select SNMP—>Traps—>Log Filters.

    The SNMP Log Filter page displays. It lists all of the SNMP filters that you have created in the current domain.

  2. On the SNMP Log Filter page, click the Configure a new Log Filter link.
  3. On the Create a new SNMP Log Filter page, enter values in the fields.

    Use the Name field to specify the name of this log filter.

    The other fields correspond to fields within WebLogic Server log messages. Only messages that match the values you specify in these fields will be sent to the SNMP agent.

    For example, if you want the SNMP agent to receive only log messages from the Security Service, enter Security in the Subsystem Names field. For more information about message attributes, refer to Message Attributes.

  4. Assign the filter to the server instances from which you want to receive messages.

    The Enabled Servers, Available list contains all server instances that have been defined for the domain. Move the server instances from which you want to receive messages to the Chosen list.

  5. Click the Create button to create and register the log filter. The new log filter instance is added under the Log Filters node in the left pane.
  6. Restart the Administration Server so that your changes can take effect.

Delete a Log Filter

  1. Click the SNMP node.
  2. Click the Traps node.
  3. Click the Log Filters node.
  4. Click the Delete icon in the row of the log filter you want to delete. A dialog displays in the right pane prompting you to confirm your deletion request.
  5. Click Yes to delete the log filter. The log filters icon under the Log Filters node is deleted.
  6. Click continue.


Attribute Changes Tasks

WebLogic Server SNMP agents generate several types of trap notifications for SNMP managers. Attribute Change traps are generated when an attribute you select changes value. Use the following tasks to manage Attribute Changes:

Clone an Attribute Change

  1. Click the SNMP node.
  2. Click the Traps node.
  3. Click the Attribute Changes node.
  4. Click the Clone icon in the row of the attribute change you want to clone. A dialog displays in the right pane showing the tab associated with cloning an attribute change.
  5. Enter values in the attribute fields.
  6. Click Clone.
  7. Restart the Administration Server so that your changes can take effect.

Create an Attribute Change

The WebLogic SNMP agent can detect a change in any managed attribute and send a trap to the configured SNMP managers. Before you can configure the SNMP agent to detect attribute changes, you must determine which MBean contains the attribute that you want to observe. If you are unfamiliar with WebLogic Server Local Configuration MBeans, Administration MBeans, and Runtime MBeans, and how they are distributed throughout a WebLogic domain, refer to "WebLogic Server Managed Resources and MBeans" in the WebLogic SNMP Management Guide.

To detect changes in attributes:

  1. In the left pane of the Administration Console, select SNMP—>Traps—>Attribute Changes.

    The SNMP Attribute Change page displays. This page lists all the counter monitors that are configured for the domain.

  2. On the SNMP Attribute Change page, select the Configure a new Attribute Change link.
  3. On the Create a new SNMP Attribute Change page, enter a name for the attribute change instance in the Name field. We recommend that you choose a name that indicates the resource that is being monitored.
  4. In Attribute MBean Type enter the type of the MBean instance that you want to monitor.

    All WebLogic Server MBeans are an instance of one of the interface classes defined in the or packages. For Configuration MBeans, type also refers to whether an instance is an Administration MBean or a Local Configuration MBean. For a complete list of all WebLogic Server MBean interface classes, refer to the WebLogic Server Javadoc for the or packages.

    To determine the value that you provide in the Attribute MBean Type field, do the following:

    1. Find the MBean's interface class and remove the MBean suffix from the class name. For example, for an MBean that is an instance of the, use JDBCConnectionPoolRuntime.
    2. For a Local Configuration MBean, append Config to the name. For example, for a Local Configuration MBean that is an instance of the interface class, use JDBCConnectionPoolConfig. For the corresponding Administration MBean instance, use JDBCConnectionPool.
  5. In Attribute MBean Name, enter the string that you provided when you created the associated resource. For example, when you create a JDBC connection pool, you must provide a name for that pool, such as MyPool1. To detect changes in an attribute of this connection pool, enter MyPool1.
  6. In Attribute Name, enter the name of the attribute that you want to monitor.

    Note: To verify the values that you should enter in the Type, Name, and Attribute Name fields, use the weblogic.Admin GET command as described in "Using weblogic.Admin to Find the WebLogicObjectName" in the Programming WebLogic Management Services with JMX guide. The form of the command exemplified in this section returns the type, server instance, and attribute names for a given MBean interface.

  7. Next to Enabled Servers, the Available list contains all servers currently defined for the domain. Move the servers for which you want to detect attribute changes to the Chosen list.
  8. Click the Create button in the lower right corner to create an attribute change instance with the name you specified in the Name field. The new instance is added under the Attribute Changes node in the left pane.
  9. Restart the Administration Server so that your changes can take effect.

Delete an Attribute Change

  1. Click the SNMP node.
  2. Click the Traps node.
  3. Click the Attribute Changes node.
  4. Click the Delete icon in the row of the attribute change you want to delete. A dialog displays in the right pane prompting you to confirm your deletion request.
  5. Click Yes to delete the attribute change. The attribute change icon under the Attribute Changes node is deleted.
  6. Click continue.


Trap Destination Tasks

WebLogic Server uses Trap Destination to specify the SNMP management station and the community name used by the SNMP agent to send trap notifications. Use the following tasks to manage Trap Destinations:

Clone a Trap Destination

  1. Click the SNMP node.
  2. Click the Trap Destinations node.
  3. Click the Clone icon in the row of the trap destination you want to clone. A dialog displays in the right pane showing the tab associated with cloning a trap destinations.
  4. Enter values in the attribute fields.
  5. Click Clone.
  6. Restart the Administration Server so that your changes can take effect.

Create a Trap Destination

  1. Click the SNMP node.
  2. Click the Trap Destinations node.
  3. Click the Configure a new SNMP Trap Destination text link. A dialog displays in the right pane showing the tab associated with configuring a trap destination.
  4. Enter values in the attribute fields.
  5. Click the Create button in the lower right corner to create a trap destination instance with the name you specified in the Name field. The new instance is added under the Trap Destinations node in the left pane.
  6. Restart the Administration Server so that your changes can take effect.

Delete a Trap Destination

  1. Click the SNMP node.
  2. Click the Trap Destinations node.
  3. Click the Delete icon in the row of the trap destination you want to delete. A dialog displays in the right pane prompting you to confirm your deletion request.
  4. Click Yes to delete the trap destination. The trap destination icon under the Trap Destination node is deleted.
  5. Click continue.


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