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Programming WebLogic Web Services

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Overview of WebLogic Web Services

What Are Web Services?

Why Use Web Services?

Web Service Standards


WSDL 1.1


UDDI 2.0

WebLogic Web Service Features

Examples Of Creating and Invoking a Web Service

Creating WebLogic Web Services: Main Steps

Unsupported Features

Editing XML Files

Architectural Overview

WebLogic Web Services Architecture

Backend Component-Only Operation

Backend Component and SOAP Message Handler Chain Operation

SOAP Message Handler Chain-Only Operation

Creating a WebLogic Web Service: A Simple Example

Description of the Example

Example of Creating a WebLogic Web Service: Main Steps

Writing the Java Code for the EJB

Writing the Java Code for the Non-Built-In Data Type

Creating EJB Deployment Descriptors

Assembling the EJB

Creating the build.xml Ant Build File

Designing WebLogic Web Services

Choosing Between Synchronous or Asynchronous Operations

Choosing the Backend Components of Your Web Service

EJB Backend Component

Java Class Backend Component

RPC-Oriented or Document-Oriented Web Services?

Data Types

Using SOAP Message Handlers to Intercept the SOAP Message

Stateful WebLogic Web Service

Implementing WebLogic Web Services

Overview of Implementing a WebLogic Web Service

Implementing a WebLogic Web Service: Main Steps

Writing the Java Code for the Components

Implementing a Web Service By Writing a Stateless Session EJB

Implementing a Web Service By Writing a Java Class

Implementing Non-Built-In Data Types

Implementing a Document-Oriented Web Service

Generating a Partial Implementation From a WSDL File

Running the wsdl2Service Ant Task

Sample build.xml Files for the wsdl2Service Ant Task

Implementing Multiple Return Values

Using Holder Classes to Implement Multiple Return Values

Throwing SOAP Fault Exceptions

Using Built-In Data Types

XML Schema-to-Java Mapping for Built-In Data Types

Java-to-XML Mapping for Built-In Data Types

Assembling WebLogic Web Services Using Ant Tasks

Overview of Assembling WebLogic Web Services Using Ant Tasks

Assembling WebLogic Web Services Using the servicegen Ant task

What the servicegen Ant Task Does

Assembling WebLogic Web Services Automatically: Main Steps

Running the servicegen Ant Task

Assembling WebLogic Web Services Using Other Ant Tasks

Running the source2wsdd Ant Task

Sample build.xml Files for the source2wsdd Ant Task

Running the autotype Ant Task

Sample build.xml Files for the Autotype Ant Task

Running the clientgen Ant Task

Sample build.xml Files for the clientgen Ant Task

Running the wspackage Ant task

Sample build.xml Files for the wspackage Ant Task

The Web Service EAR File Package

Non-Built-In Data Types Supported by servicegen and autotype Ant Tasks

Supported XML Non-Built-In Data Types

Supported Java Non-Built-In Data Types

Non-Roundtripping of Generated Data Type Components

Deploying WebLogic Web Services

Assembling a WebLogic Web Service Manually

Overview of Assembling a WebLogic Web Service Manually

Assembling a WebLogic Web Service Manually: Main Steps

Overview of the web-services.xml File

Creating the web-services.xml File Manually: Main Steps

Creating the <components> Element

Creating <operation> Elements

Specifying the Type of Operation

Specifying the Parameters and Return Value of the Operation

Sample web-services.xml Files

EJB Component Web Service With Built-In Data Types

EJB Component Web Service With Non-Built-In Data Types

EJB Component and SOAP Message Handler Chain Web Service

SOAP Message Handler Chain-Only Web Service

Invoking Web Services

Overview of Invoking Web Services


Examples of Clients That Invoke Web Services

Creating Java Client Applications to Invoke Web Services: Main Steps

Getting the Java Client JAR Files

Running the clientgen Ant Task

Sample build.xml File for the clientgen Ant Task

Writing Static and Dynamic Java Client Applications

Getting Information about a Web Service

Maintaining the HTTP Session

Handling Web Services That Crash

Writing a Simple Static Client

Writing a Dynamic Client That Uses WSDL

Writing a Dynamic Client That Does Not Use WSDL

Writing a Client that Uses Out or In-Out Parameters

Writing an Asynchronous Client

Description of the Generated Asynchronous Web Service Client Stub

Writing the Asynchronous Client Java Code

Writing a J2ME Client

Writing a J2ME Client that Uses SSL

Creating and Using Portable Stubs

Using the VersionMaker Utility

The WebLogic Web Services Home Page and WSDL URLs

Debugging Errors While Invoking Web Services

WebLogic Web Services System Properties

Using JMS Transport to Invoke a WebLogic Web Service

Overview of Using JMS Transport

Specifying JMS Tranport for a WebLogic Web Service: Main Steps

Updating the web-services.xml File

Invoking a Web Service Using JMS Transport

Using Reliable Messaging

Overview of Reliable Messaging

Terminology and Architecture


Using Reliable Messaging: Main Steps

Configuring the Sender WebLogic Server

Configuring the Receiver WebLogic Server

Writing the Java Code to Invoke an Operation Reliably

Updating the web-services.xml File Manually for Reliable Messaging

Using Non-Built-In Data Types

Overview of Using Non-Built-In Data Types

Creating Non-Built-In Data Types Manually: Main Steps

Writing the XML Schema Data Type Representation

Writing the Java Data Type Representation

Writing the Serialization Class

Creating the Data Type Mapping File

Updating the web-services.xml File With XML Schema Information

Creating SOAP Message Handlers to Intercept the SOAP Message

Overview of SOAP Message Handlers and Handler Chains

Creating SOAP Message Handlers: Main Steps

Designing the SOAP Message Handlers and Handler Chains

Implementing the Handler Interface

Implementing the Handler.init() Method

Implementing the Handler.destroy() Method

Implementing the Handler.getHeaders() Method

Implementing the Handler.handleRequest() Method

Implementing the Handler.handleResponse() Method

Implementing the Handler.handleFault() Method

The javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage Object

The SOAPPart Object

The AttachmentPart Object

Extending the GenericHandler Abstract Class

Updating the web-services.xml File with SOAP Message Handler Information

Configuring Security

Overview of Configuring Security

Configuring WebLogic Web Service Data Security

Configuring WebLogic Web Service Connection Security

Configuring Data Security (Digital Signatures and Encryption): Main Steps

Configuring Standard WebLogic Server Security Features With the Administration Console

Updating the servicegen build.xml File

Updating Security Information in the web-services.xml File

Updating a Java Client to Invoke a Data-Secured Web Service

Writing the Java Code

Running the Client Application

Configuring Connection Security: Main Steps

Controlling Access to WebLogic Web Services

Securing the Web Service Using the Adminstration Console

Securing Web Service URL

Securing the Stateless Session EJB and Its Methods

Specifying the HTTPS Protocol

Configuring SSL for WebLogic Server

Coding a Client Application to Invoke a Secure Web Service

Configuring SSL for a Client Application

Using the WebLogic Server-Provided SSL Implementation

Using a Third-Party SSL Implementation

Extending the SSLAdapterFactory Class

Using a Proxy Server

Using SOAP 1.2

Overview of Using SOAP 1.2

Specifying SOAP 1.2 for a WebLogic Web Service: Main Steps

Updating the web-services.xml File Manually

Invoking a Web Service Using SOAP 1.2

Creating JMS-Implemented WebLogic Web Services

Overview of JMS-Implemented WebLogic Web Services

Designing JMS-Implemented WebLogic Web Services

Choosing a Queue or Topic

Retrieving and Processing Messages

Example of Using JMS Components

Implementing JMS-Implemented WebLogic Web Services

Configuring JMS Components for Message-Style Web Services

Assembling JMS-Implemented WebLogic Web Services Automatically

Running the servicegen Ant Task

Assembling JMS-Implemented WebLogic Web Services Manually

Packaging the JMS Message Consumers and Producers

Updating the web-services.xml File With Component Information

Sample web-services.xml File for JMS Component Web Service

Deploying JMS-Implemented WebLogic Web Services

Invoking JMS-Implemented WebLogic Web Services

Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service Operation to Send Data

Invoking a Synchronous Web Service Operation to Send Data

Administering WebLogic Web Services

Overview of Administering WebLogic Web Services

Using the Administration Console to Administer Web Services

Publishing and Finding Web Services Using UDDI

Overview of Publishing and Finding Web Services

The UDDI 2.0 Server

Invoking the UDDI Directory Explorer

Using the UDDI Client API


Overview of Interoperability

Avoid Using Vendor-Specific Extensions

Stay Current With the Latest Interoperability Tests

Understand the Data Models of Your Applications

Understand the Interoperability of Various Data Types

Results of SOAPBuilders Interoperability Lab Round 3 Tests

Upgrading WebLogic Web Services

Upgrading a 7.0 WebLogic Web Service to 8.1

Upgrading a 6.1 WebLogic Web Service to 8.1

Converting a 6.1 build.xml file to 8.1

Updating the URL Used to Access the Web Service

WebLogic Web Service Deployment Descriptor Elements

Graphical Representation

Element Reference






































Web Service Ant Tasks and Command-Line Utilities

Overview of WebLogic Web Services Ant Tasks and Command-Line Utilities

List of Web Services Ant Tasks and Command-Line Utilities

Using the Web Services Ant Tasks

Setting the Classpath for the WebLogic Ant Tasks

Using the Web Services Command-Line Utilities














Customizing WebLogic Web Services

Publishing a Static WSDL File

Creating a Custom WebLogic Web Service Home Page

Changing the Default Endpoint of a WebLogic Web Service

Specifications Supported by WebLogic Web Services


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