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Web Service: Overview

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A Web Service is a set of functions packaged into a single entity that is available to other systems on a network. It is implemented using a JWS file, which is a Java class that uses JWS metadata annotations to specify the shape and behavior of the Web Service.

This page displays the general configuration of a deployed Web Service, such as the name that appears in the Deployments table of the Administration Console, the name of the WAR or JAR file in which it is packaged, and name that appears in the WSDL that describes the Web Service.

Depending on the specific features that a Web Service implements, it is packaged as either a WAR or an EJB JAR file. Typically, the Web Service archive is packaged and deployed inside of an Enterprise Application EAR file, although the Web Service can also be deployed standalone.

The Web Service contains additional artifacts so that it can be invoked using SOAP: Web Service-specific deployment descriptors, a WSDL file (public contract of the Web Service) and data binding components to convert data between its internal Java representation and its external XML representation used in the request and response SOAP messages.

Configuration Options

Name Description
Deployment Name

The name of the Web Service as it appears in the Deployments table.

Module Name

The name of the Web Service archive file, either a WAR file or EJB JAR file depending on the Web Service features it implements.

Service Name

The name of this Web Service. This name appears in the WSDL file that defines the public contract of this Web Service.

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