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Extending the Administration Console

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Introduction and Roadmap

The BEA WebLogic Server® Administration Console is a browser-based graphical user interface that you use to manage a WebLogic Server domain. Because it uses the WebLogic Portal® framework to render its user interface, the process of extending the Administration Console is similar to creating or editing an existing WebLogic Portal application.

Administration Console extensions enable you to add content to the WebLogic Server Administration Console, replace content, and change the logos, styles and colors without modifying the files that are installed with WebLogic Server. For example, you can add a portlet that provides custom monitoring and management facilities for your applications.

The following sections describe the contents and organization of this guide—Extending the Administration Console.


Document Scope and Audience

This document is a resource for software vendors who embed (and rebrand) WebLogic Server in their products, software vendors who develop security providers or other resources that extend the functionality of WebLogic Server, and J2EE application developers who want to provide custom monitoring and configuration features for their applications.

It is assumed that the reader is already familiar with using Java, JavaServer Pages, and Apache Struts to develop J2EE Web applications. This document emphasizes a hands-on approach to developing a limited but useful Administration Console extension. For information on applying Administration Console extensions to a broader set of management problems, refer to documents listed in Related Documentation.


Guide to this Document


Related Documentation

This section provides links to documentation that describes the technologies used by the Administration Console. The more you understand these technologies, the more complex extensions you can create.

For information on the WebLogic Portal framework, see:

For information on Apache Struts, see The Apache Struts Web Application Framework at

For information on JavaServer Pages, see JavaServer Pages Technology at

For information on Apache Beehive Page Flows, see Page Flows: Getting Started at


New and Changed Console-Extension Features in This Release

The WebLogic Server Administration Console has been completely re-designed in this release. Prior to 9.0, the Administration Console used JSPs and its own framework to render its user interface; it did not use the WebLogic Portal framework, Apache Struts, or Apache Beehive.

Because the new architecture is so different, WebLogic Administration Console extensions built for prior releases of WebLogic Server will not function in 9.0. While you might be able to re-use the content and some of the logic in the JSPs that you created in previous Administration Console extensions, BEA no longer supports the APIs or JSP tag libraries that it provided for extensions prior to 9.0. In addition, you must now define portlets as the container for your JSPs.

If you added a node to the Administration Console navigation tree in a previous release, see Add Nodes to the Domain Structure Portlet (Optional) for information on how to do so in 9.0.

If you localized the text in your Administration Console extension prior to this release, see Create and Use a Message Bundle for information on how to do so in 9.0.


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