BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 API Reference

Class CachingParserPool

  extended byweblogic.apache.xerces.parsers.CachingParserPool

Deprecated. please use JDK supplied XML parsers and transformers

public class CachingParserPool
extends Object

A parser pool that enables caching of grammars. The caching parser pool is constructed with a specific symbol table and grammar pool that has already been populated with the grammars used by the application.

Once the caching parser pool is constructed, specific parser instances are created by calling the appropriate factory method on the parser pool.

Note: There is a performance penalty for using a caching parser pool due to thread safety. Access to the symbol table and grammar pool must be synchronized to ensure the safe operation of the symbol table and grammar pool.

Note: If performance is critical, then another mechanism needs to be used instead of the caching parser pool. One approach would be to create parser instances that do not share these structures. Instead, each instance would get its own copy to use while parsing. This avoids the synchronization overhead at the expense of more memory and the time required to copy the structures for each new parser instance. And even when a parser instance is re-used, there is a potential for a memory leak due to new symbols being added to the symbol table over time. In other words, always take caution to make sure that your application is thread-safe and avoids leaking memory.

Nested Class Summary
static class CachingParserPool.ShadowedGrammarPool
          Deprecated. Shadowed grammar pool.
static class CachingParserPool.SynchronizedGrammarPool
          Deprecated. Synchronized grammar pool.
Field Summary
          Deprecated. Default shadow grammar pool (false).
          Deprecated. Default shadow symbol table (false).
protected  boolean fShadowGrammarPool
          Deprecated. Shadow the grammar pool for new parser instances.
protected  boolean fShadowSymbolTable
          Deprecated. Shadow the symbol table for new parser instances.
protected  XMLGrammarPool fSynchronizedGrammarPool
          Deprecated. Grammar pool.
protected  SymbolTable fSynchronizedSymbolTable
          Deprecated. Symbol table.
Constructor Summary
          Deprecated. Default constructor.
CachingParserPool(SymbolTable symbolTable, XMLGrammarPool grammarPool)
          Deprecated. Constructs a caching parser pool with the specified symbol table and grammar pool.
Method Summary
 DOMParser createDOMParser()
          Deprecated. Creates a new DOM parser.
 SAXParser createSAXParser()
          Deprecated. Creates a new SAX parser.
 SymbolTable getSymbolTable()
          Deprecated. Returns the symbol table.
 XMLGrammarPool getXMLGrammarPool()
          Deprecated. Returns the grammar pool.
 void setShadowSymbolTable(boolean shadow)
          Deprecated. Sets whether new parser instance receive shadow copies of the main symbol table.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final boolean DEFAULT_SHADOW_GRAMMAR_POOL
Default shadow grammar pool (false).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final boolean DEFAULT_SHADOW_SYMBOL_TABLE
Default shadow symbol table (false).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected boolean fShadowGrammarPool
Shadow the grammar pool for new parser instances. If true, new parser instances use shadow copies of the main grammar pool and are not allowed to add new grammars to the main grammar pool. New grammars are added to the shadow grammar pool and are local to the parser instance.


protected boolean fShadowSymbolTable
Shadow the symbol table for new parser instances. If true, new parser instances use shadow copies of the main symbol table and are not allowed to add new symbols to the main symbol table. New symbols are added to the shadow symbol table and are local to the parser instance.


protected XMLGrammarPool fSynchronizedGrammarPool
Grammar pool. The grammar pool that the caching parser pool is constructed with is automatically wrapped in a synchronized version for thread-safety.


protected SymbolTable fSynchronizedSymbolTable
Symbol table. The symbol table that the caching parser pool is constructed with is automatically wrapped in a synchronized version for thread-safety.

Constructor Detail


public CachingParserPool()
Default constructor.


public CachingParserPool(SymbolTable symbolTable,
                         XMLGrammarPool grammarPool)
Constructs a caching parser pool with the specified symbol table and grammar pool.

Method Detail


public DOMParser createDOMParser()
Creates a new DOM parser.


public SAXParser createSAXParser()
Creates a new SAX parser.


public SymbolTable getSymbolTable()
Returns the symbol table.


public XMLGrammarPool getXMLGrammarPool()
Returns the grammar pool.


public void setShadowSymbolTable(boolean shadow)
Sets whether new parser instance receive shadow copies of the main symbol table.

shadow - If true, new parser instances use shadow copies of the main symbol table and are not allowed to add new symbols to the main symbol table. New symbols are added to the shadow symbol table and are local to the parser instance. If false, new parser instances are allowed to add new symbols to the main symbol table.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.