BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use SAMLNameMapperInfo   

Uses of SAMLNameMapperInfo in

Methods in that return SAMLNameMapperInfo
 SAMLNameMapperInfo SAMLNameMapperImpl.mapSubject(Subject subject, ContextHandler handler)
          Map a Subject and return mapped user and group info as a SAMLNameMapperInfo object.
 SAMLNameMapperInfo SAMLNameMapperImpl.mapName(String name, ContextHandler handler)
          Map a String subject name and return mapped user and group info as a SAMLNameMapperInfo object.
 SAMLNameMapperInfo SAMLCredentialNameMapper.mapSubject(Subject subject, ContextHandler handler)
          Maps a Subject to a set of values used to construct a SAML NameIdentifier element for a SAML assertion.
 SAMLNameMapperInfo SAMLCredentialNameMapper.mapName(String name, ContextHandler handler)
          Maps a String name to a set of values used to construct a SAML NameIdentifier element for a SAML assertion.

Methods in with parameters of type SAMLNameMapperInfo
 String SAMLNameMapperImpl.mapNameInfo(SAMLNameMapperInfo info, ContextHandler handler)
          Maps a SAMLNameMapperInfo to a String user name.
 Collection SAMLNameMapperImpl.mapGroupInfo(SAMLNameMapperInfo info, ContextHandler handler)
          Maps a SAMLNameMapperInfo to a Collection of groups.
 String SAMLIdentityAssertionNameMapper.mapNameInfo(SAMLNameMapperInfo info, ContextHandler handler)
          Maps a SAMLNameMapperInfo to a user name and a Collection of group names.
 Collection SAMLIdentityAssertionNameMapper.mapGroupInfo(SAMLNameMapperInfo info, ContextHandler handler)
          Maps a SAMLNameMapperInfo to a user name and a Collection of group names.

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