BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 API Reference
Class JDBCResource

All Implemented Interfaces:
Resource, SelfDescribingResource, SelfDescribingResourceV2, Serializable

public final class JDBCResource
extends ResourceBase

The JDBCResource class is used by a container to specify the JDBC resource (and method related to the resource) that a caller is attempting to access.

The toString format (which is produced by the ResourceBase class) for a JDBC resource deployed with an application where the module name is specified in the weblogic-application.xml descriptor is:
type=<jdbc>, application=myApp, module=myModule, category=ConnectionPool, resource=myPool, action=admin

The toString format for a JDBC system resource is:
type=<jdbc>, application=mySystemResource, module=, category=ConnectionPool, resource=myPool, action=admin

The toString format for a legacy JDBC system resource is:
type=<jdbc>, application=, module=, category=ConnectionPool, resource=myPool, action=admin

See Also:
Serialized Form
Copyright © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
id, length, NO_PARENT, parent, resStr, SCOPE_RESOURCE_ACTION, values
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
JDBCResource(String application, String module, String category, String resource, String action)
          Constructs a new JDBCResource with a target name composed from the application, module, category, resource, and action parameters.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object obj)
          Compares this resource to the resource in the specified object.
 String getActionName()
          Gets the name of the action being requested on the JDBCResource.
 String getApplicationName()
          Gets the name of the application associated with this JDBCResource.
 String[] getKeys()
          Gets keys for the JDBCResource.
 String getModuleName()
          Gets the name of the JDBCResource module.
 int getRepeatingFieldIndex()
          getRepeatingFieldIndex returns an index into the array returned by getKeys() that signifies what part of the Resource's fields repeat as the hierarchy is traversed.
 int getRepeatingFieldTerminatingIndex()
          The field returned by getRepeatingFieldIndex is repeated as the Resource is shortened up to and including this field index.
 String getResourceName()
          Gets the name of the JDBCResource.
 String getResourceType()
          Gets the category of the JDBCResource.
 String getType()
          Gets the type of this resource (JDBCResource).
 void initialize(String application, String module, String category, String resource, String action)
          Deprecated. As of 04/01/02, the constructor should be used instead.

protected  Resource makeParent()
          Gets a Resource object that represents the parent of the current JDBCResource.
protected  void writeResourceString(StringBuffer buf)
          Writes a string representation of the resource to buffer.
Methods inherited from class
appendArrayValue, appendValue, getFieldType, getID, getParentResource, getValues, hashCode, init, init, isTransitiveField, reset, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JDBCResource(String application,
                    String module,
                    String category,
                    String resource,
                    String action)
Constructs a new JDBCResource with a target name composed from the application, module, category, resource, and action parameters.

Method Detail


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Compares this resource to the resource in the specified object.

Specified by:
equals in interface Resource
equals in class ResourceBase
obj - the other resource with which to compare this resource.

TRUE if the resource passed in matches this resource, and FALSE otherwise.

See Also:


public String getActionName()
Gets the name of the action being requested on the JDBCResource.

the action being requested on the JDBCResource, represented as a String


public String getApplicationName()
Gets the name of the application associated with this JDBCResource.

the name of the application associated with this JDBCResource, represented as a String.


public String[] getKeys()
Gets keys for the JDBCResource.

Specified by:
getKeys in interface Resource
Specified by:
getKeys in class ResourceBase
an array of Strings containing the JDBCResource's keys.


public String getModuleName()
Gets the name of the JDBCResource module.

the name of the JDBCResource module, represented as a String.


public int getRepeatingFieldIndex()
Description copied from interface: SelfDescribingResource
getRepeatingFieldIndex returns an index into the array returned by getKeys() that signifies what part of the Resource's fields repeat as the hierarchy is traversed. For example, in the URLResource, the httpMethod is repeated as the hierarchy is walked. A value of -1 indicates that there are no repeating fields.

Specified by:
getRepeatingFieldIndex in interface SelfDescribingResource
getRepeatingFieldIndex in class ResourceBase


public int getRepeatingFieldTerminatingIndex()
Description copied from interface: SelfDescribingResource
The field returned by getRepeatingFieldIndex is repeated as the Resource is shortened up to and including this field index. After this field index the repetition is no longer applied.

Specified by:
getRepeatingFieldTerminatingIndex in interface SelfDescribingResource
getRepeatingFieldTerminatingIndex in class ResourceBase


public String getResourceName()
Gets the name of the JDBCResource.

the name of the JDBCResource, represented as a Strong


public String getResourceType()
Gets the category of the JDBCResource.

the category of the JDBCResource, represented as a String.


public String getType()
Gets the type of this resource (JDBCResource).

the type of this resource, represented as a String.


public void initialize(String application,
                       String module,
                       String category,
                       String resource,
                       String action)
Deprecated. As of 04/01/02, the constructor should be used instead.

Replaces application, module, category, resource, and action parameters of the resource with the specified values.


protected Resource makeParent()
Gets a Resource object that represents the parent of the current JDBCResource. If the resource does not have a parent, the value of null must be returned.

The parentage hierarchy for a system JDBCResource is:

type=<jdbc>, application=mySystemResource, module=, resourceType=ConnectionPool, resource=myPool, action=admin
type=<jdbc>, application=mySystemResource, module=, resourceType=ConnectionPool, resource=myPool
type=<jdbc>, application=mySystemResource, module=, resourceType=ConnectionPool, action=admin
type=<jdbc>, application=mySystemResource, module=, resourceType=ConnectionPool
type=<jdbc>, application=mySystemResource, action=admin
type=<jdbc>, application=mySystemResource
type=<app>, application=mySystemResource
type=<jdbc>, action=admin

makeParent in class ResourceBase
the Resource object of the parent resource.


protected void writeResourceString(StringBuffer buf)
Writes a string representation of the resource to buffer.

Each type of resource is first printed in angled brackets. Then, each key is printed, in order, along with it's value. The keys are comma-separated. Values that are lists are comma-separated and delineated by open and close curly braces. Each value is printed as is, except that commas (,), open braces ({), close braces (}), and back slashes (\) are each escaped with a backslash.

Note: Because this method produces a result based on the concatenation of strings, it may be expensive in terms of performance.

writeResourceString in class ResourceBase
buf - buffer to write to.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.