BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 API Reference
Class TypedString

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, TypedBuffer

public final class TypedString
extends StandardTypes
implements TypedBuffer, Serializable

This is the jatmi analogue to the STRING Tuxedo buffer type

See Also:
StandardTypes, TypedBuffer, Serialized Form
Copyright © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Constructor Summary
          Generates a StringBuffer with the default capacity of 16
TypedString(int capacity)
          Creates an empty StringBuffer that has the initial capacity given
TypedString(String str)
Method Summary
 void _tmpostrecv(DataInputStream decoder, int recv_size)
          XDR decodes the given string.
 void _tmpresend(DataOutputStream encoder)
          This function presends and encodes the given TypedBuffer object.
 StringBuffer getStringBuffer()
          Gets the StringBuffer associated with this object.
 String toString()
          Returns a copy of this object as a String
Methods inherited from class
getHintIndex, getSubtype, getType, hint_to_type
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
getHintIndex, getSubtype, getType

Constructor Detail


public TypedString()
Generates a StringBuffer with the default capacity of 16


public TypedString(int capacity)
Creates an empty StringBuffer that has the initial capacity given


public TypedString(String str)
Constructor. Initializes object with a copy of the input string

Method Detail


public void _tmpostrecv(DataInputStream decoder,
                        int recv_size)
                 throws TPException,
XDR decodes the given string. XDR encoding of a string is four length bytes (not including any NULL byte at the end) followed by the string itself (low 32 bits of the unicode characters). It is padded out to make the total length a multiple of four.

Specified by:
_tmpostrecv in interface TypedBuffer
decoder - A stream that starts with the encoded data for this buffer type. Only recv_size bytes should be read from the stream (though at the time this function is called all bytes necessary to decode this type should be available)
recv_size - The total size of encoded data from the start position (note that encoded may be larger than the actual recieved size)
TPException - TPEINVAL if this stream could not be decoded for any reason
IOException - if there was an error reading from the stream


public void _tmpresend(DataOutputStream encoder)
                throws TPException,
This function presends and encodes the given TypedBuffer object. It is equivalent to the combination of _tmpresend and _tmencdec functions from the buffer(3i) TUXEDO manual page.

XDR encodes the given string. XDR encoding of a string is four length bytes (not including any NULL byte at the end) followed by the string itself (low 32 bits of the unicode characters). It is padded out to make the total length a multiple of four.

Specified by:
_tmpresend in interface TypedBuffer
encoder - The output stream to encode this type to. Should not be padded.
TPException -
  • TPEINVAL - If there was some problem with the state of the TypedBuffer.
  • Any other errno is considered a fatal error
IOException - If there was an error writing to the DataOutputStream


public StringBuffer getStringBuffer()
Gets the StringBuffer associated with this object. Note that the object returned is the same object store used by this object, so care should be taken when updating the object returned while this TypedString is used in another thread. Use the toString method on this object to return this object as a String.

The StringBuffer associated with this TypedString


public String toString()
Returns a copy of this object as a String

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.