BEA Systems, Inc.
Interface RunAs

All Superinterfaces:

public interface RunAs
extends Annotation

Defines the identity the Web Service assumes during execution. Normally a Web Service assumes the identity of the authenticated caller. This annotation allows the developer to override this behavior so that the Web Service instead executes as a particular role. The role must map to user/group information in the container’s security realm. Copyright (c) 2005 by BEA Systems. All Rights Reserved.

Method Summary
 String mapToPrincipal()
          maps the runAs role in the to the name of security principal
 String role()
          A Web Service that includes this member-value assumes the permission-level of the role specified and may access other resources accordingly.
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.annotation.Annotation
annotationType, equals, hashCode, toString

Method Detail


String role()
A Web Service that includes this member-value assumes the permission-level of the role specified and may access other resources accordingly.


String mapToPrincipal()
maps the runAs role in the to the name of security principal

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.