BEA NetUI tags and APIs are included for backward compatibility only. For new applications, use the Beehive tags and APIs.

Uses of Class

Packages that use GridStyleContext

Uses of GridStyleContext in com.bea.wlw.netui.tags.databinding.grid

Methods in com.bea.wlw.netui.tags.databinding.grid that return GridStyleContext
 GridStyleContext GridContext.getGridStyle()
          Get a JavaBean that contains the style information for the grid.

Methods in com.bea.wlw.netui.tags.databinding.grid with parameters of type GridStyleContext
 void GridContext.setGridStyle(GridStyleContext gridStyleContext)
          Set a GridStyleContext JavaBean that contains style information for the grid.
 void Grid.setGridStyle(GridStyleContext gridStyle)
          Set the GridStyleContext that encapsulates the style information for a Grid tag.

BEA NetUI tags and APIs are included for backward compatibility only. For new applications, use the Beehive tags and APIs.