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BEA Workshop for JSP 3.3

BEA Workshop for JSP 3.3 is a synchronized, split-pane source and visual (WYSIWYG) editor for Java Server Pages (JSP). It now includes AppXRay and multiplatform debugging support, smart editors for property editing, full JSTL and JSP Expression Language support, and a variables view.  Workshop for JSP provides a complete development and iterative testing environment that works on all of the most popular application servers, so you can develop your JSPs and test them interactively.

Workshop for JSP 3.3 is integrated into BEA Workshop for Struts 3.3, BEA Workshop for JSF 3.3, and BEA Workshop Studio 3.3 and is available as a free download.

Getting Started

Useful information on getting started with Workshop for JSP 3.3:


Useful links to supporting documentation: